
NFL 橄欖球新聞與數學評論

在每週的課程中,學生將使用最新的 NFL 橄欖球新聞和球員球衣號碼來計算乘法、除法、分數、百分比、代數、文字問題等。我們還將培養社交和對話技能。
Coach Utterback


1 現場會議
1 每週上課時間
每週 1 小時. Optional homework will be offered each class to practice the skills we have worked on. Homework will be in the form of a worksheet that students can either print or do on scrap paper. Answer keys will be included so that students and parents can check for correctness but I will also check homework that is sent to me and give feedback. Homework is not required but is optional. Other than that, any NFL news that learners can find online or on TV will be useful for sharing opinions but not a necessity.


If you love football and want a fun way to WIN with math then this is the place for you! We use players jersey numbers, NFL stats, and the latest news to talk about math in a charismatic and fun way. This class is a ton of fun and a great way to learn math. I hope we get to see you in class. Come join the team! Read more below to hear about an example of a typical class

We use slides to guide each class in a smooth and organized way. Each class starts with the Team Meeting and Life Lesson of the Day. You can read more about those on my teaching profile then move into Number of the Day activity where students create math equations based on what they have been working on lately. 

-Talk about each game from the previous week.
-Preview the next week and pick winners which are tracked throughout the season.

As we go we weave in math lessons on various topics. I can vary our lessons to meet the need of each individual class based on the skill level I assess in the number of the day and from working with students previously. Here are some of our lessons. More are being added all of the time. 

Lesson 1: The History of Numbers. Tally Marks to Roman Numerals to the Place Value System
Lesson 2: Addition of Whole Numbers
Lesson 3: Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Lesson 4: What is multiplication and Multiplication Tricks (1-9) 
Lesson 5: 2x1 digit Multiplication
Lesson 6: What is Division? Breaking Up Numbers and Reverse Multiplication
Lesson 7: Order of Operations and PEMDAS
Lesson 8: Intro to Fractions
Lesson 9: Fraction Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 10: Fraction Multiplication and Division
Lesson 11: Fractions/ Decimals/ Percent. 
Lesson 12: Geometry
Lesson 13: Converting Measurements
Lesson 14: Data and Statistical Thinking
Lesson 15: Algebra Concepts
+More are being added every week

Sometimes we will work on something that your learner has already been working on. I like to think of that as a good review. Sometimes we will work on things they haven't seen yet and it will be a good preview. It's all with the goal of increasing everyone's understanding of math and everyone staying sharp while also talking football.

The numbers we use in the problems will be from both current NFL superstars, legends, and NFL Hall of Famers. Each week I update the class so that it is a new experience each time.

If you are new to Outschool you can enter coupon code CoachUt20 to get your first class free! If you are not I will still offer the first class free, just message me for a coupon code!

After coaching high school football for 7 years and being a huge fan of the game I found a way to combine my passion for football with my passion for teaching on Outschool. Getting to build relationships and help guide young people in some small way down a path of success is pretty cool.
Students will review math skills as well as receive lessons on math they haven't learned yet including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, order of operations, decimals, percentages, geometry, algebra, data and statistics, converting measurements, algebra, and more. Students will also have an outlet to talk about the most recent NFL news and the most historic moments in NFL history.


Keeping a notebook would probably be a great idea but is not required!
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 March, 2024
學士學位 在 小學教育 從 University of Central Missouri
副學士學位 在 教育 從 Moberly Area Community College
I teach 4th grade math/ science during the day where I have been named Teacher of the Year. I also teach Adult Education at a local community college. In that class everyone is working on something different so having to manage that and be able effectively jump from topic to topic in a way that gets the most out of each student has been an art that I have loved and one that will certainly pay off in this class. I am comfortable with adjusting lessons on the fly to meet the needs of each class even if everyone is working on something different. 

I coached high school football for seven years including 6 years as an assistant and 1 as a head coach. That being said, I am a lifelong football fan and keep up on the news coming out of the NFL. I am one of those people who will be reading and watching football news all off season when not much is going on and will be ready to bring your learned the latest in a way that keeps them engaged in class. 

In my classes and on the field I want my students/ players to get better at what we are trying to do but I am ultimately concerned with how they develop as people and that they are as prepared for life as possible.




每週上課 x 1 次
60 分鐘

有4 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-13
1-10 每班學員人數

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