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Egiptóloguitos: Club semanal Para Investigar La Civilización Egipcia

Esta clase se dedica a la investigación de todo tema egipcio, donde los niños investigarán los faraónes, las momias, tumbas, esfinges, la cultura, y más de tres mil años de historia.
Brigid Pérez, Dyslexia & Dyscalculia Specialist
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
30 minutos horas de clase por semana

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 1 - 2
A muchos niños les encuentran el estudio egipcio fascinante. En este club, los niños aprenderán datos claves de toda la historia egipcia, de manera divertida e interactiva. Usaremos y crearemos cartas geográficas, exploraremos artefactos antiguos, y otras materias para formar una imagen de como era su cultura y vida diaria. Los niños recibirán materias e ideas para proyectos independientes en el curso de cada semana, relacionada con la lección. De tal manera, los niños tendran opportunidades frequentes para el aprendizaje didáctico.

Anteriormente, estos proyectos han incluido:

- escribir sus nombres en hieroglificos
- manualidades artesanles tal como hacer pulseras or collares
- hacer pan egipcio
- construir modelos de irrigación - shaduf
- un modelo 3D del río Nilo.

Semana 1: Primera Presentación & ¿Qué conozco de la cultura egipcia antigua?
Semana 2: ¿Dónde está ubicado egipto? 
3 semana: El Río Nilo
4 semana: Animales de Egipto 
5 semana: Artesanos de la Antiguedad y La Vida Diaria en egipto antiguo
6 semana: Hatshepsut, la Faraona
7 semana: Unos Reyes Extraordinarios
8 semana: El Rey Tutankhamun - El Rey Infante

Después de formar una base de conocimiento, los niños tendrán la opportunidad ofrecer ideas para los temas de semanas futuros, dandoles la opportunidad dirigir sus estudios e investigaciones. 

Many children find the study of ancient Egypt fascinating. In this course, children will learn about key facts from Egyptian history, in a fun, interactive way.  We will use and create maps, look at artifacts,  video clips, and books, to piece together a picture of what life was like in ancient Egypt. The children receive a variety of materials and project ideas between webinar sessions, and are encouraged to use these resources to explore the topic further. 

Students will have numerous opportunities for hands on learning,  (which requires a higher degree of parental involvement) outside of the webinar,  and will be assigned a variety of projects, including writing their name in hieroglyphics,  making Egyptian style jewelry,  baking flat bread whilst learning about farming and grains, building a model shaduf to understand how to transport water to crops, and making a 3D model of the Nile River.

Week One: Introductions & What do I Know About Egypt?
Week Two : Where is Egypt? Locating Egypt and the Nile River
Week Three: Animals of Egypt
Week Four: Pyramids & Tombs - Preparing for the Afterlife 
Week Five: Craftsmen - Daily Life in Ancient Egypt
Week Six: Hatshepsut, the Woman Pharaoh
Week Seven: A King and Queen Who Were Different
Week Eight: King Tut - The Boy King

Students will have the ability to suggest topics for future classes, once we have established a core foundation.

Otros detalles

Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Many of the source materials come from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as well as age appropriate history trade books, web content, and similar.
Se unió el February, 2017
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have been teaching and tutoring students for over 20 years, as a middle school and high school teacher, a college adjunct, and children's museum educator. 

I am passionate about bringing meaningful content to students. As an educator, I am constantly seeking new ways to incorporate best practices and draw from a wide body of pedagogy, including the self-guided approach of Maria Montessori, the artistic lessons and story-based approach of holistic models, the multiple intelligence theory of Howard Gardner, the high-quality literature of Charlotte Mason, and the community of learners approach of Reggio Emilia.   

My undergraduate studies led me to a dual degree in Spanish and Economics, where I focused on developing economies in Latin America, studying in Costa Rica and Ecuador. I later received a Fulbright scholarship and spent a year studying at the University of Stuttgart, and completing an internship in Bonn, focused on Spanish and Latin American markets. After returning to the US, I worked as a college assistant, middle school and high school teacher, and museum educator. 

My graduate work focused on Social Studies, with my Master's Thesis centering on bringing the arts into core academics, drawing from my experiences with holistic models of education.

I am a homeschool mom to three, with one already graduated. My oldest, began her schooling journey at home, using a holistic approach to education, with an abundance of art,  nature, and literature, centering largely around the principles of Charlotte Mason and other early 20th century educational reformers. She graduated with full scholarships to top tier universities. My second child began his journey with public school before transitioning to Montessori, and finally, to homeschooling. As an asynchronous learner,  homeschooling is a perfect fit for him. My youngest has also  attended both Montessori and public school, and is now homeschooling as well. Whenever possible, we use place based education with the motto, "the world is our classroom."

Fun fact - I am a polyglot and have had a keen interest in learning languages from a young age.


Clase grupal

12 US$

1x por semana
30 min

Completado por 5 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 6-8
3-9 alumnos por clase

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