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Psicología AP: curso integral y preparación para exámenes

Erin Lavonne Bennett
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Este curso en línea de 20 módulos cubre el plan de estudios completo de Psicología AP de College Board y prepara a los estudiantes de secundaria para el examen oficial de Psicología AP con un enfoque acelerado y exhaustivo.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 9 - 12
Nivel Intermediate - Advanced
Sigue en plan de estudios College Board Advanced Placement
Alineado con Advanced Placement (AP) Standards
9 units//22 lessons//20 Weeks
Unit 1Scientific Foundations of Psychology
2 lessons2 Weeks
Scientific Foundations of Psychology
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Historical Foundations of Psychology
In this initial module, we'll delve into the historical origins of this multifaceted discipline and its evolution into the modern, diverse field we know today.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Research Methods & Statistical Analysis
We'll explore the diverse techniques psychologists use to study the mind and behavior, understanding how these methods shape our insights.
Unit 2Biological Bases of Behavior
2 lessons2 Weeks
Biological Bases of Behavior
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Biological Psychology Part 1
We're diving deep into the fascinating world of biological systems and their roles in psychology.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Biological Psychology Part 2
We'll venture into the realm of behavioral genetics 🧬, uncovering how our genes and environment interact to shape our personality and behavior.
Unit 3Learning
1 lesson1 Week
 Week 5
Lesson 5
We'll start by exploring the minds behind major learning theories. You'll get to know pioneers like Pavlov, Skinner, and Bandura, and how their groundbreaking work shapes our understanding of learning today.
Unit 4Cognitive Psychology
3 lessons3 Weeks
Cognitive Psychology
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Cognitive Psychology Part 1
We'll delve into the intricate world of memory, exploring the fascinating cognitive and physiological processes that shape our ability to remember.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Cognitive Psychology Part 2
Continue our study of cognitive processes.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Cognitive Psychology Part 3
Delve into the fascinating realm of mindset, exploring how our beliefs and attitudes shape our thinking and learning.
Unit 5Developmental Psychology
2 lessons2 Weeks
Developmental Psychology
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Developmental Psychology Part 1
We will start to learn about how kids grow physically and interact with the world and people around them. We'll explore how children develop and how they learn to socialize, make friends, and understand their own emotions.
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Developmental Psychology Part 2
In this module, we will explore the fascinating journey individuals undertake from their teenage years into full adulthood.
Unit 6Motivation, Emotion, and Personality
4 lessons4 Weeks
Motivation, Emotion, and Personality
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Stress & Coping
In this module, we delve into the intricate world of stress, exploring its psychological underpinnings and physical effects.
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Personality Part 1
We'll dive into the pioneering theories of Sigmund Freud, exploring his influential concepts that have shaped the understanding of human behavior and personality.
 Week 13
Lesson 13
Personality Part 2
We will explore the building blocks of personality through the lens of the Big Five (OCEAN) traits and understand how these traits shape our individual differences.
 Week 14
Lesson 14
Personality Part 3
This week, we'll delve into the core of humanistic psychology, focusing on the growth potential of individuals and the concept of self-actualization.
Unit 7Clinical Psychology
5 lessons3 Weeks
Clinical Psychology
 Week 15
Lesson 15
⚡️ Psychopathology Part 1 Activities
We'll start by exploring the standards for diagnosing these conditions, ensuring a foundation of understanding of current practice and reference to the DSM-5
 Week 16
Lesson 16
⚡️ Psychopathology Part 2 Activities
In this module we are exploring the varied landscapes of mental health, shedding light on different types of psychological conditions. 
Lesson 17
📝 Reading Notes
Weekly reading excerpt and notes
Lesson 18
🧠 Vocabulary
Weekly vocabulary activities
 Week 17
Lesson 19
⚡️ Psychopathology Part 3 Activities
From psychological to biomedical treatments, we'll explore the spectrum of methods used to heal the mind.
Unit 8Social Psychology
1 lesson1 Week
Social Psychology
 Week 18
Lesson 20
Social Psychology
Examine how humans interact in groups and social situations, as well as how others can affect an individual’s behavior and mental processes.
Unit 9Review
2 lessons2 Weeks
 Week 19
Lesson 21
Review Week 1
Review Units 1-4
 Week 20
Lesson 22
Review Week 2 & Final Assessment
Review Units 4-8 & course final assessment
  • •Recognize how philosophical and physiological perspectives shaped the development of psychological thought. (I.A) • Identify the research contributions of major historical figures in psychology. (1.B) • Describe and compare different theoretical approaches in explaining behavior. (1.C) • Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to explain behavior. (1.D) • Distinguish the different domains of psychology. (I.E) •Differentiate types of research with regard to purpose, strengths, and weaknesses. (1.F) • Predict the validity of behavioral explanations based on the quality of research design. (1.K) • Discuss the value of reliance on operational definitions and measurement in behavioral research. (1.G) • Apply basic descriptive statistical concepts, including interpreting and constructing graphs and calculating simple descriptive statistics.(1.L) • Identify independent, dependent, confounding, and control variables in experimental designs. (1.H) • Distinguish the purposes of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.