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Mentoría empresarial 1:1: Emprendedores, Finanzas, Pensamiento crítico, Habilidades blandas

Sesión individual de apoyo empresarial o de pasatiempos para adolescentes y preadolescentes interesados en el emprendimiento, las finanzas, ganar dinero, hablar en público y mucho más.
Allison Bishins, Entrepreur + Business Classes
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Número de reseñas:

Qué está incluido

Se reúne bajo demanda
programar reuniones según sea necesario
50 minutos
por sesión
Apoyo docente

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. 6 - 12
Nivel Beginner - Advanced
* Yes this class IS available, as a one-time or ongoing 1:1 class!  Click "check availability" to auto-schedule based on my standard availability, or reach out with your desired timeframe, day of the week, and time zone.  Last minute sessions may be available - message me! *

Learner-led support session for learners who are interested in exploring owning a business, making money, turning a hobby into a business, developing financial skills, business math, possibly including:
     - Publicizing their hobby better through social media 
     - Learning about business management
     - Starting a Youtube channel (specifically, how to find your niche and where else to market your channel)
     - Exploring what careers and/or businesses would be a good fit based on your personality and passions
     - Business topics like pricing, marketing, creating a value proposition, determining and funding setup costs
     - Soft skills like public speaking, confidence, self awareness, boundary setting, standing up for yourself

Class is learner-led (meaning the learner will bring questions and we'll chat and brainstorm).  I do not prepare curriculum for this class; instead, this is an interactive conversation and opportunity for students to learn from my extensive business experience (as well as bits and pieces from classes I teach!)  

If your learner would like to talk about something specific (outside of our normal brainstorming), please message me no later than 24 hours prior to class.  If no topic is set 24 hours prior, I'll come to class ready to chat!  

A few notes: 
- Please arrive 3 minutes early so that we can start class on time, and you can troubleshoot any tech issues before class.
- Per Outschool policy, if the student is not in the classroom at the 10 minute mark, I will log off and end class.  (If you're having tech issues trying to enter the classroom, just send a message or post in the classroom, so I know you are there!)
- If you cannot attend, please let me know ASAP.  If you would d like a refund for an upcoming class you'll miss, please notify me at least 72 hours before class.  If you'd like to schedule a make-up session (within the same week), please notify me at least 24 hours in advance.  I cannot offer refunds or make-up classes for missed sessions outside of the situations noted above.  If you experience an emergency and cannot provide adequate notice, please reach out as soon as you are able. 
- Unless there is a safety issue, a 1:1 class video can be shared upon request.  If your student missed a 1:1 session, there is no recording.
- Per Outschool policy, social media apps will be referenced but not linked to.  Learners are encouraged to use social media only with adult permission and supervision.

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
Social media marketing will be discussed but not linked to. We will discuss online safety as part of our social media marketing conversation. Canva may be used if the student is interested, this requires a free Canva account. Per Outschool policy, please do not have learners share websites, social media handles, or city/town. If they want to discuss their website or social media feed/caption/etc, they can screenshot and share it during class, making sure any identifying info is blacked out.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Se unió el January, 2022
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría desde London School of Economics
Licenciatura desde University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
I own several small businesses (vintage goods, handmade jewelry, craft events, business workshops, and business consulting) and have been in business for 12+ years!  I have 25+ years of work experience in food service, marketing, non-profit work, environmental policy, urban planning, writing, and much more!  I have worked with young folks on business topics for around 5 years, and have taught adult business workshops for the same amount of time.  I teach social media marketing and other business topics as my full time job; I've taught thousands of learners virtually and in person.


Lecciones 1 a 1 en vivo

60 US$

por sesión
Reuniones bajo pedido
50 min

Completado por 8 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 10-18

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