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1 a 1 acelerado para los grados 11 y 12 en casa. Plan de estudios completo de la escuela secundaria: Parte 2 de 2 (solo a pedido)

Este es un curso acelerado de 10 semanas con un plan de estudios completo para la escuela secundaria. Esta clase del segundo semestre combina ciencias y matemáticas avanzadas para los grados 11 y 12, y es parte de un curso académico de tutoría individual para la educación en el hogar durante dos años completos.
Dr. Kai Kafferly, PhD
Puntuación media:
Número de reseñas:
Educador estrella

Qué está incluido

20 reuniones en vivo
25 horas presenciales
4+ horas por semana. 🕔 If a student must miss a live video meeting or needs to turn in homework later due to illness, family situations, or other circumstances, I completely understand. I kindly request that the parent sends me a direct private message at least 2 hours before the live online class, if possible. I can still post their homework for the day(s) they miss. It's important to note that, as per Outschool's policy, there are no refunds for a student missing a live meeting. If the student doesn't join within 10 minutes of the live meeting, the meeting will be canceled for that day. Unfortunately, I don't conduct makeup sessions for missed live meetings, but I'll continue to assign homework in the Outschool classroom for them to complete by the due date. Given the nature of homeschooling, there will be a substantial amount of homework, and parents should be actively involved. 🧑‍🏫 Students will receive instruction, guidance, coaching, learning, and homework assignments from me through live online sessions. I'll also post weekly guidance and homework assignments in the Outschool Classroom. Full participation in the live video meetings and the Outschool Classroom is crucial for effective learning. ⏩ This is an accelerated semester class. Students will work independently from me most of the time, engaging with the textbook, crafting essays, creating videos or other projects, and completing lesson reviews for both subjects. ✨ Heavy parent involvement is absolutely necessary to help students manage their homeschool schedule for homework and to provide support to their teen. ✨ 🎒 Weekly Assignment Homework: Although I'm available seven days a week via private message to assist your teen with questions, provide additional guidance, coaching, and more, parent help and involvement are not just allowed but required because this is homeschooling, and most state laws hold parents legally responsible. Parents will need to assist their teen in planning their schedules to complete homework on time, help them with their assignments, and ensure all homework is completed each week. Homework includes the following: All Homework and Reviews are OPEN BOOK. 1. We cover one full chapter per week in both subjects. Each chapter contains 3 to 7 lessons, and students must complete a lesson review for every lesson. The lesson reviews include vocabulary words, skill practice, skill review, and sometimes writing practice, typically featuring 8 to 15 questions per lesson. Students can write their answers on notebook paper, in a Word document, or they can print out the lesson reviews from the PDF of the textbook that I provide. Students will read their answers during our next live meeting, and these assignments are due within one week. This applies to both subjects, and these assignments are graded. However, if there are issues with this method, some lessons can be turned into projects (see #3 below). 2. The Chapter Review at the end of each chapter must also be completed, either by writing answers on notebook paper, a Word document, or a printout of the material from the PDF textbook. Your teen will read off their answers in the next live meeting, which means this is due in one week. This is open book and graded. 3. Most weeks, but not all, your teen will be assigned a project. This might involve writing an essay, a short story, or a poem (on a Word document), creating a video slideshow (via Canva or Adobe Express), or a digital photo collage. This allows for creativity and fun. Only Canva or Adobe Express may be used for video slideshows. Both programs are free. Google Docs and Google Slides are not permitted. You can find free document programs such as Open Office, Libre, and more via an internet search. This work is graded. Please refer to the Supply List section for more information. After reviewing your teen's homework answers verbally, we will engage in in-depth discussions about the chapters studied. I'll pose questions to your teen, and they can reciprocate. This approach greatly helps in fully absorbing new knowledge, connecting it with prior knowledge, ensuring comprehension, and fostering analysis. We will then introduce the next chapter, the new homework, and, if time allows, I'll initiate the first lesson with them. One of my teaching philosophies is to teach students how to learn. In many assignments, students may be asked to answer extra questions based on their initial responses, requiring them to conduct research on the internet and share their findings. During the final week, a comprehensive semester exam will be administered for both subjects. This exam will account for 20% of your teen's final grade, but it's important to note that the exams are open book. The exam can be tailored to your teen's preferred method of learning and demonstrating their knowledge. The purpose of this exam is to gauge their ability to comprehend, analyze, infer, discuss, and make informed conclusions about the material.
Informe de progreso
🗃️ Your teen will have their lesson reviews, chapter reviews, slideshow projects, and writing assignments graded each week for each subject. I send grades for this class every week through private messaging to parents, along with comments, to facilitate parental monitoring of their student's progress. I highly value and appreciate weekly feedback from parents. At the very least, parents should acknowledge the receipt of the grades I send. Parents and students can reach out to me at any time through direct messaging, and I'll respond the same day or, if not, by the next morning, seven days a week, except on holidays.
Certificado de finalización
🎓 I award 2 full-year high school credits for Science and 2 full-year high school credits for Math, as well as an overall grade for both subjects at the end of the class. Four certificates of completion will be sent to the parent via private message (2 certificates for each subject, each showing 1 credit). Depending on your homeschool laws or charter school requirements, you can use this class as 4 year-long credits, as the class is accelerated and packed with educational content. The overall grade is based on the following criteria: 1. The level of participation in discussions during weekly lesson reviews, chapter reviews, discussions of the chapters read, bonus projects, and essays in the live meetings. 2. The number of correct answers on their lesson reviews and chapter reviews while taking into account their individual learning abilities and needs. 3. The degree of participation and thoroughness in their work and research on projects and essays (if assigned). 4. A final semester exam, accounting for 20% of your teen's final grade, will be administered for both subjects during the final week. These exams are open book and can be adapted to your teen's preferred learning and demonstration method. The purpose of the exam is to assess their ability to comprehend, analyze, infer, discuss, and arrive at informed conclusions about the material. The certificate of completion will include the student's first name, "Outschool," the course name, the course end date, my full name and title as the Outschool teacher, and a final letter grade ranging from A to D-. It's important to note that I do not fail any students, as I believe that regardless of their level of involvement, they have learned something from the class. A = Excellent B = Great C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement 📁 For your homeschool portfolio teacher evaluation in your state, I highly recommend keeping PDFs of the textbooks to demonstrate all the subjects learned from each textbook and your student's graded work from me. These are crucial items to retain, including their written textbook material in Word documents, videos, projects from the Outschool classroom, and all saved assignments on your student's computer, in addition to the saved PDFs of the textbooks themselves. I strongly advise your teen to save everything to a Flash or Zip drive rather than their computer, as I won't be able to send you any of the material once the class is over.