(1.M) • Describe how research design drives and the reasonable conclusions that can be drawn, (1.1) • Identify how ethical issues inform and constrain research practices. (1.N) • Distinguish between random assignment of participants to conditions in experiments and random selection of participants, primarily in correlational studies and surveys. (1.J) • Describe how ethical and legal guidelines protect research participants and promote sound ethical practice. (1.0) •Discuss psychology's abiding interest in how heredity, environment, and evolution work together to shape behavior. (2.A) • Identify key research contributions of scientists in the area of heredity and environment. (2.B) ) • Predict how traits and behavior can be selected for their adaptive value. (2.C) • Discuss the effect of the endocrine system on behavior. (2.D) • Describe the nervous system and its subdivisions and functions. (2.E) • Identify basic processes and systems in the biological bases of behavior, including parts of the neuron. (2.F) • Identify the basic process of transmission of a signal between neurons. (2.G) • Discuss the influence of drugs on neurotransmitters. (2.H) • Describe the nervous system and its subdivisions and functions in the brain. (2.1) • Identify the contributions of key researchers to the study of the brain. (2.J) ) • Recount historic and contemporary research strategies and technologies that support research. (2.K) • Identify the contributions of key researchers to the development of tools for examining the brain. (2.L) • Discuss the role of neuroplasticity in traumatic brain injury. (2.M) • Identify the contributions of key researchers to the study of neuroplasticity (2.N) • • Identify the contributions of key researchers in the psychology of learning. (4.A) • Interpret graphs that exhibit the results of learning experiments.(4.B) • Describe the essential characteristics of insight learning, latent learning, and social learning. (4.C) • Apply learning principles to explain emotional learning, taste aversion, superstitious behavior, and learned helplessness. (4.D) • Provide examples of ow biological constraints create learning predispositions. (4.E) • Describe basic classical conditioning phenomena. (4.F) • Distinguish general differences between principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. (4.G) • Predict the effects of operant conditioning (4.H) • Predict how practice, schedules of reinforcement, and motivation influence quality of learning. (4.1) • Suggest how behavior modification, biofeedback, coping strategies, and self-control can be used to address behavioral problems. (4.J) •Compare and contrast cognitive processes. (5.A) • Describe and differentiate psychological and physiological systems of memory (5.B) • Identify the contributions of key researchers in cognitive psychology (5.C) • Outline the principles that underlie construction and encoding of memories. (5.D) • Outline the principles that underlie effective storage of memories. (S.E) • Describe strategies for retrieving memories. (S.F) • Describe strategies for memory improvement and typical memory errors. (5.G) • Describe and differentiate psychological and physiological systems of short- and long-memory (5.H) • Identify problem-solving strategies as well as factors that influence their effectiveness. (5.1) • List the characteristics of creative thought and creative thinkers. (5.J) • Identify problem-solving strategies as well as factors that create bias and errors in thinking. (5.K) • Synthesize how biological, cognitive, and cultural factors converge to facilitate acquisition, development, and use of language.(S.) • Identify and apply basic motivational concepts to understand the behavior of humans and other animals. (7.A) • Discuss the biological underpinnings of motivation, including needs, drives, and homeostasis. (7.E) • Compare and contrast motivational theories, including the strengths and • Compare and contrast major theories of emotion. (7.F) weaknesses of each. (7.B) • Describe classical research findings in specific motivations. (7.C) • Describe how cultural influences shape emotional expression, including variations in body language. (7.G) • Identify contributions of key researchers in the psychological field of motivation and emotion. (7.D) • Discuss theories of stress and the effects of stress on psychological and physical well-being. (7.H) •Explain the process of conception and gestation, including factors that influence successful neo-natal development. (6.A) • Discuss the interaction of nature and nurture (including cultural variations), specifically physical development, in the determination of behavior. (6.B) • Discuss maturation of motor skills. (6.C) • Describe the influence of temperament and other social factors on attachment and appropriate socialization. (6.D) • Identify the contributions of major researchers in developmental psychology in the area of social development in childhood. (6.E) • Discuss the interaction of nature and nurture (including cultural variations), specifically social development, in the determination of behavior. (6.F) • Explain how parenting styles influence development. (6.G) • Explain the maturation of cognitive abilities (Piaget's stages, Information process). (6.H) • Identify the contributions of major researchers in cognitive development in childhood. (6.I) • Discuss maturational challenges in adolescence, including family conflicts. (6.J) • Characterize he development of decisions related to intimacy as people mature. (6.K) • Predict the physical and cognitive changes that emerge through the lifespan, including steps that can be taken to maximize function. (6.L) • Identify the contributions of major researchers in the area of adulthood and aging. (6.M) • Identify the contributions of major researchers in the area of moral development. (6.N) • Compare and contrast models of moral development. (6.0) • Describe how sex and gender influence socialization and other aspects of development. (6.P) • Describe and compare research methods that psychologists use to investigate personality. (7.1) • Identify the contributions of major researchers in personality theory. (7.J) • Compare and contrast the psychoanalytic theories of personality with other theories of personality. (7.K) • Compare and contrast the behaviorist and social cognitive theories of personality with other theories of personality. (7.L) • Compare and contrast humanistic theories of personality with other theories of personality. (7.M) • Speculate how cultural context can facilitate or constrain personality development, especially as it relates to self-concept. (7.N) • Compare and contrast trait theories of personality with other theories of personality. (7.0) • Identify frequently used assessment strategies, and evaluate relative test quality based on reliability and validity of the instruments. (7.P) • Recognize the use of the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association as the primary reference for diagnostic judgments. (8.A) • Describe contemporary and historical conceptions of what constitutes psychological disorders. (8.B) • Discuss the intersection between psychology and the legal system. (8.C) • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of various approaches to explaining psychological disorders.