

Ilene Sennuwy Springer
(對於高年級學生)當您想到古埃及時,您可能會想到金字塔、克莉奧佩特拉或圖坦卡門國王。這個為期 6 週的課程將揭示有關這些著名人物的奇怪事實以及古埃及的其他不尋常特徵。


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 9 - 12
遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
6 lessons//6 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Cleopatra of Egypt: The Strange, Last 24 Hours
1. What crazy stunt did Cleopatra pull at a dinner? 2. We'll be alongside Cleopatra, "sharing her thoughts" as Egypt's and the queen's destinies come to a momentous end on August 10, 30 B.C E. 3. Watch three video clips of Cleopatra from the famous movies about her.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
What Bugged the Ancient Egyptians?
We'll discuss the following: 1. The scarab beetle (called the dung beetle) lives its life in animal poop. Why did it oddly become one of the most sacred creatures to the ancient Egyptians? 2. The meaning of flies, bees, butterflies, ants, and more to the ancient Egyptians. 3. Watch an amusing, factual video about dung (scarab) beetles.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Love and Marriage in Ancient Egypt
1. Find out the shocking term of endearment ancient Egyptian lovers called each other that would shock us today. 2. The unusual marital expectation the ancient Egyptians performed. 3. Hear the love poems from ancient Egypt. 4. See the earliest images in history of male and female gay couples.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Just What the Doctor Ordered in Ancient Egypt
Here are the following topics: 1. What did the ancient Egyptians get so wrong despite knowing so much about the human body? 2. What the earliest known physicians in history prescribed for headaches, constipation, broken bones and infertility, among many other minor ailments and serious conditions. 3. Why was ancient Egyptian medicine often more successful than medicine in the 1950s? 3. Enjoy an intriguing video about the first female physician in history.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Countdown: The World's Ten Greatest Things Invented in Ancient Egypt
1. Guess the top ten inventions passed down from ancient Egypt - and then find out how your opinion matches up with that of the teacher. 2. Which surprising invention DID NOT come from ancient Egypt? 3. View a colorful video on ancient Egyptian inventions.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Interview King Tutankhamen (King Tut)
1. Take this one-time opportunity to "ask" King Tutankhamun what Egyptologists have been speculating about for over 100 years since discovering his tomb. 2. Find out the truth about his death: illness, accident...or murder. 3. Do you believe in King Tut's infamous curse? Discover who King Tut cursed (if the curse was really true). 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 𓂀 💥 To schedule another class time, please scroll to “SHOW ALTERNATIVE TIMES."
  • Students will learn: 1. How important enrichment classes are, including this one, and others in the arts and in those subjects not considered part of a core, academic curriculum. 2. Cultural diversity: The practices that amaze or shock us now in modern times were often a regular and acceptable part of the lives of ancient cultures. This also applies to the attitudes and practices of different cultures in the world today. 3. How archaeologists and historians determine typical life from unusual behavior among ancient peoples.
I hold a Diploma in Egyptology from Oxford College in England and a Certificate of Museum Studies from Harvard University. Additionally, I’ve been to Egypt three times on personalized, educational tours.

I've been captivated by ancient Egypt since I was 10 years old.  And I feel it's my destiny to share my enthusiasm for and expertise on this beautiful and brilliant 5000-year-old civilization with all of you.  I hope to see you soon for a class.  I think you'll agree that The Egyptian Room is an attractive, fun and inspiring place to learn. 
0 - 1 每週課外時間
頻率: 包括
回饋: 包括
細節: There is no homework between classes. I do encourage students to look at the quiz I send them before each class.
頻率: 包括
細節: As this is an enrichment class, I only do an informal assessment at the end of the series. I send students a fun quiz (actually a learning tool) to take before the beginning of each class. And we will go over the quiz together at the beginning of the lesson and then we'll review the questions and see what students have retained at the end.
 1 註冊後即可取得文件
There are no supplies or materials needed for this series.
Throughout these classes, we will see images of nudity in ancient Egyptian art.  In the lesson on Cleopatra, there are discussions on infidelity, bearing children outside of marriage, and a video on Cleopatra's suicide by a snake.
I  use a number of primary and secondary materials from experts on the various subjects covered in the classes.  Each week has several resources; the ones listed here are one of many sources for that week's topic:

Week 1. 
√Cleopatra and Rome (book/research) by Diana E. E. Kleiner. "In this story, Cleopatra's death was not an end but a beginning--a starting point for a wide variety of appropriations by Augustus and his contemporaries that established a paradigm for cultural conversion."
√ Cleopatra: A Life  (book) by Stacy Schiff. " Her palace shimmered with onyx, garnets, and gold, but was richer still in political and sexual intrigue. Above all else, Cleopatra was a shrewd strategist and an ingenious negotiator."

Week 2.
√ The Tears of Re: Beekeeping in Ancient Egypt (book) by Gene Kritsky.
"According to Egyptian mythology, when the ancient Egyptian sun god Re cried, his tears turned into honey bees upon touching the ground. For this reason, the honey bee was sacrosanct in ancient Egyptian culture."

Week 3.
√ Ancient Egypt: Family Life (book) by Stewart Ross.  Covers all aspects of family life including love and marriage in ancient Egypt.

Week 4.
√Ancient Egyptian Medicine from the Scholarly Community Encyclopedia
https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/30441. Covers drugs and nutrition in ancient Egypt.

Week 5
√Discoveries and Inventions: Ancient Egyptians (book) by Jane Shuter.  
"Introduces the discoveries and inventions of ancient Egypt, including locks, lighthouses, mathematical discoveries, and the writing they used."

Week 6.
√ Tutankhamun: The Search for an Egyptian King by Joyce Tyldesley. "Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley unshrouds the enigmatic king and explores his life and legacy as never before, and offers a compelling new window onto the world in which he lived."

已加入 April, 2020
For the next few weeks, we're commemorating the death of Cleopatra, the most famous pharaoh/queen in history.  She died 2054 years ago on August 9th.  Come join my class - Cleopatra: The Last 24 hours of Her... 




每週或US$120 用於 6 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 6 週
55 分鐘

有1 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-18
1-4 每班學員人數

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