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Español para principiantes en primaria (grados 1.º a 3.º): ¡Temas de temporada!

Seguimos temas mensuales interesantes para practicar español con temas como la familia, los sentimientos, el clima, las formas, los colores y otro vocabulario estacional divertido que nos ayuda a conectar lo que aprendemos con la vida de cada niño. ¡Nuevas clases a partir del 26 de agosto!
Spanish With Littles By Profe Victoria
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:

Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
40 minutos horas de clase por semana
1 hora por semana. Students will receive a weekly worksheet that may include coloring, tracing words, finding objects, or other challenges to support their learning in class!
Learners will be informally assessed orally during class. We will also use Kahoot games to review at the end of most classes which serves as an informal assessment of material studied that day. Parent can request additional feedback at any time!

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 1 - 3
Nivel Beginner
Young Beginner’s Spanish Class- Fun Seasonal Themes Offered ALL YEAR! 


⭐New class times now open!⭐

💲✨Signing up for your first ever Outschool class? Use our PROMO CODE: VICTORIA20 when you create your Outschool account and you’ll get $20 OFF any Outschool class! ✨💲

💲✨A special WELCOME to Fall classes! Until October 1st 2024 use our coupon code: WITHLFALL245  and you'll get $5 off any one of our classes!✨💲

⭐FREE POSTER GIVEAWAY! All of our new students will be sent a welcome message with a link for free posters that you can print, laminate, and display in your students learning space! 


This Spanish Class is the perfect spot to students who are still new to Spanish but have had some previous exposure. In this class we use a monthly theme song. In each class  we introduce four or five new words in Spanish connected to the theme and provide multiple different strategies to practice the new words in each session. This class provides many opportunities for students to use Spanish independently and build on their Spanish reading skills. This class not only provides an amazing class experience but you will also get access to lots of extra learning materials after each class meeting. After each class you receive a worksheet with activities to practice the vocabulary, a link to the song of the month, the Kahoot! Link to practice our review game from home, as well as a PDF of our beginner Spanish reader for that week along with a listen along link to practice those reading skills at home! This class truly provides an amazing class experience as well as so much for you to utilize at home with your littles to keep the learning going! 


❗It is helpful for students to already know some numbers, colors, and basic vocabulary in Spanish before joining this class

❗This is a subscription based class, so you can join at any time and unsubscribe for vacations or schedule other conflicts. If you'd like to know which lesson a particular class is on feel free to message me when enrolling. (Material Outline is below!)**



🌟Gather materials for class (when needed)
🌟Theme Song of the Month
🌟Introduce new vocabulary
🌟Practice vocabulary (with visuals/games/songs/coloring)
🌟Reading Time
🌟Review game
🌟Sharing time (learn the word for what you brought and discuss the items as time allows)



🌞is energetic and active to help pull in every type of learner
🌞engages learners minds through body movements to connect to meaning
🌞will use around 80% Spanish and 20% English (or less just to help integrate new students in our class). 
🌞will use interesting visuals, realia, and movement as well as other learning methods to keep class interesting
🌞encourages participation from every learner 



😃 Have interactive activities
😃 Practice Reading
😃 Use body movement to connect to the meaning of new words
😃 Have a sharing time to bring a toy or stuffed animal to show you friends and learn how to say it in Spanish! 
😃 Use lots of repetition 
😃 Use multiple learning methods for different types of learners
😃 Use simple sentences and phrases like "Veo..." "I see...", "Me gusta..." "I like..." "Tengo...." "I have...", "estoy..." "I am..." and others! 



📘Printable PDF provided each week (or notebook paper)
📕Crayons or markers
📙A quiet learning Space
📗A secondary device (phone or tablet for review game)
📘An item from home for sharing time


**I will release our full curriculum plan here quarterly so you know what’s coming up and what lesson you are joining on! 

🎒🏫📓August: Back to School!

Week of July 28th: 
I go, we go, school, teacher, students,  (voy/vamos/ escuela, maestra(o) estudiantes)

Week of August 4th:
Write, backpack, paper, notebook (escribir, mochila, papel, cuaderno) 

Week of August 11th: 
read, book, cut, scissors (leer, libro, cortar, tijeras)

Week August 18th:
 chair, desk, sit down, stand up (Silla, sentarse, levantarse, escritorio)

Week August 25th:
hand, raise, question, I know/I don’t know (Mano, levantar, pregunta, yo sé/ yo no sé)


🥳🎂🎈September: It’s My Birthday! 

