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Conviértete en diseñador gráfico: pasa de principiante a avanzado con Canva

En este curso de 8 semanas, los estudiantes llevarán sus habilidades en Canva a un nuevo nivel al crear varios proyectos que incluyen tarjetas, GIF, una breve animación stop motion y mucho más.
Laura Russell
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Qué está incluido

8 reuniones en vivo
6 horas presenciales

Experiencia de clase

Becoming a graphic designer requires creativity and willingness to learn a new skill! In this class, we will focus on design fundamentals to create amazing designs in Canva. Each week, we will create a unique design to give learners a broad experience in graphic design. 

Week 1- Introduction to Graphic Design + Create a personal wallpaper background for desktop computer or mobile phones 
Week 2- Introduction to Design Fundamentals + Create a 2-sided card. 
Week 3- Create a graphic t-shirt design (front and back).
Week 4- Create a video.
Week 5- Create a GIF with animated text.
Week 6- Create a GIF with a moving background.
Week 7- Begin a stop motion animation.
Week 8- Finish Stop Motion Animation + Wrap Up

Each week, we will build on skills from the previous week. 

Some of the features that we will use in Canva include: templates, animated elements, photos, photo adjustments, photo filters, text fonts, text colors, text animations, backgrounds, videos, and more. 

Each class session, we will begin with a greetings as we build our class community. We will spend a few minutes setting the objective for the day. (What is our design goal? What are we trying to accomplish?) Most of our class time will be spent in Canva doing hands-on design as I give step-by-step instruction. Each class will end by sharing designs to our classroom page on Outschool. 

Students will have flexibility within each project to add in their own creativity and personal touches.
Metas de aprendizaje
-Create personal wallpaper background for desktop computer or mobile phones 
-Discuss design fundamentals
-Create a 2-sided card. 
-Create a graphic t-shirt design (front and back).
-Create a video.
-Create a GIF with animated text.
-Create a GIF with a moving background.
-Create a stop motion animation.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

8 Lecciones
más de 8 semanas
Lección 1:
Week 1- Introduction to Graphic Design + Create a personal wallpaper background for desktop computer or mobile phones
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
Week 2- Introduction to Design Fundamentals + Create a 2-sided card.
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
Week 3- Create a graphic t-shirt design (front and back).
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
Week 4- Create a video.
45 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
This class requires the use of the FREE online program, Canva. In order to create an account, you must be age 13 and up. Please visit canva.com to create an account with your child prior to our first class. You do not need to pay for Canva Pro. We will use the free version.
Lista de útiles escolares
A device to run Zoom and Canva.
Optional: two devices, one to run Zoom and one to run Canva. 
It is preferable to use Canva in a web browser like Chrome rather than an app for mobile devices. 
Create an account at canva.com (free version).
Recursos externos
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
  • Canva
Se unió el May, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Hello! I am Teacher Laura. I have 12 years of experience working with children. I volunteered with children in the community for 5 years and have taught in the classroom for 5 years Preschool-8th grade), and have been teaching in the online classroom for 2 years! I have a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education (2014) and a Master’s degree in Technology Enhanced Teaching (2018). 
I love learning and teaching! My favorite topics are graphic design and science. Authentic learning is my favorite mode of education.
I am a mom to a toddler and have been married for 7 years! I love family time, traveling, and running!


Curso grupal en vivo

13 US$

semanalmente o 99 US$ por 8 clases
1 x por semana, 8 semanas
45 min

Completado por 75 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-15
2-10 alumnos por clase

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