Qué está incluido
48 reuniones en vivo
44 horas presencialesTarea
4+ horas por semana. It is a must to read beforehand the chapters assigned for the week. The class will be held in four days each week.Evaluación
The responses to the text will show progress in the comprehension.Experiencia de clase
Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 9 - 12
In this class, we are required to read the whole novel of Don Quixote de la Mancha in Spanish or English, if you prefer so. What is the secret of success? Using the higher-order thinking: Bloom’s Taxonomy when delving beyond the obvious during the process of reading nonfiction articles. I will provide information on Bloom’s Taxonomy—a way of thinking about your schoolwork that can change the way you study. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework that starts with two low levels of thinking as an essential basis for pushing our brains to five other higher-order levels of thinking—helping us move beyond remembering and recalling information and move deeper into the application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and creation—the levels of thinking that will help you make sense of non-fiction text. Because it is in these higher levels of thinking that our brains truly and deeply learn information, learners must integrate higher-order thinking into their study habits. The learner will be taught alongside an interactive PowerPoint presentation that includes multiple videos, exercises, demonstrations, applications, and lecture-based with many discussion points embedded in the lesson so the students have time to practice by responding verbally. Please, be ready to work hard. A good reading habit in English and Spanish is necessary for students. I am a certified reading Spanish teacher trained to help students know and apply comprehension strategies to make sense of a text. Usually, Spanish teachers announce the final unit of the year. Teachers require reading the whole novel of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Cervantes. They should read it every day, and be prepared to use that book to complete the majority of the remaining curriculum. Target Students: Spanish 4 and AP Spanish, as well. Students who are majoring in Spanish must read Don Quixote de la Mancha. Don Quijote — Part 1 (12-week course) Pre-Class Assignment: Read Prologue and chapters as they are assigned per week. Writing Workshop and discussion Out of Class Work: Reading Journal Week 1 Days 1-4: Taxonomy Lowest Level 1: Remembering. Prologue and Chapters 1-4 CHAPTER I WHICH TREATS OF THE CHARACTER AND PURSUITS OF THE FAMOUS GENTLEMAN DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Writing Workshop: Students will spend 20 minutes in make flashcards for key terms. and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Mini-lesson: Supporting Details and Short Paragraph CHAPTER II WHICH TREATS OF THE FIRST SALLY THE INGENIOUS DON QUIXOTE MADE FROM HOME: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes making a list of facts and problems and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. In-class Quiz A CHAPTER III WHEREIN IS RELATED THE DROLL WAY IN WHICH DON QUIXOTE HAD HIMSELF DUBBED A KNIGHT: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes in the characterization of characters and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Writing Workshop: Run-on Sentences CHAPTER IV OF WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR KNIGHT WHEN HE LEFT THE INN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Writing Workshop: Creating Stronger Sentences with the use of action verbs, adverbs, and adjectives Week 2 Days 1-4: Lower Level 2: Understand. Chapters 5-9 CHAPTER V IN WHICH THE NARRATIVE OF OUR KNIGHT’S MISHAP IS CONTINUED: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. In-Class Quiz B: a. Discuss content with or explain to a partner. CHAPTER VI OF THE DIVERTING AND IMPORTANT SCRUTINY WHICH THE CURATE AND THE BARBER MADE IN THE LIBRARY OF OUR INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Writing Workshop: Plagiarism & Incorporating quotes CHAPTER VII OF THE SECOND SALLY OF OUR WORTHY KNIGHT DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Writing Workshop: Self-Editing & Peer-Editing CHAPTER VIII OF THE GOOD FORTUNE WHICH THE VALIANT DON QUIXOTE