
九年級英文文法第 1 部分 - 你是哪種文法技工?

Mrs. C, The Innovative Tutor


14 現場會議
5 小時 50 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. As this is a high school credit class, 10 sentences will be assigned weekly for homework and will be graded each week for all students.
As this is a high school credit class, 10 sentences will be assigned on weeks 3, 6, and 9 as quizzes and will be graded each week for all students.
As this is a high school credit class, 10 sentences will be assigned on week 7 and week 14 as tests and will be graded each week for all students.


英語程度 - A1
美國 8 - 9 年級
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
**Lesson schedule subject to change based on students’ needs for continued review and study.**

This is Mrs. C, The Innovative Tutor.  I have taught in the classroom and homeschooled for over 30 years, plus over 10 years as an online English and math teacher. I am an old schoolteacher, who believes firmly in teaching the foundational concepts of English and math. I will always try to make sure that the student understands the concept even if it takes an extra lesson. Making sure that my students learn the foundations is my prime reason for teaching these concepts. Parents, you can be assured that I will instruct your student with due diligence.
I graduated from a 4-year liberal arts program with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Minor in History. I am passionate about English, reading, and math in my teaching. I want to open the worlds of English, reading, and math to children and adults. When you read a book, you may go anywhere in the world. My dedication to teaching math stems from wanting students to have the ability to succeed in their endeavors. Unfortunately, I believe that we have lost our direction in this area. Children can no longer count money or multiply. We need to get back to the basics.
I have taught both in the classroom and in homeschool, teaching from K2 through 12th grade, plus 3 1/2 years at a small Bible college over their education program. I am very dedicated to the skill of reading. I believe that it is the one area that everyone needs to be successful at because if you can read, you can complete math, science, history, spelling, etc. If you cannot read, it affects every aspect of your life. I am a firm believer in the 4 R's of education: reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic, and research. The complete classroom elements must be taught to be well-rounded academically, mentally, spiritually, and physically.
My teaching experience is as follows:  Advanced K5; 1st through 6th-grade phonics, reading, and math program; 5th grade all subjects; 7th through 8th-grade math, Algebra I and II, Consumer Math, Geometry, Speech, Typing, Shorthand, and Spanish I; 7th - 12th grade English and Speech; Remedial College English, College English 101 & 102, History of Civilization 101 and 102, American History 101 and 102, and American Government 101 and 102. In addition, I taught for 3 1/2 years at the college level for a small college as the director of their education department. 
English grammar mechanics refers to those rules that are used specifically to introduce a sentence that makes sense. It is in reference to spelling and punctuation, but it involves written and spoken speech. I believe that the student must grow in both written and spoken speech if they are to grow academically and intellectually.
I have already taught a remedial Algebra I class, and I am presently teaching several sections of Remedial Math 102: Mastering the Fundamental Concepts. My desire and goal are to help our young people learn how to master these basic concepts that have slipped by them genuinely.
I am a grandmother of three beautiful little girls, the mother of 2 handsome sons, the mother-in-love to 2 beautiful daughters-in-love, and the wife of a most attractive and wonderful husband.
In a 9th-grade English grammar punctuation class, students will achieve the following objective: understanding, identifying and explaining punctuation marks to enhance their writing capabilities.


14 課程
超過 14 週
課 1:
Capitalization Part 1
 My lesson is about proper nouns and words formed from proper nouns, such as: particular person, places, or things, example:  Mrs. Carol J. McDonald-particular person; Jackson, Mississippi- particular place; Fourth of July-particular thing; political and economic organizations and alliances, such as:  World Trade Organization; words referring to Deity and Holy Scriptures, such as God and the Psalms; words from proper nouns-American; and common noun or adjectives when part proper nouns-Oak Street 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Capitalization Part 2
 My lesson is about titles of persons and titles of works, such as:
President George Washington-titles of persons; titles of works-Mona Lisa; first word of every sentence-My mother is going to the store; pronoun I and injection O-May I go with you, and O Christmas Tree and Oh my gosh; first word of every line of poetry, such as:
Raise the sails,
Those very white ones!
Raise them high,
  for they are undone! 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Punctuation: End Marks
 My lesson is about end marks, such as:
period for declarative sentences-I went to the store.  abbreviations-U.S.A.; indirect question and polite request-Do you know why he is here? May I know where you are going? 
question mark for interrogative sentences-Is that for real?
exclamation point for exclamatory sentences-What a wonderful morning! 
25 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Commas Part 1
 My lesson is about commas, such as:
a. before a coordinating conjunction joining two independent clauses, My mom loves apples, and I love bananas.
 1. to indicate omissions or avoid possible misreading, I eat bananas, cherries, and figs.

b. nonessential elements in a sentence:
1. appositives,
My favorite teacher, Mr. White, is back.
2. participial phrase: Flying in the air, the bat caught the bug.
3. Adjective clause, I have a friend who lives next door
4. direct address, Mom, where are you? 
25 分鐘線上直播課


Pen, pencil, red pen for correcting sentences, writing notebook
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 August, 2020
學士學位 在 教育 從 Pensacola Christian College - no ending time or cessation of degree
I have taught in the classroom and homeschooled for over 30 years. I graduated from a 4-year liberal arts program with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Minor in History. I have taught both in the classroom and homeschool, teaching from K2 through 12th grade, plus 3 1/2 years at a small private college over their education program. 

My teaching experience is as follows:  
*Advanced K5
*1st through 6th-grade phonics, reading, and math program 
*5th grade all subjects 
*7th through 8th-grade math
*Algebra I and II 
*Consumer Math
*7th - 12th grade English
*Spanish 1
*Remedial College English
*College English 101 & 102
*History of Civilization 101 and 102
*American History 101 and 102 
*American Government 101 and 102 
*3 1/2 years at the college level as the Director of Education 

The best way for the student to learn the proper use of grammar mechanics is to actually use it in sentences.  The more the student uses proper punctuation and capitalization, the more it will become secondhand nature.




每週或US$308 用於 14 課程
每週1次,共 14 週
25 分鐘

年齡: 13-17
1-8 每班學員人數

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