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Fonética avanzada: ¡Lee palabras grandes hoy! Nivel 1

En este curso de cuatro semanas, los estudiantes aprenderán a leer palabras grandes (de varias sílabas) mediante instrucción fonética avanzada. Utilizaré una herramienta y una metodología basadas en evidencia para ayudar a aumentar el nivel de lectura de sus estudiantes.
Heather the Test Prep
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Qué está incluido

4 reuniones en vivo
3 horas 40 minutos horas presenciales
A quick take home assessment will be provided at the end of the course.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 3 - 6
If your student needs an upbeat, fun, and encouraging teacher to provide instruction or intervention with reading and spelling, this course would be a great way addition to their education! Feel free to have your child join this ongoing course at any time.

During each class, I will provide direct reading and spelling instruction. Students will develop a deeper understanding of syllables, the fundamental sounds of English (phonemes), spelling rules, and word coding. Students will be supported and challenged by me throughout each class based on their individual needs. 

- Engaging and high impact activities
- Vowel pairs and/or vowel controlled r 
- Word part practice including prefixes & suffixes
- Spelling drills
- Ample practice breaking down and coding multisyllable words
- Encouraging and adaptive teaching style

Your student will need scratch paper or a whiteboard for spelling practice. Students who enroll in this course should be on at least a third grade reading 

This course focuses on skills and drills to give students the foundation necessary to read big words (3+ syllables) with fluency and ease. Each student will receive encouragement and support as they take on tough challenges and triumph over their goals.
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will identify word parts, prefixes/suffixes, vowel combinations, and more with automaticity. They will learn coding techniques to help them deconstruct written words. They will learn to spell challenging, multisyllabic words.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

4 Lecciones
más de 4 semanas
Lección 1:
R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Lesson 1
 - Vowel combinations ay and ai
- Vowel short and long sounds a and i
- Reading parts of real words (ex. tain, mit, stract, mid)
- Underlining vowels in words (ex. pathway, waist, mainland)
- Prefixes and Suffixes dis mis ab ad
- Coding prefixes and suffixes (ex. misfit, mislay, distract)
- Prefix & suffix meanings
- Spelling dictation
- Academic vocabulary practice (distract, admit) 
55 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Lesson 2
 - Vowel combinations au, ay, ai
- Vowel short and long sounds a and i
- Reading parts of real words (ex. dit, vas, tinct, fra)
- Underlining vowels in words (ex. audit, candid, fault)
- Prefixes and Suffixes in, im, con, com
- Coding prefixes and suffixes (ex. instant, impact)
- Prefix & suffix meanings
- Spelling dictation
- Academic vocabulary practice (contrast, distinct) 
55 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Lesson 3
 - Vowel combinations and R Controlled vowels ir, er, ur, au, ay, ai
- Vowel short and long sounds o, a, and i
- Reading parts of real words (ex. cur, tro, yond)
- Underlining vowels in words (ex. curtail, birthday, turn)
- Prefixes and Suffixes be, de, re, pre, pro
- Coding prefixes and suffixes (ex. prefer, restrict, complaint)
- Prefix & suffix meanings
- Spelling dictation
- Academic vocabulary practice (betray, absurd) 
55 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
R.E.W.A.R.D.S. Lesson 4
 - Vowel combinations ar, or, er, ir, ur, ay, ai, au
- Vowel short and long sounds a, o, and i
- Reading parts of real words (ex. gar, na, hol)
- Underlining vowels in words (ex. blizzard, haunt, holiday)
- Prefixes and Suffixes per, un, a
- Coding prefixes and suffixes (ex. unfit, alarm, permit)
- Prefix & suffix meanings
- Spelling dictation
- Academic vocabulary practice (discard, persist) 
55 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
As a teacher who has worked in Special Education for over a decade, I am uniquely suited to meet the social and behavioral needs of students with ADHD, ASD, and Dyslexia.
Requisitos previos
Students should be able to read on an approximate third grade level prior to taking this advanced course.
Lista de útiles escolares
scratch paper or whiteboard for spelling
Se unió el May, 2024
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Hello! My name is Heather and I have been a Special Education teacher for over a decade. I have Masters of Science in Education and love to help children and teens meet their goals!


Curso grupal en vivo

5 US$

semanalmente o 18 US$ por 4 clases
1 x por semana, 4 semanas
55 min

Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 9-13
2-6 alumnos por clase

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