Mr. Ferko - B.S. Astronomy
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Astronomy, Physics Teacher & Tutor

About me

Welcome learners and parents! I am Mr. Ferko and I teach astronomy and physics classes! 

I have a bachelor of science in astronomy & astrophysics from The Pennsylvania State University. I worked at Penn State University's Yahn Planetarium for 3 years where I taught astronomy to thousands of students (including K-12). I also created and presented classes for Penn State Behrend's "College for... 
79 classes completed
Lives in the United States
Joined 2022年7月18日


30 total reviews
Great teacher. Really interesting content!
Kate absolutely loves this class and the instructor. She is amazed at... 
Great course! Mr.Ferko was great and explaining the topics and making... 

Classes offered:
6:00 - 23:25 世界標準時間