(8.D) • Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels. (8.E) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum, and other psychotic disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.F) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including anxiety disorders, bipolar and related disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.G) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including dissociate disorders, somatic symptoms and related disorders, and trauma- and stressor-related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.H) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including feeding and eating disorders, personality disorders, and their corresponding symptoms. (8.I) Recognize the use of the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association as the primary reference for diagnostic judgments. (8.A) • Describe contemporary and historical conceptions of what constitutes psychological disorders. (8.B) • Discuss the intersection between psychology and the legal system. (8.C) • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of various approaches to explaining psychological disorders.(8.D) • Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels. (8.E) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum, and other psychotic disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.F) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including anxiety disorders, bipolar and related disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.G) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including dissociate disorders, somatic symptoms and related disorders, and trauma- and stressor-related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.H) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including feeding and eating disorders, personality disorders, and their corresponding symptoms. (8.I) Recognize the use of the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the American Psychiatric Association as the primary reference for diagnostic judgments. (8.A) • Describe contemporary and historical conceptions of what constitutes psychological disorders. (8.B) • Discuss the intersection between psychology and the legal system. (8.C) • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of various approaches to explaining psychological disorders.(8.D) • Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels. (8.E) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including neurodevelopmental disorders, neurocognitive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum, and other psychotic disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.F) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including anxiety disorders, bipolar and related disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.G) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including dissociate disorders, somatic symptoms and related disorders, and trauma- and stressor-related disorders,and their corresponding symptoms. (8.H) • Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including feeding and eating disorders, personality disorders, and their corresponding symptoms. (8.I)
Currently hold a Professional NC Teaching License for Secondary Social Studies
Former public high school AP teacher 
ME in Educational Technology
BA Psychology
BA History 
Micro-Credential in Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning | ACUE 2021
Currently an eLearning Developer for the NC Community College System. 
I specialize in accessibility and educational technology
2 - 4 horas semanales fuera de clase
Frecuencia: 1-2 por semana
Comentario: según sea necesario
Detalles: The course consists of weekly modules that include instructional videos, multimedia presentations, reading assignments, vocabulary flashcards, and weekly assessments consisting of multiple choice, short answer, or essay questions.
Frecuencia: 7 o más durante toda la clase
Detalles: Weekly quizzes. Each weekly module culminates with a quiz, and the course ends with a final exam consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions. The final exam is worth 20% of the final letter grade. *Please not that you will need to sign up for the official AP Exam separately from this course* **Important Info*** If you have not already arranged to take the AP exam in May, you will want to start looking for the location early in the school year, because exams have to be ordered by Nov. 15th to avoid a late fee. You can go to this website to find local high schools that host the AP exam. Then you can call the school and ask for the AP Coordinator and have them sign you up and order your test. Many allow students from other schools/homeschoolers to take exams there.
Letra de calificación
Frecuencia: incluido
Certificado de finalización
Frecuencia: incluido
 1 archivo disponible al momento de la inscripción
Course Textbook: AMSCO® Advanced Placement® Edition Psychology Copyright Year: 2021 Charles D. Schallhorn Publisher: Perfection Learning Weekly reading excerpts will reference this text. Reading excerpts provided through the course are intended for instructional reference only and can't be read by screen readers or other assistive technology features. An optional resource I recommend, especially as a study review tool later in the school year as the exam approaches, is the iScore5 App. It works well on mobile devices. It costs $4.99. Learn more at
Además del aula de Outschool, esta clase utiliza:
AP Psychology explores various aspects of human behavior, emotion, and cognition, and may touch on sensitive topics like mental health disorders, aggression, and social issues. While we aim for a respectful and educational approach, parents should be aware that some content could be emotionally triggering for certain learners. It is advised to discuss the course topics with your child and assess their comfort level before enrolling.