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés - B2+
Grado de EE. UU. 11 - 12
Nivel Advanced
🔔 Teens MUST have taken my Part 1, first semester classes with English and Social Studies to enroll in this class. Teens do NOT have to take my 9th and 10th classes to enroll in this class.

🛑 Please note: This class is specifically for homeschooled teens and is available by REQUEST only. I kindly ask that you refrain from enrolling your teen until we've had a private conversation. After thoroughly reviewing the class details and video, feel free to send me a private message with any questions or your interest, and I'll respond within 36 hours.

🤠 Howdy and welcome to my High School Homeschool Complete Academic Curriculum classes! In this engaging 10-week course, we'll tackle a combined 11th and 12th-grade curriculum, focusing on Sciences and Mathematics. I'm thrilled to have your interest, and I extend a warm welcome to both you and your teen!

✨ This class is offered just twice a year for one student (Fall & Spring), following a first-come, first-serve basis. It's essential to acknowledge that homeschooling regulations vary from state to state, so I can't guarantee that this class will fulfill high school credit requirements. I strongly recommend researching your state's homeschooling laws before reaching out or enrolling your teen. This class requires active parental involvement, and teens should be prepared for a substantial amount of independent work, as this is a homeschooling environment.

🪧 Please take note of the specific class days and times:
Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 2:30 pm to 3:15 pm (Eastern Time Zone - New York time), subject to my availability. Regrettably, I can't accommodate schedule deviations due to my busy teaching schedule. I appreciate your understanding. The second-semester class is only available on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 3:45 pm (Eastern Time).


😁 Let me introduce you to how my homeschool program for teens operates...

At Outschool, we're not confined to traditional schooling; we're OUTschool! This class is designed for homeschooled teens. I create enriching and adaptable classes tailored to each teen's abilities and needs because differentiated instruction and assessment are essential. I'm incredibly flexible, and I'm here to assist all teens and parents to the best of my ability, with a warm and enthusiastic welcome!

❓ When it comes to homeschooling teenagers, many parents are uncertain about teaching them. Questions often arise about what subjects colleges are seeking on a homeschooled transcript. Parents wonder how to teach challenging subjects such as government, advanced math, chemistry, college-level writing, sciences, and social studies. My four-part course is designed to provide the answers.

