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Actividades de Halloween y curiosidades sobre sus orígenes (en inglés y español)

Esta clase de un día se centra en Halloween, cómo se celebra en los Estados Unidos y sus orígenes. Los estudiantes también aprenderán a decir Halloween y a relacionar los nombres de algunas actividades de celebración mencionadas, en español.
Ms. Melba
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
55 minutos horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

Lesson Presentation:
Disclaimer:  [This class is not intended to be a formal Spanish language class, but instead, an opportunity to experience the language without needing to be skilled at speaking.  This is a test mode to determine if there is an interest, or for students that may desire to communicate with other people they know, to broaden their horizons using the Spanish language.]

This lesson opens the ideas of the far past, near past, present, and future in our constantly changing world.  It is a reminder that life didn't start when we were born, it has existed a very long time, and the needs that came up in the past opened the door to be creative and become an innovative thinker.  It's never to early to inspire!

Introduction of Theme:  The theme covered in this lesson is Halloween's origin, and other trivia centered around its history.
1.  Students will begin with a discussion in English about what they know about Halloween's existence. (5-10 minutes)
2.  Students will then listen to a History Channel "trivia video" (see link below, under Materials)  about the history of its beginning, and the circumstances that existed before, during, and after its official naming.
3.  During the story video presentation, we will pause to allow students to make notes of things (e.g. other celebration names, and countries) that they may want to discuss later after the video. (https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/halloween-around-the-world, 2:15 mins + add'l. 5 min.)
4.  We will then concentrate on creating a conversation adding the following words to our conversation script:  Halloween - Vispera de Todos los Santos (Eve of the Saints or All Hallows Even-ing), ghosts- los fantasmas (phantom), apples - la manzanas,  All Saints Day - Dia de Todos los Santos, some activities - algunos actividades:  eating - comiendo, trick or treat - truco o trato, costume - la disfraz, and entertainment - la diversion 
5.  Using a white board, I will write and spell (allowing for auditory and visual clarification) the names on the board, and have students check the examples against their own written words. (20 minutes)
6.  Using our conversation guide, students will begin practicing repeating the words after me;
I will say the word:  1) one at a time, then 2) one person to the teacher,   3) finally, one person to the class at a time.  This will be repeated by each student.
Metas de aprendizaje
1.  Become exposed to or learn historical facts and information about Halloween celebrations that has contributed to the experiences of our lives today.
2.  Learn 3 - 5 words translated from English to Spanish for "interest sake".
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
**If your child might be sensitive to any of the following, you may want to prepare them in advanced. There will be a short video (2:15 min) that will show "cartoonish" characters in traditional costumes with a "real (looking) black cat."
Lista de útiles escolares
All printed learning materials will be available to upload from the Welcome Post below For Enrolled Learners.
 4 archivos disponibles al momento de la inscripción
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
Se unió el December, 2019
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
California Certificado de Docencia
Licenciatura en Psicología desde University of California, Los Angeles
As an educator, I taught as part of the Academic English Mastery Program(AEMP) teaching Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy, I served as the English Language Development (ELD) 4th Grade Coordinator, which required instruction to students that spoke Spanish as their primary language at home .  I am familiar with the language structure of both English and Spanish with more than 15 years of instruction to students with Spanish as their primary home language. I perform at ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines at the intermediate level.  I am qualified to teach emerging students 1-3 Spanish words daily, and basic conversational statements and questions, assisting learners in both languages as needed. The practical application of "focusing on picture representations", and building understanding of "the function of items seen" in the picture creates meaning that will be integrated across the language and subject matter. 


Clase única en vivo

12 US$

por clase
Se reúne una vez
55 min

Completado por 2 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 7-9
3-6 alumnos por clase

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