HAD IN THE TERRIBLE AND UNDREAMT-OF ADVENTURE OF THE WINDMILLS, WITH OTHER OCCURRENCES WORTHY TO BE FITLY RECORDED: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes freewriting explaining the main idea of the chapter and about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER IX IN WHICH IS CONCLUDED AND FINISHED THE TERRIFIC BATTLE BETWEEN THE GALLANT BISCAYAN AND THE VALIANT MANCHEGAN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes writing a summary of the chapter in their own words and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 3, Days 1-4: Low Level 3: Apply. Chapters 10-14 CHAPTER X OF THE PLEASANT DISCOURSE THAT PASSED BETWEEN DON QUIXOTE AND HIS SQUIRE SANCHO PANZA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes seeking concrete examples of abstract ideas and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XI OF WHAT BEFELL DON QUIXOTE WITH CERTAIN GOATHERDS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes practicing problems and exercises and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XII OF WHAT A GOATHERD RELATED TO THOSE WITH DON QUIXOTE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes writing an instructional manual or study guide on the chapter that others could use and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XIII IN WHICH IS ENDED THE STORY OF THE SHEPHERDESS MARCELA, WITH OTHER INCIDENTS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XIV WHEREIN has INSERTED THE DESPAIRING VERSES OF THE DEAD SHEPHERD, TOGETHER WITH OTHER INCIDENTS NOT LOOKED FOR: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 4, Days 1-4: Chapters 16-20 Week 4, Days 1-4: Intermediate Level 4: Analyze. Chapters 15-17 CHAPTER XV IN WHICH IS RELATED THE UNFORTUNATE ADVENTURE THAT DON QUIXOTE FELL IN WITH WHEN HE FELL OUT WITH CERTAIN HEARTLESS YANGUESANS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes generate a list of contributing factors to a problem and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XVI OF WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN IN THE INN WHICH HE TOOK TO BE A CASTLE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes determining the importance of different elements and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XVII IN WHICH ARE CONTAINED THE INNUMERABLE TROUBLES WHICH THE BRAVE DON QUIXOTE AND HIS GOOD SQUIRE SANCHO PANZA ENDURED IN THE INN, WHICH TO HIS MISFORTUNE HE TOOK TO BE A CASTLE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes thinking about it from a different perspective and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 5, Days 1-4: High Level 5: Synthesize. Chapters 18-23 CHAPTER XVIII IN WHICH IS RELATED THE DISCOURSE SANCHO PANZA HELD WITH HIS MASTER, DON QUIXOTE, AND OTHER ADVENTURES WORTH RELATING: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes generalizing information from the lecture and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XIX OF THE SHREWD DISCOURSE WHICH SANCHO HELD WITH HIS MASTER, AND OF THE ADVENTURE THAT BEFELL HIM WITH A DEAD BODY, TOGETHER WITH OTHER NOTABLE OCCURRENCES: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes condensing and re-stating the content in one or two sentences and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XX OF THE UNEXAMPLED AND UNHEARD-OF ADVENTURE WHICH WAS ACHIEVED BY THE VALIANT DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA WITH LESS PERIL THAN ANY EVER ACHIEVED BY ANY FAMOUS KNIGHT IN THE WORLD: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes comparing and contrasting and comparing and contrasting and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXI WHICH TREATS OF THE EXALTED ADVENTURE AND RICH PRIZE OF MAMBRINO’S HELMET, TOGETHER WITH OTHER THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO OUR INVINCIBLE KNIGHT: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXII OF THE FREEDOM DON QUIXOTE CONFERRED ON SEVERAL UNFORTUNATES WHO AGAINST THEIR WILL WERE BEING CARRIED WHERE THEY HAD NO WISH TO GO: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXIII OF WHAT BEFELL DON QUIXOTE IN THE SIERRA MORENA, WHICH WAS ONE OF THE RAREST ADVENTURES RELATED IN THIS VERACIOUS HISTORY: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXIV IN WHICH IS CONTINUED THE ADVENTURE OF THE SIERRA