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Coach individual de habilidades sociales y aprendizaje socioemocional (autismo, TDAH, ansiedad, TOD)

En esta clase privada individual, los estudiantes aprenderán habilidades sociales y habilidades de aprendizaje socioemocional a través de habilidades interpersonales y aprenderán la importancia de la empatía, la amabilidad y la comunicación efectiva con ellos mismos y los demás.

Qué está incluido

Se reúne bajo demanda
programar reuniones según sea necesario
30 minutos
por sesión
Apoyo docente

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
Grado de EE. UU. Kindergarten - 6
Nivel Beginner
In this one on one class the student will be taught social skills and social emotional learning skills using the overcoming obstacles curriculum with hundreds of activity-based lessons covering more than 30 skills, students learn how to communicate effectively.

They learn how to make informed decisions. They learn how to set and achieve goals, resolve conflicts, solve problems, respect one another, and more based upon the following topics below. 

These topics will be teach through a variety of different methods (videos, games, interactive worksheets, and more).

-Greetings "How are you feeling today"
-Learning Goal for today

Topics covered:

Active Listening: Teach students to listen attentively to others, making eye contact and responding appropriately to what they hear.

Communication Skills: Help them express themselves clearly and respectfully, whether through spoken or written communication.

Empathy: Encourage understanding and sharing of others' feelings, promoting a caring and supportive environment.

Cooperation: Emphasize the importance of working collaboratively with peers, sharing responsibilities, and contributing to group efforts.

Conflict Resolution: Equip students with strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully, emphasizing compromise and effective communication.

Respect for Differences: Foster an appreciation for diversity and teach students to respect and accept differences in culture, background, and opinions.

Self-Control: Guide students in managing their emotions and behavior, promoting self-regulation and responsible decision-making.

Problem-Solving: Cultivate critical thinking skills by teaching students to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate the outcomes.

Responsibility: Encourage a sense of accountability for their actions, belongings, and commitments.

Courteous Behavior: Instill manners and politeness, teaching students to say "please" and "thank you," and showing consideration for others.

Teamwork: Highlight the importance of teamwork, teaching students to contribute to group activities and appreciate the strengths of each team member.

Friendship Skills: Guide students in making and maintaining positive friendships, emphasizing qualities like loyalty, trust, and kindness.

Self-Awareness: Help students develop an understanding of their own emotions, strengths, and areas for growth.

Decision-Making: Teach the importance of making thoughtful decisions, considering the potential consequences of their choices.

Time Management: Introduce basic time management skills to help students organize their tasks and prioritize responsibilities.

Gratitude: Encourage students to express appreciation for others and recognize the positive aspects of their lives.

Sportsmanship: Instill the value of fair play, emphasizing good sportsmanship and the importance of both winning and losing gracefully.

Assertiveness: Teach students to assert their needs and opinions respectfully, without being overly passive or aggressive.

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
This course is intentionally designed to meet the needs of children of (ADHD, ASD, ODD, EBD, Anxiety, etc.) I will be using the Overcoming Obstacles, a award-winning, and research-based K-12 curriculum that teaches students life skills
Orientación para padres
I will be using the curriculum called "Overcoming Obstacles" which is an evidence-based research tool that is used for ages K-12th to help children self regulate their emotions. There is also no requirement for account access and I will have all of the materials already your child just needs to join the class. These classes aren't a substitute for a professional therapist/ psychiatrist and won't be therapeutic in any nature. Any sensitive issues addressed can be discussed prior to the meeting as needed.You can let me know if you have any parental regulations prior to our meeting, such as if you do not want your child to watch You Tube videos, etc.
Lista de útiles escolares
pencil, paper, fun spirit
Se unió el December, 2023
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Carolina del Norte Certificado de Docencia en Educación especial
Maestría desde University of North Carolina Charlotte
I'm a Certified Special Education teacher licensed to teach children Preschool through 12th grade, and have taught in the school district for over 10 years.

I'm a former ABA (Applied Behavioral Therapist)

Level 3 Early Childhood Administrative credential

TESOL certificate holder  

Currently in graduate school for Clinical Mental Health Rehabilitation Counseling 


Lecciones 1 a 1 en vivo

79 US$

por sesión
Reuniones bajo pedido
30 min

Completado por 21 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 5-15

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