Week of September 1st: Cumpleaños (birthday), tengo____años( I am ____ years old), celebración (celebration), 1-10

Week of September 8th: Pastel (cake), velas (candles), regalos (gifts), deseo (wish) 

Week of September 15th: Amigos (friends), fiesta (party), juegos (games), divertido (fun)

Week of September 22th: Globos (balloons), decoraciones (decorations), silbato (party whistle), piñata


🍁🍎October: Fall Festivities!

Week of September 29th: fall (otoño), tree (árbol), leaves (hojas), 1-10
Week of October 6th: pumpkin (calabaza), orange (anaranjado), big (grande), small (pequeña)

Week of October 13th: apple tree (manzano), apples (manzanas), pick (recoger), 11-15

Week of October 20th: wind (el viento), fall (down) (caerse), 16-20, review leaves (hojas), apples (manzanas), and pumpkin (calabaza)


🏈🦃November: Food and Thanksgiving

Week of October 27th: Halloween Class- costume (disfraz), bat (murciélago), spider (araña), trick or treat (dulce o truco)

Week of November 3rd: Pavo (turkey), Pluma (feather), Maíz (corn) , noviembre (Novemeber)

Week of November 10th: Plate (plato) , table (mesa), vegetables (verduras), meat (carne)

Week of November 17th:  want (quiero), mashes potatoes (puré de patatas), bread (pan), cake (tarta)

Week of November 24th: grateful for (doy gracias por), family (familia), friends (amigos), home ( hogar)


🎄⛷December: Winter Activities and Christmas

Week of December 1st:: Patinar (skate), Reno (reindeer), duende (elf), trineo (sled)

Week of December 8th: hot chocolate (chocolate caliente), snow angel (angél de nieve), cookies (galletas), candy cane (bastón de menta)

Week of December 15th: Gifts (regalos), stocking (cancetín), Christmas tree (árbol de navidad), ornament (adorno)

Week of December 22th: Happy New Year (feliz año nuevo), party (fiesta), fireworks (fuegos artificiales), midnight (medianoche)


⛄❄January Theme: Winter Fun!

Week of December 29th: Invierno (winter), hace frío (it’s cold), la nieve (snow)

Week of January 5th:  Muñeco de nieve (snowman), bola de nieve (snowball), está nevando (it’s snowing)

Week of January 12th: Me siento frio (I feel cold!), bufanda (scarf), sombrero (hat), botones (buttons)

Week of January 19th: Círculo (circle), ojos (eyes), nariz (nose), me siento emocionado (I feel excited)


💜👪February Theme: I love my family!

Week of January 26th:  Mi familia (My family), Hace buen tiempo (The weather is nice), Me siento contento (I feel happy)

Week of February 2nd:  heart (corazón), I love (Yo amo), mom (madre), dad (padre)

Week of February 9th: Chocolate (chocolate), gift (regalo), brother (hermano), sister (hermana)

Week of February 16th: Red (rojo), pink (rosado), friend (amigo/a), It’s cloudy (está nublado), 


🙂March Theme: My Face / My Senses!

Week of February 23rd: Mi cara (My face), primavera (Spring), Colores (colors), Me gusta (I like), no me gusta (I don’t like)

Week of March 2nd: Está lloviendo (It’s raining), arcoíris (Rainbow), Ojos (eyes), Veo (I see)

Week of March 9th: Nariz (nose), Flores (flowers), Huelo (I smell)

Week of March 16th: Orejas (ears), pájaros (birds), música (music), escucho (I hear)

Week of March 23rd: Boca (mouth), tengo hambre (I’m hungry), Tengo sed (I’m thirsty), Yo como (I eat), Yo bebo (I drink)


🌳🌎April Theme: Earth Day

Week of March 30th: to plant (plantar), earth (la tierra), tree (árbol), seed (semilla)

Week of April 6th: to search for (buscar), insects (insectos), magnifying glass (una lupa), butterfly (mariposa).

Week of April 13th: to paint (pintar), eggs (huevos), rabbits (conejos), basket (canasta).

Week of April 20th:  to have (tener), bees (abejas), chicks (pollitos), to fly (volar).

🐘🐔May Theme: Farm and Zoo 

Week of April 27th: farm (la granja), zoo (El zoológico), animals (animales), go (ir/voy) 

Week of May 4th: Elephant (elefante), Lion (león), Tiger (tigre), Monkey (mono)

Week of May 11th: cow (vaca), horse (caballo), pig (cerdo), hen (gallina)

Week of May 18th:  forest (bosque), bear (oso), wolf (lobo), zorro (fox)


⛺🌄June: The Great Outdoors!