MORENA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 6, Days 1-4: Higher Level 6: Evaluate. Chapters 25-29 CHAPTER XXV WHICH TREATS OF THE STRANGE THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THE STOUT KNIGHT OF LA MANCHA IN THE SIERRA MORENA, AND OF HIS IMITATION OF THE PENANCE OF BELTENEBROS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes deciding if they like, dislike, agree, or disagree with an author or a decision and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXVI IN WHICH ARE CONTINUED THE REFINEMENTS WHEREWITH DON QUIXOTE PLAYED THE PART OF A LOVER IN THE SIERRA MORENA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes considering what they would do if asked to make a choice and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXVII OF HOW THE CURATE AND THE BARBER PROCEEDED WITH THEIR SCHEME; TOGETHER WITH OTHER MATTERS WORTHY OF RECORD IN THIS GREAT HISTORY: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes determining which approach or argument is most effective and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXVIII WHICH TREATS OF THE STRANGE AND DELIGHTFUL ADVENTURE THAT BEFELL THE CURATE AND THE BARBER IN THE SAME SIERRA: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXIX WHICH TREATS OF THE DROLL DEVICE AND METHOD ADOPTED TO EXTRICATE OUR LOVE-STRICKEN KNIGHT FROM THE SEVERE PENANCE HE HAD IMPOSED UPON HIMSELF: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 8, Days 1-4: Chapters 30-34 CHAPTER XXX WHICH TREATS OF ADDRESS DISPLAYED BY THE FAIR DOROTHEA, WITH OTHER MATTERS PLEASANT AND AMUSING: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXI OF THE DELECTABLE DISCUSSION BETWEEN DON QUIXOTE AND SANCHO PANZA, HIS SQUIRE, TOGETHER WITH OTHER INCIDENTS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXII WHICH TREATS OF WHAT BEFELL DON QUIXOTE’S PARTY AT THE INN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXIII IN WHICH IS RELATED THE NOVEL OF “THE ILL-ADVISED CURIOSITY”: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 9, Days 1-4: Chapters 35-39 CHAPTER XXXIV IN WHICH IS CONTINUED THE NOVEL OF “THE ILL-ADVISED CURIOSITY”: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXV WHICH TREATS OF THE HEROIC AND PRODIGIOUS BATTLE DON QUIXOTE HAD WITH CERTAIN SKINS OF RED WINE AND BRINGS THE NOVEL OF “THE ILL-ADVISED CURIOSITY” TO A CLOSE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXVI WHICH TREATS OF MORE CURIOUS INCIDENTS THAT OCCURRED AT THE INN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXVII IN WHICH IS CONTINUED THE STORY OF THE FAMOUS PRINCESS MICOMICONA, WITH OTHER DROLL ADVENTURES: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXVIII WHICH TREATS OF THE CURIOUS DISCOURSE DON QUIXOTE DELIVERED ON ARMS AND LETTERS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XXXIX WHEREIN THE CAPTIVE RELATES HIS LIFE AND ADVENTURES: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 10, Days 1-4: Chapters 40-44 CHAPTER XL IN WHICH THE STORY OF THE CAPTIVE IS CONTINUED: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLI IN WHICH THE CAPTIVE STILL CONTINUES HIS ADVENTURES: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLII WHICH TREATS OF WHAT FURTHER TOOK PLACE IN THE INN, AND OF SEVERAL OTHER THINGS WORTH KNOWING: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLIII WHEREIN IS RELATED THE PLEASANT STORY OF THE MULETEER, TOGETHER WITH OTHER STRANGE THINGS THAT CAME TO PASS IN THE INN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLIV IN WHICH ARE CONTINUED THE UNHEARD-OF ADVENTURES OF THE INN: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 11, Days 1-4: Highest Level 7: Create. Chapters 45-48 CHAPTER XLV IN WHICH THE DOUBTFUL QUESTION OF MAMBRINO’S HELMET AND THE PACK-SADDLE IS FINALLY SETTLED, WITH OTHER ADVENTURES THAT OCCURRED IN TRUTH AND EARNEST: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 20 minutes writing a poem about the chapter and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLVI OF THE END OF THE NOTABLE ADVENTURE OF THE OFFICERS OF THE HOLY BROTHERHOOD; AND THE GREAT FEROCITY OF OUR WORTHY KNIGHT, DON QUIXOTE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLVII OF THE STRANGE MANNER IN WHICH DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA WAS CARRIED AWAY ENCHANTED, TOGETHER WITH OTHER REMARKABLE INCIDENTS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 