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Mundos mágicos FLEX: Creando los reinos donde se desarrollan las historias (de 8 a 11 años)

Crea nuevos y emocionantes sistemas mágicos, mundos de fantasía creíbles, viajes espaciales realistas y la cultura y las personas que viven en esos mundos, todo en un formato de horario flexible.
Annie Downer, MFA
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Qué está incluido

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Note: This is a flexible schedule version of my Magical Worlds class. We will cover the same topics, but the activities and format will be slightly different.

Magical Worlds is a class for those who enjoy creating cultures, worlds, and magic systems, whether fantasy, science fiction, superhero fiction, magical realism, etc. By the end of the course, students will have created their own magical worlds which they are encouraged to share with the class.

Through short videos, collaborative writing activities, sharing, and peer critique, Magical Worlds will cover various topics of world-building, including geography, culture, history, and magic systems. 

Each week, I will post a video (or multiple videos to keep the video length short) covering the world-building topic for that week. (See below for specific details on each week's topic and activities.) Students will also be asked to share, through video recordings or classroom comments, examples they can think of from stories or the real world that relate to the topic. They will be encouraged to think about how the creator's choices affected a made-up world or how real life examples might inspire their own worlds. Students are encouraged to comment on their classmates' ideas and worlds, saying what the author/creator has done well and asking any questions they have, such as how a particular aspect of the magic system works. Students will be instructed to treat their classmates' works respectfully.

We will also create a class world together. Each week, students will contribute to the class world by adding something specific to that week’s topic (for example, something about the history or geography).
They can continue adding all week, though their primary contributions should be added by Thursdays.

Students will also have an area for brainstorming their worlds, bouncing ideas off each other and discussing possibilities.

During the last week, students will share the worlds they have created, either by creating a slideshow presentation, typing notes into the classroom, or recording themselves on video or audio. They will then comment on each other's worlds, sharing what they like and asking any questions they have.

Week 1: Magical Worlds
  - Video introduction to class and to what makes up magical worlds.
  - Students will introduce themselves to each other.
  - Students will share their favorite made up worlds and what specifically they like about them.
  - Students will begin class collaboration for creating class world.
  - Teacher will interact with students by prompting thought and guiding questions.

Week 2: Geography
  - Video on how environment affects a people group (for example, in warm climates, people often have a slower pace of life than in cold climates) and how that in turn, affects a story.
  - Students will share about the environment where they live--big city, small town, forest, dessert, beach, etc.--and how they think the environment may have affected cultural aspects of where they live.
  - Students will continue class collaboration by designing the geography of our class world.
  - Students may fill out and share geography worksheets about the personal worlds they are creating.
  - Students may comment on each other's geography worksheets, telling the creator what they like or is done well and asking questions they have.
  - Teacher will interact with students by prompting thought and guiding questions.

Week 3: History and Society
  - Video on the history and society of a created world. What is this world’s history? How has history affected society? In general age-appropriate terms, how does society run—is there a monarchy? is there an apprenticeship system?
  - Students will share any unique cultural aspects of where they live, such as local festivals or types of food.
  - Students will continue class collaboration by designing the history, culture, and government of our class world.
  - Students may share and brainstorm their ideas for culture, festivals, history, government, education, etc. for their created worlds.
  - Teacher will interact with students by prompting thought and guiding questions.

Week 4: Magic Systems
  - We’ll cover the questions every creator should ask about their magic, superpower, or technology systems, for example,
      - “Who can use magic in this world?”
      - “What are my superhero’s limits or weaknesses?”
      - “Can my spaceship travel faster than light?”
  - Students will share examples of magic systems, superpowers, or technology from their favorite stories. They will think about how the choices of the creators affected those worlds.
  - Students will continue class collaboration by designing the magic system (magic, time travel, space travel, superpower, etc.) of our class world.
  - Students may fill out and share a magic systems worksheet as well as brainstorm with each other for ideas for the magic systems of their created worlds.
  - Teacher will interact with students by prompting thought and guiding questions.

Week 5: Sharing Our Worlds
  - Students will make a short (1 to 10 minute), informal presentation of the world they created so we can all enjoy their work and celebrate together. This could be as simple as a video of them talking about their worlds or it could be a slide show.
  - Students will comment on each other's worlds, sharing what they like and asking any questions they have.
  - I will compile notes on the class world and share with the class.
  - Teacher will interact with students by prompting thought and guiding questions.

Students will need to type or record their contributions to class collaboration as well as their presentations so they can submit them to the Outschool classroom. They will also need to participate in collaborative activities, sharing, and peer critique.

Teacher interaction:
     - I will monitor and guide collaborative activities, asking questions and providing prompts to encourage students in their interaction and creativity.
     - Throughout the week, I will engage with students and answer their questions.
     - I may post additional videos as needed to answer students’ questions.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will learn how to create believable made-up worlds and why world-building is so important to story development. They will also have a lot of fun creating their own made-up world, whether to use in a story or just for fun.
In all my creative writing classes, the main goal is for students to learn confidence in their own writing and to enjoy writing creatively.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
I will guide interaction to make sure it is age appropriate. I will ask students for examples of stories; Land of Stories, Wings of Fire, and Percy Jackson are often mentioned. Topics covered will include some very general ideas on government systems and economic systems as pertains to the students' stories. Discussion will be limited to what works best for a particular story or made-up world. Real-world situations may be mentioned occasionally as examples (for example, how has Korea’s geographic placement affected its history), but again, treatment will be objective and neutral and limited to what works best for a given story-world. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Lista de útiles escolares
Paper and a writing utensil or a computer for writing exercises.
Drawing utensils and a drawing pad (for creating world maps, drawing clothing, etc.).
Handouts will be supplied on a week-by-week basis.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el March, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Inglés desde Vermont College of Fine Arts
Licenciatura en Inglés desde LeTourneau University
I have been writing stories since I was four, including fantasy and science fiction. I have an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults and have taught creative writing at the middle school level. I maintain involvement in the writing community through critique groups, writers’ forums (including one on speculative fiction), conferences, etc. I love giving students opportunities to practice, explore, and learn creative writing.


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20 US$

semanalmente o 100 US$ por 5 semanas
5 semanas

Completado por 4 alumnos
No hay videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-11

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