🏫 High school doesn't have to be thought of in terms of a full year, long semesters, or specific time frames. In fact, this approach often leads to wasted time. Instead, we can view high school in terms of grade levels and credits. High school credit is awarded based on knowledge and the work completed, not on weeks or months. This approach allows us to accelerate a teen's learning, recognizing that some teens grasp new knowledge more quickly. It's important to check your state's homeschool laws or charter school policies to meet home education requirements.

This class covers the second semester of 11th and 12th-grade levels. In this segment, we study Sciences III and IV and Mathematics III and IV. There's only one slot available for one student to ensure personalized instruction tailored to their unique needs and abilities. While this course is challenging, I also infuse it with fun and interesting materials beyond the prescribed textbooks. I employ differentiated instruction and assessments to address each student's individual needs.

🤔 Here's how it works:

For 11th and 12th grades, I combine them into two semester classes. The first semester includes English III and IV (2 credits) and Social Studies (2 credits) for a total of 4 credits. The second semester focuses on Higher Math (2 credits) and Higher Sciences (2 credits), yielding another 4 credits. This completes 8 full-year credits in academics. Your teen can also explore elective credits by enrolling in any of my other 13-week semester classes for 1 full credit.

🕑 I teach students in this semester's class through live online meetings, totaling 2.5 hours per week, split into 1-hour and 15-minute sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Since this is a homeschooling environment, students will receive assignments to work on in their textbooks, and at times, they may create videos either in the Outschool classroom or record them on their computer, sharing the link in the Outschool Classroom. Students will also create video slideshows, regular slideshows, photo collages, and online posters to foster creative learning. All assignments, reviews, tests, and projects are graded using differentiated instruction and assessment.

📚 Your teen will receive free PDF versions of two comprehensive textbooks—one for English III & IV and another for higher Social Studies. By consolidating the crucial aspects of each subject into chapters, we accelerate the learning experience.

■ 🔬 SCIENCES III & IV: 1 Hour & 15 mins. live online per week.
See the Syllabus section for detailed information!

■ 🧮 MATHEMATICS III & IV: 1 Hour & 15 mins. live online per week.
See the Syllabus section for detailed information!

I am readily available to both parents and students through direct messaging and typically respond within the same day or by the following morning, seven days a week. My goal is to assist your teen in their journey to success.

👀 Students can explore my other elective classes, each offering grades and credits, as listed on my Outschool profile. This can contribute to your homeschool portfolio and high school transcripts.

💻 Our first live meeting is a time for introductions and getting to know one another. I will introduce myself, provide an opportunity for the student to introduce themselves, and encourage them to share their interests, hobbies, and any thoughts about learning and education. Additionally, they can discuss any accommodations they may require. Following this, I will administer a simple, untimed pre-test to assess their current knowledge, which helps me tailor their curriculum and determine their starting point. We'll delve into how the class operates, discussing assignments, lesson reviews, chapter tests, and weekly homework projects. I'll introduce the readings for the first week and provide guidance for upcoming lessons. Students will work independently on assignments, and parents must assist in creating a homework schedule, offering support, and ensuring that the work is completed by the following week. You might notice that even though this is an 10-week class, there are 22 meetings, with the first meeting serving as an introduction. The semester wraps up at the final live meeting, with the extra meeting acting as a "Make-Up" session in the unlikely event that a live meeting needs to be canceled. If such a situation arises, I'll post the homework due for the following live meeting to ensure your student doesn't miss out.

📚 Your total weekly tuition not only covers the TWO 1-hour and 15-minute weekly live video meetings but also includes the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes done in the classroom by your student.

🧑‍🏫 Additionally, it includes my weekly lesson planning, grading of homework, research, participation in the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes, adding feedback, content, guidance, and deeper questions for students' submitted work, responding to both student and parent private messages within 36 hours, and providing private guidance and help for your student. I am personally in the classroom working to help your student and answering private messages 7 days a week throughout the entire duration of the class.

🔁 As a professional educator, I adopt a new approach to teaching, which has been extensively researched and is based on statistics. This approach has proven successful in both traditional and virtual schools, aligning with the methods taught in my master's and doctoral programs in higher education. I implement a "flipped classroom" model, where students complete assignments independently (with parental assistance) before sharing their new discoveries, interests, and insights in the live meetings. During these discussions, I interject with important information and answers to questions, actively participating and grading assignments. This approach promotes an "open classroom" atmosphere, where we collaborate towards a common goal: learning and enjoying the process. We explore what we've learned, analyzed, and concluded from the assignments together during live meetings. I also grade lesson and chapter reviews, as well as projects posted in the Outschool classroom. Lastly, I introduce the next week's materials and homework, so your student knows what to expect.

