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¡ÉPICO! | Pre-Cálculo | Curso completo | ¡Para aquellos que realmente quieren entenderlo!

Esta clase cubre un plan de estudios completo de precálculo de secundaria. La parte de verano cubre una carga de verano para preparar al estudiante para el año escolar. A partir de septiembre, se imparte el conjunto completo de módulos del curso hasta mayo con evaluaciones. Los temas incluyen: Gráficos y operaciones algebraicas: funciones lineales, cuadráticas, polinómicas, racionales, radicales, por partes, exponenciales de valor absoluto y logarítmicas. Trigonometría: círculo unitario, gráficos y transformaciones de funciones seno, coseno, tangente, secante, cosecante y cotangente, ley de senos y ley de cosenos, identidades trigonométricas, matrices, cónicas, hipérbolas, círculos, parábolas y elipses. Una sesión de 50 minutos por semana fortalecerá las habilidades de precálculo de su alumno a medida que avanzamos en todo el curso con la enseñanza hasta el dominio.
Professor Kitty BS ChemE-UVa; MBA-Case Western
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
45 minutos horas de clase por semana
The learner's progress is assessed by how well the learner participates in the interactions during class.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 9 - 12
This class cover a full High School Pre-Calculus curriculum. The summer portion covers a summer preload to prep the student for the school year. Topics include:  Algebraic graphing and operations: linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, piecewise, absolute value exponential and logarithm functions. Trigonometry: unit circle, graphing and transformations of sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent functions, law of sines and law of cosines, trig identities, matrices, conics, hyperbolas, circles, parabolas, and ellipses. One 50-minute session each week will strengthen your learner's Pre-Calculus skills as we walk through the entire course with teach to mastery. 

The Monday Night and Tuesday Morning Sections are both on 2nd Semester and are working on Trigonometry

The Thursday noon Eastern time section will begin at the start of precalculus in March of 2024.

All sections that start in June will start from the beginning of the course which also makes a great summer preload for students taking the course in school in the fall.

Precalculus is absolutely fascinating and that's why I call this class, "This is Epic!"  Have your learner not just survive precal, but actually be inspired by it's beauty!

June - August
Each week will cover 2-3 topics from this list with drilling and discussion each lesson. The goal in the summer is to have key words and concepts integrated into the big picture and well understood at a foundational level so that major constructs in  course of study in the school year are preloaded and the student will gain a strong appreciation for pre-calculus

Radicals and squares
laws of exponents
quadratic forms
Triples and special triangles
30 deg 45 deg 60 deg special triangles with rad 1 
zero solves
Complex #’s
Radian degree conversions
Angles and Ref Angles on the unit circle
Inverse Trig Functions
Systems of Equations
Range Domain Functions
Piecewise Functions
Rational Equations
Solving problems with Absolute Value
Partial Fraction Decomposition
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines

Late August / September:  
Level 1:   Algebra Review
Week 1- Inequalities, Absolute Value, and Exponents
Week 2-Exponents and Notations
Week 3 - Rational Expression Operations & Complex #’s

Level 2: Equations and Inequalities Review
Week 1: Linear Equations
Week 2: Quadratics
Week 3: Radical Equations and Variations

Quadratic Inequalities, 
Rational, Radical, 
Absolute Value Inequalities

Week 1: Graphing
Week 2: Functions
Week 3: Quadratic Graphs and Composite Functions

Level 5: Log and Exponential Functions
Week 1: Inverse Functions & Exponentials
Week 2: Log Properties
Week 3: Log Functions

Level 6:  Basic Trigonometry
Week 1: Angles, Radians, and Trig
Week 2: Trig Functions on the Unit Circle

Level 7: Trig Identities
Week 1: Basic Trig Identities
Week 2: Sum and Difference Identities
Week 3:  Double Angle and other Advanced Identities

Level 8: Applications of Trig
Week 1: Laws of Sines and Cosines
Week 2: Vectors
Week 3: Complex Numbers and Polar Coordinates

Level 9: Systems of Equations and Matrices
Week 1: Linear Systems
Week 2: Nonlinear systems & Matrices
Week 4: Gauss-Jordan Method, Determinants, Cramer’s 
Week 5: Linear Inequalities & Linear Programming

May and June: 
Level 10: Special Topics
Week 1: Conics: Parabolas and Ellipses
Week 2: Conics: Hyperbolas and Selecting Conics
Week 4: Binomial Theorem & Sequences
Week 5: Induction & Probability
Metas de aprendizaje
At the end of this course, your student will be able to say, "I know Pre-Calculus!  I can do vectors, matrices, trigonometry, the unit circle, conicals and probability!”
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Parents should make sure their learners are ready by making sure they know linear Algebra, Analytic Geometry (especially basic trigonometry) , and quadratic equations.
Lista de útiles escolares
As the teacher, I will supply the information needed for class.  I will be using Kahn Academy's resources on Algebra and point the learners to specific videos and practice problems on that page. As a teacher who has done this many times before, I can tell you that using a web resource in place of a textbook far-better prepares a student for his/her future academic and professional career. 
 In college and the real world, nowadays, information is readily available if someone knows how to access it. All of the same information that is in textbooks are now available on credible free websites.

Students should also have a pencil,  and graph paper. A T!-84 or higher level calculator is encouraged and needed for some of the work in this class.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Carolina del Sur Certificado de Docencia
Carolina del Sur Certificado de Docencia en Ciencia
Carolina del Sur Certificado de Docencia en Matemáticas
Maestría desde Case Western Reserve University
Licenciatura en Ciencia desde University of Virginia
I've been certified in the public schools for teaching math in middle and high schools. I received additional certified training for gifted and talented learners. I taught math for sixteen years and I've been a personal SAT tutor for seven years. My students have typically raised their scores between 100 and 300 points.  As a chemical engineer and project management professional in the world of business consulting and information technology consulting, I've completed over five levels of college calculus and applied mathematics and used these math and computing skills throughout my career.  

The students I have taught had varying learning abilities that ranged from one with pronounced learning disabilities to gifted and talented. When it came to PSAT's and SAT's, each of them with impressive improvements in their scores. 

It can be done!  I used a focused approach. We honed in on trouble areas, really understood the underlying math concept, and drilled for mastery.  

Rest assured, students finish my classes and turn to their parents and say, "I finally get it!"  Here are some reviews from classes here on Outschool to show what I mean...

From CT - 
Love this teacher! My kids are requesting more of her classes. Thank you teacher Kitty! 
Energetic and patient teacher. I accidentally signed up my younger son with his older brother and she made the class interesting for both of them and they asked to join another class of teacher Kitty.  Thank you !

From William-
Wonderful class. The class speed was just right, and our daughter was able to follow along relatively well. She benefited greatly from this opportunity to reinforce her understanding the solving quadratic equations. Thanks!!!

From Dillon-
This the second linear equation class my son took from Teacher Kitty.  My son felt he learned a lot on this subject and took very useful notes, and gained a lot more confidence than when he just started learning it.  

From Mary -
I am really pleased that our first lesson at Outschool was such a fantastic one. Kitty is really good and my son loved that he could understand her clearly (initially worried as he is not American or in America ) I observed that she really took her time to explain terminologies and she gave the class more time to really grasp the lesson. My shy son eventually came out of his shell and contributed to the class. We are looking forward to more classes with her.


Clase grupal

39 US$

1x por semana
45 min

Completado por 74 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 14-18
3-16 alumnos por clase

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