30 minutes building a model and use it to teach the information to others and freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER XLVIII IN WHICH THE CANON PURSUES THE SUBJECT OF THE BOOKS OF CHIVALRY, WITH OTHER MATTERS WORTHY OF HIS WIT: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Week 12, Days 1-4: Chapters 49-52 CHAPTER XLIX WHICH TREATS OF THE SHREWD CONVERSATION WHICH SANCHO PANZA HELD WITH HIS MASTER DON QUIXOTE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 40 minutes designing an experiment and freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. CHAPTER L OF THE SHREWD CONTROVERSY WHICH DON QUIXOTE AND THE CANON HELD, TOGETHER WITH OTHER INCIDENTS: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Review of Reading Journal CHAPTER LI WHICH DEALS WITH WHAT THE GOATHERD TOLD THOSE WHO WERE CARRYING OFF DON QUIXOTE: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of the chapter. Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. Final Exam: Short paragraphs answer two open-ended questions CHAPTER LII OF THE QUARREL THAT DON QUIXOTE HAD WITH THE GOATHERD, TOGETHER WITH THE RARE ADVENTURE OF THE PENITENTS, WHICH WITH AN EXPENDITURE OF SWEAT HE BROUGHT TO A HAPPY CONCLUSION: Essay. In-class writing activity: Students will spend 10 minutes freewriting about a specific question of chapter Then the student will share the writing during a discussion of the topic. *Review Final Exam
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will improve the skills of reading and writing as we read the classic novel Don Quijote de la Mancha by the Spanish author Miguel Cervantes Saavedra. Students will be able to apply reading strategies for remembering, analyzing, evaluating, and judging the many adventures the main character had as he traveled with his squire, Sancho Panza.
Otros detalles
Orientación para padres
I abide by the school ethics I worked with for fifteen years: values and principles that guide the behavior of people and organizations in relation to their responsibilities and decision making. I have made thorough research on these fiction novels. When studying sensitive themes, we will address the issues objectively and they will be used exclusively to apply Bloom's Taxonomy. The slides have been selected carefully with due admiration and respect for cultural differences. Diversity is beautiful, accepted, and encouraged. Nevertheless, there might be any sensitive information due to family values and past experiences unaware to Mrs. Algarin. Parents might choose to sit sporadically to ensure a safe and productive learning environment conducive to learning.
Lista de útiles escolares
Students are expected to get the book.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
We will make constant reference to the fiction novel Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Florida Certificado de Docencia en Educación especial
I hold a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the World University of Puerto Rico where I enjoyed reading this classic, best-seller book and wrote reports showing comprehension of meaning, culture, and the Castillian language. I hold a master's degree in varying exceptionalities from the Central University of Orlando. My studies included strategies to make material comprehensible to students sensitive to certain subjects due to past experiences. As an ESOL (English Student of Other Language) teacher, I taught English, reading, social studies, world history, and USA history to special education students. I was assigned in the intensive reading class where I used Bloom's Taxonomy to help students increase their comprehension to grade level as measured by Florida's language arts standards. Seventy percent passed the end-of-the-year standardized reading test. All of the photos in my PowerPoint presentation are enriching, respectful, and safe. Students are expected to show maturity and due seriousness. However, there might be any sensitive information due to past experiences unaware to Mrs. Algarin. Parents might choose to sit sporadically to ensure a safe and productive learning environment conducive to learning.
Clase grupal
1680 US$
por 48 clases4 x por semana, 12 semanas
55 min
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 14-18
1-12 alumnos por clase