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De la Rus de Kiev a los Soviets: una historia de Rusia

En este curso de 16 sesiones, los estudiantes aprenderán sobre la complicada historia de Rusia. Desde la Rus de Kiev hasta los Soviets, esta clase les brindará a los estudiantes las herramientas y el contexto que necesitan para hablar sobre la Rusia moderna.
Melissa Quijano M. Ed.
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Qué está incluido

16 reuniones en vivo
16 horas presenciales
On the last day of class, students will present an argument about which event or person has had the greatest positive impact on the Russian people. They may prepare for this in any way they choose, including slides, an essay, or images. Students will respectfully discuss one another's arguments and perhaps come to a consensus at the end for which person or event had the greatest positive impact on the Russian people. If preferred, students may purchase the accompanying book and read along with the class with pages listed in the syllabus.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 8 - 11
In this class, we will discover the story of one of histories most fascinating countries: Russia. From the Eurasian pagans to the Soviets to Putin, trace the rise and falls the world's largest country and their shaky place as a former world power. 

There is no country quite like Russia. For most of history, the Russian people have had no say in the governing of the country, yet they often make their will known- whether that is choosing a new Czar or "taking care" of an old one.

This class will focus on the important role religion played in Russia's development, the constant tension between East versus West, internal tension that has broken the country at least twice, and the eternal transformation of the country. This class starts with two main characters: the Russian nobles who pull the strings and the masses who attempt to influence them. As the class progresses, new characters will be introduced: middle classes, foreign investors, communism. All together, this class should provide students with an excellent understanding of the history of Russia's government and people, and the tensions that they place on one another. 

This class will be taught through a combination of discussion and lecture, depending on student willingness to talk! A central figure of this class will be the people of Russia, but we will also talk about major figures who influenced their lives, like Peter and Catherine the Great. 

We will also discuss Russia in the modern day, and attempt to evaluate their place on the world stage. As a final project, students will choose an event or person from Russia's history that they believe did the most good for the Russian people. They will present their argument to their classmates and lead discussion on the last day of class. 

Students will receive a syllabus before the first day of class. Students may opt to purchase the book Russian History: A Captivating History (about $15) and follow along on the pages listed in the syllabus. 

Class 1: Eurasia in the 900s
-Pagan vs. Christianity
-The development of Kiev and the Slavs 

Class 2: Kiev'an Rus’ and the Quest for a Religion
-The Golden Age of Yaroslav
-The fragmentation of the Russian state
- Political Shifts

Class 3: Threats from the East and West
-The Golden Horde
-The Swedes 

Class 4: Moscow
-Overthrow of the Tartars 
-Geopolitical Divide
-The Byzantine Empire

Class 5: The Renaissance and Russia
-Moscow and Christianity
-Art and Architecture
-National symbols

Class 6: The First Tsar 
-Linguistic development
-Domestic and foreign policy 
-Siberia and a foothold in the Baltic

Class 7: Imperial Russia
-Ivan the Terrible/Fearsome
-Succession Crisis
-Elevation of the church

Class 8: The Time of Troubles
-Civil War
-False Dmitry 
-How the Russians make their thoughts known

Class 9: The Greats of Russia
-Peter, Elizabeth, and Catherine
-St. Petersburg
-The Europeanization of Russia

Class 10: Into the Modern Era
-Napoleon's invasion
-The Great Schism

Class 11: The Beginning of the End
Superstition and Nicholas II

Class 12: The Russian Revolution
-World War I
-Communism's appeal in Russia
-Lenin and Trotsky

Class 13: The USSR and Stalin
-Western tension

Class 14: Decline and Fall
-Proxy Wars
-Eastern tension and China

Class 15: Post-Soviet Russia
-Did the Cold War really end? 

Class 16: Reflections & Project Presentation
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will trace Russian history from the early 900s to present. 
Students will evaluate Russia's place on the world stage.
Students will discuss major plays in Russian history and their impact on Russian people.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Discussion will include: religious persecution, genocide, absolutism, assassination. These topics will be handled tactfully in the context of Russian history. I will not show gory images or go into great detail about atrocities. Modern day Russia discriminates against LGBTQ+ people, which will be discussed during Class 15.
Lista de útiles escolares
A syllabus will be provided before the first day of class with all dates and topics listed, as well as pages to read.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el July, 2019
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Educación desde CUNY College of Staten Island
Licenciatura en Inglés desde CUNY Brooklyn College
I have been interested in Russian history for a very long time- really ever since I saw the movie Anastasia as a child. From there, I have read many books about Russian and Soviet history, including studying Soviet history at the university undergraduate level. This class comes from many, many student requests, as Russia is often a major player in other world events that my classes cover. 


Clase grupal

208 US$

por 16 clases
1 x por semana, 16 semanas
60 min

Completado por 8 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 13-18
3-9 alumnos por clase

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