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Campamento de galletas: Hornear con ciencia

En esta clase, los estudiantes usarán la ciencia para aprender sobre repostería. Al finalizar, los estudiantes obtendrán dos fantásticas recetas de galletas y conocimientos para resolver problemas durante la repostería en el futuro.
Mrs. B (B.S. in Education)
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Qué está incluido

3 reuniones en vivo
3 horas presenciales
1 hora por semana. Assignments will include completing cookie baking after the end of our hour, taking a picture, and sharing a short written response.
Certificado de finalización

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 4 - 7
Nivel Beginner - Advanced
Each class includes lessons about baking (detailed below), interactive practice of the concepts through Nearpod, and actual baking application as we make cookies together! Baking demonstrations will be recorded prior to the class so that the students will have full attention of the teacher while they are baking.

What makes this class different than other baking classes is that, although students will learn some new wonderful cookie recipes, they will leave this class with skills to make improvements to other baking recipes to achieve a more "perfect" final product.

Class 1: We will bake simple butter cookies together, using the scientific method to test variables, ultimately discovering the effects of some baking ingredients.

Class 2: We will discuss external effects on baking, such as time and temperature, as we will bake some delicious chocolate chip cookies.

Class 3: We will explore the science of different leavening agents and bake some fantastic sugar cookies.
Metas de aprendizaje
The student will design a baking experiment using the scientific method, to discover the affects of ingredients on a final product.
The student will determine methods to adjust external factors to improve a cookie recipe.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

3 Lecciones
más de 3 semanas
Lección 1:
Baking with the Scientific Method
 Testing ingredients with the scientific method as we test variables on simple butter cookies 
60 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
1 tarea
Lección 2:
External Factors in Baking
 Discussing how time, temperature, and other external factors affect baking as we bake chocolate chip cookies 
60 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
1 tarea
Lección 3:
The Science behind Leavening Agents
 Exploring leavening agents as we bake sugar cookies 
60 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Parental supervision is requested as children will be using kitchen tools, raw ingredients, and an oven. Completion of the recipe (removing cookies from the oven and cooling) will likely take place after class is over.
Lista de útiles escolares
Scientific method worksheet (attached)

Basic kitchen utensils/appliances

Parchment paper


Food items (no less than the following amounts):
flour (7 c)
sugar (1.5 c)
powdered sugar (0.5 c)
brown sugar (1 c)
butter (5 sticks)
cooking oil (0.5 c)
eggs (3)
baking soda (2.5 tsp.)
baking powder (1.25 tsp.)
salt (1 tsp.)
vanilla (1 TBSP)
cream of tartar (0.5 tsp.)
chocolate chips (2 c)
yeast (opt.)
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Nearpod
Se unió el August, 2024
Nuevo en Outschool
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Matemáticas
My name is Mrs. B, and I primarily teach math and science. During my time teaching in public school, I taught elementary classes (all subjects), junior high math and science, and high school math. Outside of school, I have served in multiple leadership and teaching roles with young learners in various group settings, including book club, quilting club, 4-H club, food challenge (cooking), chorus, and other special interest classes. Being a mom of four children has greatly increased my compassion and understanding.

I believe every student is valuable and has an important purpose in life. As a teacher, it is my goal to help my students not only learn the necessary material, but to help them learn to think and to problem solve. I believe the most effective mode of learning is by making connections with the problem at hand, and allowing the student to discover WHY we solve problems the way that we do.

I am passionate about learning, and I see math and science everywhere!  I enjoy playing the piano. Music is so mathematical, from simpler ideas like tempo and rhythm, to the ratios and exponential relationships of soundwaves in pitches. I enjoy sewing, which requires addition and subtraction of fractions, and allows growth in visual-spatial reasoning. I enjoy baking. When baking, we use multiplication and division with fractions, but I also have learned much about the chemistry (and biology!) of ingredients. My family enjoys farming and foraging. It is amazing how much biology there is to learn with these practices! My most recent project has been cheesemaking. Through this, I have been able to learn so much about bacteria cultures. My family also enjoys exploring the outdoors. Clearly, we learn much science from observing nature. I hope to help my students also learn to connect math and science to the world around them.


Curso grupal en vivo

15 US$

semanalmente o 45 US$ por 3 clases
1 x por semana, 3 semanas
60 min

Completado por 1 alumno
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-13
3-5 alumnos por clase

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