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Club de debate sobre la Antártida: noticias, animales, ciencia, cultura, historia, del 11 al 13

En esta clase social continua, hablaremos sobre la Antártida, incluidos los glaciares, los pingüinos, las focas, los volcanes, las noticias de actualidad, los eventos de temporada, los rompehielos, la geografía, el trabajo en la Antártida y más. Guiados por un verdadero explorador antártico (¡yo!).
Michelle Polar World
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
50 minutos horas de clase por semana

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 6 - 7
In this ongoing social class, we will learn and discuss a new topic about Antarctica each week.  It's a great opportunity for students to learn about Antarctica, as well as practice good communication skills in this discussion-based class.  Based on my first-hand knowledge of the seasonal cycles of Antarctica, I will present some topics that are seasonally-relevant, and other weeks we will vote on a news topic shared by either students or myself.

Antarctica is a fascinating place!  I dreamed about going for years, learned everything I could about it and it was my favorite unit to teach in my Geography class.  Then I was able to make my dream a reality and was hired to work at a science research station in Antarctica, twice!  This gave me the opportunity to learn even more about the most remote continent on our planet, now I get to share that with curious learners on Outschool.

Suggested Prerequisite: Though not required, I highly recommend learners take my one-time class Journey to Antarctica: A Really "Cool" Introduction to the Icy Continent.  I offer this regularly, please request a time if one doesn’t meet your needs.  

Weekly topics will be based on learner interest and flow with the Antarctic seasons*

Week of Nov 6th: We will check in on the Weddell Seal Science teams.  New seal pups are being born every day and the scientists are busy tagging, weighing, and measuring new pups.
Week of Nov 13th: Let's go UNDER the Ice in Antarctica!  Specially-trained scuba divers dive under the sea ice to explore the coral reef system below.  Don't want to get wet?  We will also go down the Observation Tube, Super Mario style.
Week of Nov 20th: No class this week due to American Thanksgiving
Week of Nov 27th: Take a tour of McMurdo Station, the largest Science Research station in Antarctica.  This is where I worked for two summer seasons in 2018/19 and 2019/20

*Please note, I may shift plans based on current activity in Antarctica.  Due to the remote nature and unpredictable weather, plans often change.  That's part of the excitement of following current events in Antarctica - learners will see how plans shift and change as workers and scientists adapt to Antarctica's ever-changing conditions.

I could talk about Antarctica all day!  I look forward to sharing my love and knowledge of this continent with your learner.

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
The web-site listed will be used to observe live web-cams in Antarctica, which is generally of high interest to keen Antarctic learners. During class, I will be accessing this web-site and will screenshare the view with learners. Learners will have the option to check the web-cams between classes, and might take notes on seasonal activity or other observations they make. Accessing this web-site between classes is at parent discretion, and is not required for learners to be successful in this class. Learners will not need to create an account and will only be viewing publicly-accessible information. I have reviewed their privacy policy for compliance with COPPA. If you have any questions feel free to also review their privacy policy or reach out to me with questions.
Lista de útiles escolares
There are no required materials.  For all keen learners (Antarctic Explorers) who take Antarctic-themed classes with me regularly, I highly recommend a dedicated notebook or binder for Antarctica.
Idioma en el que se imparte la clase
Se unió el September, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Alaska Certificado de Docencia en Educación elemental
Licenciatura en Educación desde Western Governors University
I’ve lived and worked in Antarctica for two summer seasons at a science research station.  I’m passionate about the Icy Continent, and am happy to share my first-hand knowledge and experience with learners in my courses and answer as many questions as I can.  In addition to sharing my personal experiences, several of my courses draw on expert knowledge in Antarctic science, history, and logistics from people I met while working there.  This extensive set of educational resources developed by science researchers and Antarctic logistics specialists gives learners a first-hand look at real scientific research being conducted in one of the most remote environments on the planet, along with the logistics that help support scientific discovery. I look forward to sharing Antarctica with your learner.

Prior to working in Antarctica, I taught World Geography in Alaska for 10 years.  Antarctica was always my favorite unit to teach!  My courses also draw on materials I’ve used in the classroom to teach about the Icy Continent. 


Clase grupal

16 US$

1x por semana
50 min

Completado por 1 alumno
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 11-13
1-10 alumnos por clase

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