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Space Launch - Azimuth to Inclination

How do space agencies decide where and when to launch? Let's take a look at some of the information that paints the picture of where you can launch a rocket and where the satellite ends up in orbit
Michael Brittain
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What's included

1 live meeting
55 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

This class is designed to bring some basic exposure of orbital mechanics and launch planning. We'll reference some scientific/mathematical vocabulary like "azimuth" and "inclination", but we're not going to go too deep into any formulas or calculations. We'll mostly just be looking at the launch limitations of various launch sites, such as Vandenberg and Cape Canaveral. If students want to dive a little deeper into the math, I'll provide some resources for extension

Student interaction will be through voice chat and optional use of a map program such as Google Maps or Google Earth. I will use a whiteboard and map images to illustrate the concepts. Students will be allowed to ask their own questions and we'll dive into what we can as time allows. If there are questions that go outside the scope of the lesson, I'll make every effort to follow up on the class page later.
Learning Goals
Students will gain exposure and appreciation of space launch mission planning and be able to identify limitations of different launch sites.
learning goal

Other Details

External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Joined August, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
I teach many kinds of math classes, with a focus on Geometry and Calculus. I also teach about the science of space and related technologies, to include orbital mechanics, launches, and radar fundamentals.

I taught high school math for 5 years, developed math curriculum for 7 years, and currently work as a radar operator for near-earth satellite observation.

My philosophy of teaching can be summed up in the phrase, "there are no dumb questions." I want to inspire people to be life-long learners and always ask questions. Part of this is being humble enough to know when you don't have the answer. The biggest take-away from a productive learning session with me is the ability to feel what it's like to search for an answer and find what works. I'm not afraid to say "I don't know" - as long as I follow it up with "let's find out!"

Overall, I'm just a big nerd and very in touch with aesthetics and perspective. I'm that dude that looks up at the sky during a tough run and verbally marvels at the beauty of the colors and clouds. I also love to study movie soundtracks and listen for the composer's intent for scenes. And what would life be like without great comedic timing and dad jokes, whether it's with my own kids or my coworkers? All in all, I love all the small moments in life that make things interesting.


Live One-Time Class


per class
Meets once
55 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 12-17
3-6 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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