Week of May 25th: play (jugar), to run (correr), grass (yerba), green (verde) 

Week of June 1st: playground (parque infantil), slide (tobogán), swing (columpio), seesaw (subibaja).

Week of June 8th: To camp (acampar), fire (fuego), tent (carpa), sleeping bag (saco de dormir). 

Week June 15th: mountains (montañas), lake (lago), deer (ciervo), squirrel (ardilla). 

Week of June 22th: Outside (afuera), it’s sunny (está soleado), the sun (el sol), yellow (amarillo) 


🏖🍦July: Summer and Beach!

Week of June 29th: Swim, beach, pool, it’s hot, I like the beach/ to swim. (nadar, la playa, piscina, hace calor)

Week of July 6th: I wear, swimsuit, hat, sandals (llevo, traje de baño, sombrero, sandalias)

Week of July 13th: I look for, shells, starfish, crabs. (busco, conchas, estrellas de mar, cangrejos)

Week of July 20th: I eat, watermelon, ice cream, popsicles. (como, sandia, helado, paletas)



Please visit our Outschool Profile page:

To see an intro video of your teacher please copy and paste this link!




All students are encouraged to participate but please allow your learner to speak in their own timing. The teacher will provide opportunities but for learning a second language it is important for students to go through the “absorption” phase. Some students will want to speak on day one, but some students will need a little longer. Please message your teacher if you have concerns about your child’s participation.

Be sure to have zoom downloaded and updated on your device. Make sure you are logged into your Outschool account on that device as Zoom links cannot be shared. 
You will receive a PDF (usually sent on Sunday’s) that you can print or use on a tablet for further interaction in the class. 
Please have the designated class materials ready before the class meeting.
Please have an extra device available for our game at the end of class (a phone or tablet will work just fine!) If you are unable to use another device you will receive a printout when your child enrolls that you can use during the game.
Please post on our classroom page after you enroll so we can get to know your learner more!

Please allow student time to adjust to the class. Not all students will be ready to speak on day one but they are learning!
Be ready to help with the mute/unmute function or other technology issues that may come up.
Please have a quiet learning space.
We will use Kahoot! But it is not necessary to have the app. In fact, the App often has glitches but you will be given a QR code to join during class!

You will receive the game link and an additional PDF to practice more from home.
The class recording will automatically be posted to the classroom page so that you are able to practice from home if you missed class or if you’d like your learner to review. 

If you are unable to attend a live meeting you can:
Choose to pause enrollment for that week (your child’s spot in the class may be taken, but you will not be charged for that week and if there is a space open when your pause ends you will automatically en re-enrolled.
Choose to un-enroll from the class and re-enroll when your schedule allows.
Stay enrolled in the class, with the option of viewing the class recording from home, and guarantee your child’s spot in the class. 
All changes must be made within 24hr of the class meeting. No refund will be given after 24hr prior to class. If your child is sick please ask to reschedule or view the class recording from home. 

All students must have a video check-in during the first 10 minutes of class or they will be placed in the waiting room for safety reasons.
Be sure that your child’s name is displayed in Zoom before logging in.
Please show your student the mute and unmute button or sit close by to assist. If there is distracting noise or background noise your teacher will have to mute your learner but we still want them to be able to participate.
Only the enrolled learner may appear on the video. Parents or siblings need to be out of the camera’s view.
Metas de aprendizaje
The goal is for each student to gain a curiosity about the Spanish language in a fun and stress-free environment!
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
I recommend parent guidance in the first class or two especially for younger learners. This helps them adjust to the class. If supervision is needed for you student after that I will inform you directly. Some students benefit from having a parent sit with them for support during class.
Lista de útiles escolares
~Quiet room free from distractions (if possible!) and parent supervision
~Paper and pencil/ colored pencils 
~Extra phone or tablet for game at the end of class
~Special item or toy for sharing time!
 2 archivos disponibles al momento de la inscripción
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Kahoot
Se unió el April, 2021
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Texas Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
David Caleb Flores
Maestría en Educación elemental desde Hyles=Anderson College
Profe Deb
Licenciatura en Educación de la primera infancia desde Texas A & M
David Caleb Flores
I have studied Spanish personally for 12 years. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish. I have also lived abroad in Spanish speaking countries. Spanish is the work and joy of my life. Every since my very first Spanish class I just loved it. It opened up the world to me and opened up my mind to the incredible experience of learning another language. I hope you'll find it just as exhilarating as I do!


Clase grupal

14 US$

1x por semana
40 min

Completado por 224 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 6-9
3-8 alumnos por clase

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