🍂 Fall Semester: FALL BREAK is the 4th full week of November  (Thanksgiving, USA)
🌷 Spring Semester: SPRING BREAK is the 4th full week of February 
You are not charged for these weeks.

Students will also have a 5-minute break during each live online class to keep the sessions engaging and comfortable.

I'm here to serve your student and help expand their minds and nurture their passion for learning. I'm flexible, kind, compassionate, and committed to adapting instruction to meet your teen's unique needs and abilities. If you have any questions or need additional information about this class, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through direct messaging, and I'll respond within 48 hours.

🎒 This course is rigorous and challenging, designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience. It's a bit advanced and somewhat accelerated, so your student will need good time management skills, a self-made schedule, self-motivation, and the ability to work independently (with parental support) on assignments. While students work independently at their own pace, I'm always available through private messaging to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer support. I respond promptly, typically within the same day or by the next morning, seven days a week.

😔 Unfortunately, I cannot accommodate schedule requests for different times or days. This class, along with my other accelerated high school complete curriculum classes, is only offered once per semester. If the class is full, please enroll in the next semester's class after sending me a private message.

I'm always open to comments, suggestions, and making accommodations and modifications in all of my classes during the course of the class. Please engage in a conversation with your student and reach out to me through private direct messaging on Outschool to discuss your comments, concerns, and suggestions to meet your student's needs effectively.

🌟 Please continue to read all of the very important sections of this class listing below including the Syllabus, Homework, & Parental Guidance Sections with the refund policies. 📚
Metas de aprendizaje
SCIENCE: Biology, Human Health, Living Things, Plant and Animal Life, Heredity, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Space Science.

MATH: Review of Number Sense and Operations, Algebra I and II, Polynomials and Rational Expressions, Data Analysis, Functions.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Programa de estudios

Plan de estudios
Sigue en plan de estudios Teacher-Created
Alineado con Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
20 Lecciones
más de 10 semanas
Lección 1:
🏥 Human Body and Health
 Embark on an enlightening journey through the Human Body and Health! Explore the intricacies of anatomy, physiology, and wellness. Uncover the secrets of how our bodies function and learn strategies for maintaining optimal health. Join us as we delve into the wonders of the human body, empowering ourselves with knowledge to lead healthier lives. 🏥🧬 
75 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 2:
🔢 Number Sense and Operations
 Prepare for an exciting exploration of Number Sense and Operations! Dive into the world of numbers, mastering basic arithmetic operations and developing a deep understanding of numerical relationships. Uncover the beauty and versatility of numbers in everyday life, from counting to problem-solving. Join us as we sharpen our mathematical skills and cultivate a strong foundation in numerical literacy. 🧮🔢 
75 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 3:
🌿 Ecosystems
 Dive into the captivating realm of Ecosystems! Explore the interconnected web of life, from lush forests to vibrant coral reefs. Uncover the delicate balance of organisms and their environments, from producers to top predators. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of biodiversity, energy flow, and ecological relationships, gaining insights into the wonders of our planet's diverse ecosystems. 🌿🌊 
75 minutos de lección en vivo en línea
Lección 4:
🎲 Ratio, Proportion, and Probability
 Prepare to delve into Ratio, Proportion, and Probability! Explore the relationships between quantities, solve proportion problems, and unravel the mysteries of chance and uncertainty. From everyday scenarios to complex mathematical models, uncover the applications of these concepts in various fields. Join us as we navigate through the realm of ratios, proportions, and probability, equipping you with essential mathematical tools for real-world problem-solving. 📊🎯 
75 minutos de lección en vivo en línea