The class will utilize the following third-party resources:
- Students will need access to Google Slides or PowerPoint for certain assignments. I recommend students use Google Slides, because it is free and also provides Google Drive as a place to organize and save their work.
- Kahoot for review activities:
- Edpuzzle for interactive multimedia instruction and and instructional videos. (Note that students will need to create their own free account)
- Padlet will be used to create virtual gallery walks and class discussions
- Instructional resources will be created and organized with Canva and Articulate 360
Introduction to Psychology
Copyright Year: 2015
Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

Research Methods in Psychology - 4th American Edition
Copyright Year: 2019
Contributors: Cuttler, Jhangiani, and Leighton
Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Copyright Year: 2021
Charles D. Schallhorn
Publisher: Perfection Learning
Se unió el April, 2023
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Utah Certificado de Docencia en Estudios Sociales/Historia
Carolina del Norte Certificado de Docencia en Educación Secundaria
Maestría en Educación desde Lesley University
Licenciatura en Psicología desde University of Colorado at Boulder
Licenciatura en Historia desde Metropolitan State University of Denver
Hello! I'm an experienced educator with a strong background in both traditional and online teaching environments. I hold a Master of Education in Educational Technology and have earned a Microcredential in Inclusive Teaching for Equitable... 


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20 US$

semanalmente o 400 US$ por todo el contenido
22 lecciones pregrabadas
20 semanas de apoyo docente
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1 año de acceso al contenido

Completado por 2 alumnos
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Edades: 13-18

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