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Codequest - ¡Hola Codequest! (Scratch 1 contra 1)

CodeQuest utiliza Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/) para enseñar programación a estudiantes jóvenes (generalmente de 6 a 11 años) a través de proyectos creativos como películas, juegos y más. Las clases son muy interactivas y fomentan la experimentación práctica.

Qué está incluido

Se reúne bajo demanda
programar reuniones según sea necesario
60 minutos
por sesión
Apoyo docente

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 3 - 6
Nivel Beginner - Intermediate
What will be taught? -

Students will be taught using Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) and create several projects including games and movies (you can view some of them here https://scratch.mit.edu/users/C2TF_REX/).


How it will be taught - 

I will show students a completed project and go over the steps in creating the project briefly at the beginning, explaining any new important concepts. Then, we will spend most of the class individually working on their projects, breaking each step down more slowly.

There is not a set amount of time for each project. Sometimes projects go slower, and other times faster. It is more important that all students understand what they are doing, even if it takes longer to complete.


Teaching style -

Classes emphasize hands-on learning,  creativity, and collaboration. The teacher acts as a guide, helping students to understand how to set and achieve goals. 

Hands-on learning:
The teacher (as much as possible) does not simply give step-by-step instructions and have the students copy them. Instead, students are encouraged to think about what they want to code (for example, making their character move with the arrow keys) and the teacher will help them break the problem into steps (listen for the keys being pressed, then move the character) and guide the students into building the code themselves. 

Projects serve as a "guide" but students are encouraged to explore on their own. Students are encouraged to customize their projects and explore concepts that interest them. Projects are somewhat self-paced, with faster-working students being given extra time to expand on the project and push themselves harder, while slower-working students are given more time to work on the projects without feeling that they have fallen behind.

Students work on the same project together. At the end of the project, they present their project to the class. This creates a sense of community with the students and encourages them to give each project their best effort. They also are able to teach and learn from each other and riff off each other's ideas.


In this lesson - 

Hello CodeQuest! 

In this first lesson of "CodeQuest", students learn the basics of Scratch and introduce themselves to the class by creating three "About Me" slides.

Students will learn how to solve problems using an algorithm (step-by-step instructions), create sprites, handle events, and if/then blocks.

This prerequisite class will allow students to enroll in the other CodeQuest courses!
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will learn the basics of programming principles such as if/else conditions, event listeners (listening for keyboard input etc), drawing and manipulating sprites, creating a game loop, and much more! 

This beginner course will teach the student concepts that create a foundation that learners can build on and transfer over to a "real" programming language such as Python or Java.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Requisitos previos
- A valid email account (for creating a Scratch account) - Basic computer literacy (can use a web browser, use Microsoft Paint, save images from the internet, etc)
Lista de útiles escolares
A working laptop with a stable internet connection and web camera.
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Scratch
Se unió el January, 2024
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
I have been a full-stack web developer since 2014. 

I have been teaching students since 2018. I have taught code at after-school programs, and online, with students ranging from 1st to 6th grade. I have also taught English as a second language abroad in Poland and the Czech Republic.


Lecciones 1 a 1 en vivo

30 US$

por sesión
Reuniones bajo pedido
60 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 6-11

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