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One-On-One Private Piano/Keyboard Lessons- One Time

In this one-time 1:1 private piano lesson, students will learn from an experienced instructor who will help them improve their piano performance at any level using popular piano methods.
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What's included

Meets on Demand
schedule meetings as needed
30 mins
per session
Teacher support
1 hour per week. included
Amy will regularly give the student feedback (from a positive place!) and will also give feedback to the parent if desired. The songs themselves as well as the theory work and Kahoot quizzes etc. will also be a good indicator for progress.

Class Experience

This private piano and music lesson is a combination of structured technique to learn to play songs, read music and other music theory principles, AND having fun through a variety of educational tools and games. No experience necessary but experienced students are welcome. 

Teacher's style is upbeat and patient.
Learning Goals
Amy's teaching style is upbeat, designed for the student to have fun while learning.  A combination of solid music education and fun. Always, Amy's priority is making sure the student feels good about themselves and about music.

Topics in this class (since it's a private class, below topics will be more advanced if the student has had previous experience. i.e. if they know what a quarter note is, we will review half notes, whole notes, etc.)

1. Learn the layout of the piano keyboard, keys on the piano, proper posture and how to hold the hands when playing piano.

2. At least one song to practice after class if desired. Playing with even timing on the right piano keys.

3. Rhythm. Note values, quarter note gets 1 beat.

4. Playing with even timing without stopping if a mistake is made, going back and working on that mistake area. Practicing "as if there is an audience," having fun and feeling good about themselves and the piano.

One-on-one personalized, private lesson. Tailor-made for the student's level, personality, goals, experience, interests. Structured technique in playing the piano, music theory, reading music, building a repertoire (list of songs the student is able to play and enjoys playing), and learning general music education (about other instruments, composers, rhythm, et al) via Amy's Kahoot quizzes, Theory Worksheets and other means to maintain interest and engagement. The purpose is to keep the student feeling good about themselves and about learning piano. A solid music education combined with silly, musically-educational fun.

We use the Piano Adventures Lesson Book Primer Level. However, since this is a one-time class, you may hold off on purchasing this and Amy will supply you with the first song at the lesson.

Topics in this class (since it's a private class, below topics will be more advanced if the student has had previous experience. i.e. if they know what a quarter note is, we will review half notes, whole notes, etc.)

1. Learn the layout of the piano keyboard, keys on the piano, proper posture and how to hold the hands when playing piano.

2. At least one song to practice after class if desired. Playing with even timing on the right piano keys.

3. Rhythm. Note values, quarter note gets 1 beat.

4. Playing with even timing without stopping if a mistake is made, going back and working on that mistake area. Practicing "as if there is an audience," having fun and feeling good about themselves and the piano.

This One-Time Class will teach from the beginning of the layout of the piano keyboard and learn the first song in the Piano Adventures Lesson Book. If the student is more advanced, we will fly through this as a review If the student signs up for weekly (Ongoing) lessons, we will build on the previous class by moving song by song through the book.

More advanced students will do a very quick review of below. Beginner students will receive this information over and over each week as a reminder because there is so much to learn when learning an instrument.

Students will be taught how to hold and sit with their instrument:

About their instrument.
High/low sounds.
Rhythm and timing.
How to read music.
How to recognize other instruments and what "family" of instruments they belong to.
Teaching style is to find the good no matter how small in every single child's accomplishments.
The student will be interacting with the teacher, not just listening to the teacher. 
The teacher will assess the child's progress through their playing of songs and reviewing previous music information learned  in our classes together. 
Student will be told specifically what they did well during class. 
A happy balance of solid music education and fun is the key!

Each week the student will progress at their own pace. For students who practice often they will move more quickly through songs and theory work. For a 5 year old, recommended practice is about 5-10 minutes 3-4x a week, for 10 year olds, recommended practice is about 15-20 minutes 3 to 4 times a week, for older, recommended is 20-30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. Practice means playing their homework song all the way through without stopping if a mistake is made. Sitting correctly. Not stopping for mistakes. Going back and working on the mistake area, then playing again all the way through. Separate just for fun time should be allotted to playing to make up songs, goof around and enjoy the instrument. The more the student practices the better they will get on piano, the better they get, the more fun they will have!!!
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
I sometimes create Kahoot (an approved outside platform) quizzes to help the student learn in a fun way. There is no need for the parent to have an account, nor does the student ever log in without me.
No prior experience is necessary for this class.
Supply List
Piano Adventures Primer Level Lesson Book
Joined October, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Florida Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Amy has taught in public school, private studios, and online for many years. Please take a look at her reviews on Outschool in her Profile.


Live 1-on-1 Lessons


per session
Meets on demand
30 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 5-18

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