Otros detalles

Necesidades de aprendizaje
I support unique learning needs by incorporating various teaching methods, offer flexible assignments, flexible due dates, additional resources, & fostering an inclusive environment. I also communicate regularly with students & parents.
Orientación para padres
🚨 IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may need to have a certified teacher in your state review your student's portfolio (including their written textbook material on Word documents, videos, projects from the Outschool classroom, saved assignments on your student's computer, and saved PDFs of the textbooks) along with the certificate of completion and letter grade that I send to help comply with your state's home education laws if you are homeschooling. To safeguard these materials, I **HIGHLY recommend that your teen saves EVERYTHING to a Flash or Zip drive instead of their computer** because, once the class ends, I won't be able to send you any of the material. Please carefully review your state's home education laws and requirements before enrolling your teen learner. While I have taught these classes in accordance with Florida's home education laws, and all of my past students have successfully graduated, I or Outschool cannot be held responsible for maintaining your teen's home education portfolio or grades. We cannot review transcripts or perform portfolio evaluations for homeschooling, nor can we guarantee that this class will satisfy your state's home education laws or your charter school's policies or count for high school credit. Please check your state's and/or charter school's requirements. Remember, you are solely responsible for homeschooling your teen under your state's laws. I am here to help educate your teen learner, but parental involvement is absolutely necessary. 💰 Note about the tuition: This class's tuition structure can be a bit confusing. The total weekly tuition covers not only the TWO 1-hour and 15-minute weekly live video meetings but also includes the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes completed in the classroom by your student. It also accounts for my weekly lesson planning, grading of homework, research, participating in the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes by providing feedback, additional content, guidance, and deeper questions, responding to both student and parent private messages within 36 hours, and offering private guidance and help for your student. I am personally present in the classroom, working to support your student and answering private messages seven days a week throughout the entire duration of the class. Essentially, the weekly charge is $80, which includes the two live meetings and all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Outschool also deducts 30% of the total tuition for its expenses. I'm sorry, but I do not permit requests for a transfer to another date and time for this class. The only circumstance under which I could consider an exception would be if there were a tragic event affecting your learner or your family and not after the first week. Please note Outschool's Attendance Policy: If your learner misses a class meeting, you are not entitled to a refund. If your learner misses 3 consecutive class live meetings without communicating with the teacher, you forfeit the class fee, and the teacher may cancel the class or withdraw your learner. Please note Outschool's Refund Policy: Refund within 24 hours of payment until your next meeting or lesson access begins. This means that you will not receive a refund for the class 24 hours after your purchase no matter when the first live meeting of the class begins. Transfer requests to another class are also unavailable. Parents may need to assist their students in creating an account for Adobe and Canva, review with them how to create slideshows, presentations, and photo collages, and show their students how to save documents for various assignments or projects as .doc, .docx, or .pdf files to be attached in the classroom. Parents may also need to help their students with homework assigned by me. 🚸 FROM OUTSCHOOL... We stand with learners. We are all learners. At Outschool, we commit to standing with all learners by fostering a diverse and multicultural community, where differences are honored, welcomed, and accepted. With education as the catalyst and technology as the tool, we are uniquely positioned to connect learners to experiences that broaden their understanding of themselves and the world around them through our collective love for learning. At Outschool, we strive to be OUTstanding by fostering a global online community, elevating unique voices, and transforming the way we work and learn. At Outschool, we are all learners. We are curious and continuously interrogate the inequities created by systemic oppression on education and learning. We have the opportunity to evolve education by creating a marketplace that reflects and respects the lived experiences of historically ignored communities. This work is never done. To ensure equity across multiple lines of difference and experiences, we maintain a bias toward transformative action. Here’s what action looks like for Outschool. Diversity We intentionally include fair representation of different social identities–including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, social class, physical ability or attributes, and learning needs. Equity We implement processes to ensure inclusion and procedures to eliminate barriers or imbalances that keep community members from having equal opportunities. Inclusion Outschool cultivates an environment where all individuals feel welcomed, supported, and valued. Belonging We create a sense of connection through meaningful experiences by connecting people, ideas, and resources. While our open community is our greatest source of strength, it also brings challenges. It is important to us that Outschool is a safe space for our users. Our members should treat each other without bias or prejudice across all pillars of diversity, including race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identity. Please find below Outschool's Parent and Learner guidelines that we ask our members to observe. Outschool members who do not meet these guidelines may be removed from the site. 🧑 PARENT CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. Ensure that learners only attend class under their own enrollment, using their own identity, and refrain from using their sibling’s or another learner’s enrollment to attend class. 2. Provide all required details and fill out the learner's profile with accurate information. This may include age, gender preference, and any notes that the educator may need to know about your learner. 3. Ensure learners attend their classes and promptly notify the educator if they must miss a live meeting. 4. Offer constructive feedback about your class experience, for the benefit of the teacher and other parents, in both reviews and private messages. 5. Engage in civil conversation, respecting different opinions, and communicate through Outschool. 6. Keep personal information private and never share personal information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, gamer tags, social media, etc. 🎒 LEARNER CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. Join classes on time and be prepared for learning. 2. Be kind, respectful, safe, and engage in a respectful manner in all class interactions. Dress appropriately and maintain good behavior during class meetings. 3. Keep personal information private and avoid asking other learners for their personal information. 4. Engage, participate, and take responsibility for creating a great learning experience for yourself and your classmates. 🏫 OUTSCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT: 1. Outschool aims to be a safe space for members from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and locations. 2. We value feedback from parents, teachers, and learners and will make changes based on that feedback. 3. We create and enforce policies to ensure a high-quality, trusted, and safe community for learning. 4. We respond promptly to questions and issues that arise. ⚠️ Important Notes for Parents: 1. Outschool's Refund Policy: "Refund within 24 hours of payment until your next meeting or lesson access begins". This means that you will NOT receive a refund if you withdraw or request to withdraw your teen student for any reason 24 hours after you've enrolled them & made payment. There are no transfers to another class time or another class. 2. Outschool's Attendance Policy: If your learner misses a live class meeting, you are not entitled to a refund. If your learner misses 3 consecutive live class meetings without communicating with the teacher, you forfeit the class fee, and the teacher may cancel the class or withdraw your learner. 3. I value your feedback and suggestions. I'm open to making modifications during the course to better meet your teen's needs. Reach out to me through private direct messaging on Outschool to have a constructive conversation about any comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have. Communication between the teacher and the parent is key! 4. Please be aware that if there are no students after the first 10 minutes of the live online class, that day's class will be canceled. Our live meetings are scheduled for 75 minutes, but the duration may vary. Your teen's engagement is key!
Requisitos previos
Students must have completed my 1st-semester class of English and Social Studies for 11th & 12th grades before enrolling in this class. My 9th & 10th-grade semester classes are not required to participate in this class.
Se unió el February, 2019
Educador estrella
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Doctorado en Estudios religiosos desde Ashford University
Maestría en Educación desde Ashford University
Licenciatura en Justicia penal desde Ashford University
Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales desde Ashford University
I hold a double BA degree in Social Sciences with an Education Concentration and in Criminal Justice. Additionally, I possess a MA degree in Education with a Curriculum Specialty and a Doctorate in Philosophy.

