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Grandes y terribles líderes: versión corta

Al estudiar a los líderes históricos globales a lo largo del tiempo, esta clase tiene como objetivo que los estudiantes reflexionen sobre lo que significa el liderazgo y qué rasgos o características son necesarios para ser verdaderamente un gran líder.
Kirsten Bowman JD
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Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
4 horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

What makes a good or bad leader?  This course will be a mix of geography, law and government, culture and history.  We will be looking at all these areas through the focused lens of leadership, with issues of social justice being discussed throughout.  There will be some readings to do before each class (not very long), we will have discussions and debates during class as well as learning some new content through games, video clips and brainstorming.  There will also be  the opportunity to write and engage in some projects together.  

The first class will introduce the concepts and focus on leadership qualities.  A comparison study of different leaders will be engaged and debated in class.  

The second class will focus on social justice in leadership as we begin to look at leaders and the law.  Hammurabi who developed the first code of law will be briefly touched on.  Abraham Lincoln and his use of the law to advance his leadership will be studied.  A quick overview of non-violent leadership will be provided, with Gandhi and MLK as a focus (Malcolm X will also be studied here).  

The third class will focus on leaders .  Chief Joseph and Wangari Matthai will be focused on during the first half of class, a comparison of their leadership styles and the outcomes they were able to achieve.  The second half of class we will look at the Farmworkers Movement and the leadership of Ceasar Chavez and Delores Huerta, and how leadership teams and the sharing of power can work, or not.   

In the fourth class we will study more closely those in more modern day who have led during war times.  The focus will be on Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and Hirohito.  This in depth study will take what we have learned during the class about characteristics of strong leaders and apply them to the world powers at work during one of the worlds greatest periods of uppheavel.  Students can truly analyze what makes good leadership in context.  We will wrap up with a quick reflection exercise to see how thoughts about leadership may have evolved over the month of study.

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
I was worried when I first taught this course that it might have concepts in it that were too much for some of the younger participants (the youngest was 8). But, I found that the children were easily able to grasp these concepts and apply them. The approach in this class is not to put judgment statements on any leader, government or economic system etc. from the teacher. The students themselves will be reading objective passages. At times, they may read excerpts that recount the leader from different perspectives (for example, we will read excerpts and recollections of President Lincoln from both his supporters in the North and from the Native Americans who were required to leave their homeland. We might look at FDR from the perspective of those Americans who benefitted from the New Deal as well as those Americans who were interned in Japanese internment camps during the war). It is important, for this class to work effectively, that the teacher not place value statements on the leaders but allow the class to discuss and find the good and bad in each leader, to apply the social and culture context to the leader etc, and allow the students themselves to find their own conclusions. However, it is important to note that concepts such as the Freedom Riders and lunch counter sit-ins will be presented. As well, the facts surrounding WWII and the Holocaust will be presented. If these are concepts which you think will be too much for your child, this class might not be a good fit.
Lista de útiles escolares
The teacher will provide readings a week ahead of time for the students to read and become familiar with.  There will be film clips and other multi media presentations to either watch ahead of time or sometimes during the class time.
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Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el May, 2018
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
This course was a brain child of mine when teaching social studies for my children's homeschool co-op.  I devised the course and over the year, the children in the course amazed me.  They rose to the occasion, excited to come to class and participate.  I saw that when they had the chance to engage and think, when their opinion WAS the right answer, they were engaged, informed and extremely analytical.  It was my favorite year of homeschool teaching.  I want to offer this same opportunity to others and think Outschool is the perfect format to do that in.


Clase grupal

60 US$

por 4 clases
1 x por semana, 4 semanas
60 min

Completado por 6 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-13
4-12 alumnos por clase

Esta clase ya no se ofrece
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