
高中以專案為基礎的 Python(2 級)

在這個為期 10 節的線上直播課程(2 級)中,學生將透過 8 個有趣的應用程式以及額外的最終專案來提高他們的 Python 編碼技能。此專案適合擁有至少 10 小時 Python 經驗的學生。
AI Code Academy


10 現場會議
10 上課時間
每週 2-4 小時. Projects are not mandatory but we strongly encourage students to complete them


In this intermediate level course, students will strengthen their Python programming skills and begin making more complex projects. Students learn to use Pygame to create GUI applications and games, including a painting app and infinite runner game. In addition, students are introduced to HTTP requests, python dictionaries, and data analysis techniques in order to prepare them for future machine learning projects. Project-based lessons reinforce python fundamentals and teach students how to design games and structure larger programs using classes and objects. Students will be asked to apply what they’ve learned to create a final project of their own design which will be presented on the last day of class. There will be some reinforcement quizzes for students to complete after lessons, along with review games that will be played in the final class meetings to ensure students remember material and are prepared to take the next steps in their programming adventures.

For a week to week program, check out the syllabus.
In this intermediate Python course, students use Pygame to create GUI applications and games while learning HTTP requests, Python dictionaries, and data analysis for future projects.
Emphasizing hands-on learning, they design games and develop programming skills, culminating in a final project presentation to demonstrate their proficiency.


10 課程
超過 10 週
課 1:
Environment Setup
 Due to the higher complexity of projects, students will learn to write and run python locally using Thonny. Students will learn how to use some of the helpful features of this beginner-friendly Python IDE to understand errors in their code. Additionally, pip will be introduced, and students will install a module using the package manager in Thonny. 
Project 1: Turtle Test Program
Students will write a short turtle graphics program to test out their new programming environment. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Intro to Pygame
 Pygame is a cross-platform module in Python. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries the students will be able to use in their programming. Students learn the basics of creating graphics like dots and bouncing rectangles. 
Project 2: Raining Circles
Students will use what they’ve learned to create their own animation of colorful circles from a pygame template project. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
GUI with Pygame
 Students are introduced to pygame events, and use what they have learned so far to create their first GUI program that allows a user to place dots on a screen. With a few simple additions, they finish this lesson with a basic painting program.
Project 3: Basic Painting Program
Students will create a simple program to paint on the screen with different colors. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
More Pygame Features
 Students will extend their projects from the previous lesson to include more features. They will learn to create a scalable interface, use images in pygame, and implement smarter collision detection.
Project 4: Advanced Painting Program
Students will add more features to their basic painting program to change the brush size and create a scalable canvas. 
60 分鐘線上直播課


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
Technical Requirements: PC (Windows 10) or Mac (macOS 10.13) with at least a 2GHz processor and 2GB of RAM (4GB of RAM is recommended). No Chromebooks!!! Broadband internet with at least 1.8Mbps download and 900Kbps upload speeds. Please make sure to remove your firewall if any Webcam - Either external or built-in (many laptops have an integrated camera). Microphone and Speakers - We recommend headphones with an integrated microphone
已加入 April, 2020
Project-based, STEM Coding + AI Programs + Mathematics

Early registration, Sibling and Multi-Course Bundle discounts Available!

The list of our summer camps can be found in this file: https://shorturl.at/bcBGP 

AI Code Academy offers the following project-based learning programs:
(1)  Basic Computer Skills (Grades 1-8)
(2) Scratch Coding Projects(Grades 2–5) two levels
(3) Micro.bit Coding Projects(Grades 3–4)
(4) AI Machine Learning Projects with Scratch(Grades 4–6)
(5) Roblox(Grades 3–8)Two levels
(6) Project-Based Python for Kids (Grades 4–12)  
(7) Game Design with Unity 2D & 3D(Grades 4–12) two levels
(8) Project-Based JavaScript for Kids(Grades 4–12)   two levels
(9) Web Design for Kids: HTML & CSS & WordPress   (Grades 4–12)
(10) Int./Advanced Python Projects for Kids(Grades 5–12)(two levels)
(11) AI Machine Learning in Python with Raspberry Pi  & Sensors(Grades 6–12)three levels
(12) AI Machine Learning in Python with Big Data(Grades 6–12)
(13) Machine Learning in Python with Raspberry Pi  & Smart Devices (Grades 6–12
(14) Project-Based Java(Grades 6–12)
(15) Project-Based C++(Grades 6–12)
(16) AP Computer Science A (grades 9-12)

All of our coaches are college students and/or recent graduates majored in Engineering or Computer Science.

We aim to create effective support for young people to have a successful pathway into careers in science, computer science, engineering, math and artificial intelligence, to challenge gifted minds to learn while doing, and to better prepare our young generation to face an increasingly challenging and complex society in the world of artificial intelligence (AI), big data and Internet of Things (IoT)

We are among the very few organizations who are able to offer AI Machine Learning projects for kids.




用於 10 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 10 週
60 分鐘

有53 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 13-17
4-10 每班學員人數

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