I have over 11 years of experience teaching home high school students in grades 9 through 12. My teaching methods include live online sessions through Skype and asynchronous messaging on discussion boards. I have covered a wide range of subjects, including English, Language Arts, Writing, Sciences, Social Studies, Mathematics, and elective courses. Throughout my teaching career, I have consistently guided students to achieve above-average grades. These students have successfully navigated their state's approved home education laws and have seamlessly transitioned into college.

In my teaching approach, I draw upon various educational theories, including education-based constructivism, humanism, realism, and idealism. I also integrate principles of brain-based learning. My methods have been informed by rigorous academic study and empirical research, making them effective in both traditional and online educational settings. My background includes master's and doctoral programs in higher education, further enriching my teaching expertise.

I prioritize differentiated instruction, tailoring my teaching to the unique abilities and needs of each student. I am known for my kind, accommodating, friendly, compassionate, and flexible approach. My classroom model adopts the "flipped classroom" technique, encouraging students to complete assignments before engaging in live meetings. During these sessions, students take on an active role, sharing their newfound knowledge, discussing intriguing discoveries, and highlighting important insights. I actively participate in these discussions by providing additional information and asking relevant questions.

My teaching philosophy aligns with the principles of the "open classroom" method, emphasizing shared learning experiences. In these collaborative settings, we collectively explore what has been learned, analyze the material, and draw conclusions from assignments. I conclude live meetings by providing a brief introduction and guidance for the following week, including homework assignments for the next chapter in each subject.

In line with modern educational practices, I avoid lengthy lectures and encourage interactive, engaging discussions. I recognize that students benefit more from interactions than from passive listening. I consider myself more of a coach, guide, and mentor, working both with individual students and the class as a whole. My aim is to facilitate meaningful discussions, prompting students to share their newfound knowledge and insights at the right moments.

The classes I teach are advanced and accelerated, requiring students to develop excellent time management skills and strong motivation to succeed. My approach extends beyond imparting subject matter knowledge. I also focus on teaching students how to learn effectively. When students pose questions, I often guide them in conducting internet research to find answers. This method encourages critical thinking and research skills. I also extend this approach to homework assignments, asking additional questions that necessitate independent internet research. By employing these strategies, I empower students to take control of their education, fostering their desire and ability to learn as adults. This approach recognizes that students have the power to direct their own learning when equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.


Curso privado en vivo

800 US$

por 20 clases
2 x por semana, 10 semanas
75 min

Completado por 1 alumno
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 15-18

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