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Cohorte de escritura creativa: una comunidad enriquecedora para escritores serios

Este club ha formado escritores ganadores de premios nacionales, ha ayudado a escritores a publicar sus libros y ha motivado a escritores talentosos, pero que suelen postergar sus tareas, a terminar sus novelas. Se anima a los escritores con TDAH y necesidades especiales a unirse.
Cheryl Carter Creative Classroom
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
45 minutos horas de clase por semana
Writers assess their own stories, poems, essays, etc.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 4 - 7
Creative Writing Cohort: A Nurturing Community for Serious Writers is just the place for talented young writers to grow in their muse.  This is an ongoing class (club). Please join our close-knit writing community at any time. Limited seats available., but we will open more sections. Small groups so young writers will get lots of attention.

•	Does your child want feedback on their writing?
•	Does your child choose writing over other activities?
•	Is your child longing to connect with friends who are writers? 
•	Is your child's spare time spent writing? 
•	Does your child consider writing fun?
•	Does your child long to be published?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this writing cohort might be the right fit for your young author. 

******* If not scroll to the bottom for other options:

This is a "workshop" cohort (club) where young writers give and receive feedback. This method especially appeals to learners who LOVE to write and want to take their writing to the next level. At its core, this class is a community of serious writers--more like a writing club. In practice, young authors will share their novels, stories, plays, poems, etc. with other peer writers and receive relevant needed guidance on plot, character development, theme, world building and various other creative writing techniques and approaches. 

Members of this serious writing cohort have won prestigious national writing awards/contests. (See the recent list below). The club is inspired by the model of the renowned 'University of Iowa Writer's Workshop' method, an approach known to foster great writers. This proven method produces strong successful writers and helps developing young writers gain confidence and skill.

In our club/cohort, writers achieve success, especially writers who may be procrastinating on completing their novel. The synergy of being in the presence of other young authors really encourages writers. One learner received a book contract as a result of polishing their novel in our interactive community. Others have started blogs, self-published their books, and won writing contests. Our club is a fun and nonthreatening place where young writers develop their skills at their own pace. You do not have to be a polished writer to join. In fact, developing writers (even struggling) are welcome and encouraged to join the Young Author Writing Club. 

This club is a casual approach to the serious muse of writing. This is a writing club and not a writing structured writing class. Pupils will not be graded on their writing; they will have the opportunity to revise their writing such that it is publishable. Connecting with other writers is also an important aspect of this club: the community of creatives is stressed because all writers will get and give feedback to one another. Special needs writers are welcome in our encouraging club. In fact, some of our best young authors have been neuro-diverse writers. 

The instructor will provide positive feedback for revision, and if necessary, will meet with aspiring authors individually after writers have 'workshopped' their creative pieces. Young authors will also learn to appreciate different genres and critique their own writing as well as the creations of their peers. 

Young authors will enjoy developing their craft in an inspiring, informative, and illuminating environment. Come join the fun this week!

This class is for learners who LOVE to write!

*******We also have writing classes for those who are not quite ready for this class may consider one of the following innovative writing classes:

**Developing Writers- For writers - grades 2 -5 who are still need help acquiring writing skills. A graded vocabulary and spelling list is used to reinforce ELA skills. 

**Writing Workshop for Writers who "Think" They Can't Write - for those who need to increase or perfect their writing and  and gradually develop their writing skills. 

**One-on-One work with a Writing Tutor -individualized writing help for young authors, struggling writers or special needs writers.

This class, and our Young Adult Creative Writing class, has produced the following prestigious writing awards and achievements: 

•	An American Voice Finalist (Writing contest).

•	Two Beta State Writing Awards (State competitions).

•	A book contract with a traditional publisher..

•	Scholastic Writing Award finalists (Fiction and poetry).

•	Davis Young Scholars for the Gifted (for Creative Writing).

•	Six local school writing awards (within learners’ schools or homeschool cooperatives).

•	Anthology story inclusion.

•	Flash Fiction Contest winner.

•	Self-published novels (Learners also acquired skills to market their books).

While I cannot promise you your young author will make the same progress as the above, I can promise you that I will work hard with all my writers.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will get feedback on their writing by way of the proven  writer's workshop approach. Participants will interact with one another and share selected writing with club members and the instructor.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Lista de útiles escolares
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el January, 2018
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
This class was developed by Cheryl Carter.  Cheryl Carter is a college professor, freelance writer, and author of over thirty books. She has a MFA in Creative Writing. Carter's creativity and  love for young writers ensures all her sessions are meaningful. She has helped many young writers get professionally published. Her sessions are practical, yet innovative for students. She has also taught writing in her homeschool cooperative and helped numerous students get published and/or monetize their writing. Her writing assistants ( Ms. Joelle and Ms. Ari)  are also published authors and/or graduates of top universities


Clase grupal

25 US$

1x por semana
45 min

Completado por 682 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 9-14
4-6 alumnos por clase

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