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Contemporary Artist Series: Laurel Burch's Colorful Cats

Deborah Ewing
Average rating:4.8Number of reviews:(1,494)
In this two-session self-paced art course, students will learn about artist Laurel Burch and draw draw an abstract cat inspired by her style.

Class experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Beginner - Intermediate Level
2 lessons//2 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to Laurel Burch; Start the Art
Students will study who Laurel Burch was, her contribution to art, and her art style, and begin using the elements of art to create drawing a cat inspired by her work. Students can do a google image search of her art as well as look at her website and galleries that feature her art, to help them with ideas for their own art.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Finish the Art
Students will finish the cat by outlining with a Sharpie (or metallic paint marker!) and color with crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
Students will learn about and create a work of art inspired by a famous contemporary artist.
I am a licensed art teacher. I love to bring art history alive by connecting my students with the amazing work of contemporary artists that they can identify with. Please check out my entire series! I will continue to add more artists as I am able!
Homework Offered
Not required, but students are welcome and encouraged to work on assignments and practice further between class sessions.
Assessments Offered
Informal assessments will take place during class in the form of teacher observation and possible suggestions (as requested by students).
Grades Offered
Certificates of Completion will be offered upon parent completion of class feedback. Letter or Number grades will be offered per parent request.
pencils, eraser, pencil sharpener
practice paper
good quality drawing paper (80# is perfect!), 9X12 or 11X14
black fine point (regular size Sharpie)
*optional: metallic gold or silver Sharpie or paint marker!
Crayola or similar markers
Joined May, 2019
Hello! I am a K-12 licensed art teacher. and professional artist. I teach all kinds of art, including drawing, painting, pottery, fibers, sculpture, art history and culture, and frequently integrate math, literacy and other subjects with my art... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $30 for all content
2 pre-recorded lessons
2 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Ages: 9-12

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