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심오한 사상가를 위한 철학 수업: 토론 및 비판적 사고 클럽

이 수업은 호기심 많은 아이들에게 큰 아이디어, 도덕적 딜레마, 사고 실험에 대한 토론을 통해 비판적 사고를 가르칩니다. 학생들은 매주 새로운 철학적 이슈를 탐구하면서 듣기와 대중 연설을 연습합니다.
Curious Together Arts and Humanities
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1개의 라이브 미팅
주당 수업 55 분 시간
informal verbal feedback on ideas and thinking
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 5학년 - 8학년 학년
Plato quotes Socrates as saying, "Wisdom begins in wonder." 

This class is for curious and creative kids who can't stop asking "why?" and want to grow their imagination. 

As long as I have been teaching literature, language, and arts classes in schools, I have always been most passionate about the deepest and biggest ideas—the ones that make us slow down, reflect, think deeply, and see the world in a new light. 

One "a-ha" moment leads to another, and before you know it, you've become an excellent problem solver, reflective thinker, and a kinder, more compassionate fellow citizen. 

Through a number of interactive discussions and thought experiments, students will not only stretch their imaginations but grow in thoughtfulness and discernment. Every lesson will include real-life situations, tricky situations, or thought experiments. I sprinkle in a little bit of famous philosopher history throughout.

Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "Philosophy is not a theory, but an activity." This class will not be a boring lecture. Students will interact with me and each other. They will problem solve, write informally, debate moral dilemmas, defend their positions, change their minds, and fall in love with thinking and learning. 

Students can jump in any week. Below is the tentative schedule, subject to change:

Week 1: I Wonder: The Philosopher in All of Us-- Discussing the universality of philosophy and the exploration of our natural philosopher through sharing thoughts, curiosities, and dreams, and questioning our place in the universe and what it means to be human.

Week 2: Peeling Back the Onion: How Do We Know What We Know-- Exploring the concept knowledge, how we know what we know, testing assumptions, and discussing examples of "facts" that are anything but.

Week 3: Shadows and Light -- Delving into Plato's allegory of the cave and uses historical examples to demonstrate the need for caution in a world where knowledge can be used for harm and good.

Week 4: Building Up and Taking Apart-- Demonstrating argumentation and critique using models and the presentation of students' own argumentation regarding merits and flaws.

Week 5: Paradoxes: A Sum That is More Than its Parts-- Exploring paradoxes that defy logical explanation, such as the origins of the Big Bang and human consciousness, in an attempt to make sense of the unimaginable.

Week 6:  Making Connections: Thinking About Thinking-- The sixth class brings together the main themes of the previous classes, exploring the limitations of knowledge and the need for skepticism, and testing thoughts and ideas through a series of debate statements.

Week 7: The Good Life-- Discussing what makes life worth living, exploring perceptions of admirable human experience and seeking to understand their roots.

Week 8: That’s Unfair: Justice in an Unjust World-- Examining injustice in our world, looking to historical examples and debating the advantages and drawbacks to John Rawls' Veil of Ignorance.

Week 9: Political Animals: Our Search for Order--  Discussing what politics can and cannot do to bring about a more just society, paying attention to common political labels and exploring the possibility of influencing the course of justice through civic participation and activism.

Week 10: All for One and One for All: The Fight for Human Rights-- Looking at the evolution of human rights over time, discussing the global movement towards governments that offer their citizens a range of protections and debating what are and are not 'fundamental' rights.

Week 11:  America the Beautiful?-- Evaluating how well the United States fares under philosophical inquiry, considering its uniqueness from other countries, its history vis a vis other states, and whether it exemplifies any of the ideals discussed.

Week 12: Summing Up: The World and I--Bringing together varied strains of philosophy by discussing the possibility of unifying the personal and social, giving individual concerns a public voice while also personalizing abstract notions like justice and rights.

About the Instructor:

🤔 CHRIS HURLEY, Philosopher Teacher: Chris is a teacher, daydreamer and philosopher (so are you!). He holds Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and History, as well as a Master's of Linguistics. He loves Philosophy because it nudges us to look up at the night sky or to ponder the social ramifications of AI or to view what we encounter in our lives from another’s eyes. In Chris’ classes, you are not students and teachers so much as detectives on a team hunting after clues. You will look at the ordinary and spectacular, as well as your own experiences and those of others. After twenty years of teaching, Chris still enjoys nothing more than exploring the world with my classes and he’s thrilled that you might join him on the journey. Personally, he’s a movie nut, a terrible tennis player, and will devour pizza of any kind (even anchovies!). He looks forward to meeting each of you, to hearing your thoughts and ideas, and helping you understand that by not knowing, we give ourselves the greatest gift of all, that of discovery.
학습 목표
Students will learn the development of philosophy, schools of thought, philosophers and their contributions to the field.
Students will develop their critical thinking, listening, and public speaking. 
Students will learn to defend their claims with evidence and reasoning.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
가입일: December, 2020
558수강 후기
인기 수업
교사 전문성 및 자격증
매사추세츠 주 교직증명서 사회/역사에
Chris Hurley
메릴랜드 교직증명서
RJ Sterling
워싱턴 교직증명서 특수 교육에
Derrick Heisey
노스 캐롤라이나 교직증명서 영어/언어 예술에
Daniel Grissom, M.A.
석사 학위 University of Massachusetts 부터
Chris Hurley
석사 학위 영어 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga에서
Joanna Gallagher
석사 학위 교육 Maryland Institute Collage of Art에서
RJ Sterling
석사 학위 교육 Teachers College at Columbia University에서
Daniel Grissom, M.A.
학사 학위 역사 Westfield State College에서
Chris Hurley
학사 학위 음악 또는 연극학 또는 예술학 Rochester Institute of Technology에서
Maggie Wehler
학사 학위 예술과 디자인 Rowan University에서
Mike Jasorka, Comics Pro
학사 학위 역사 Bryan College에서
Joanna Gallagher
학사 학위 영어 Bryan College에서
Joanna Gallagher
학사 학위 음악 또는 연극학 또는 예술학 San Francisco State University에서
Kevin Anthony Catalan
학사 학위 영어영문학 The University of New Mexico에서
Derrick Heisey
학사 학위 음악 또는 연극학 또는 예술학 California State University, Fresno에서
Kaitlyn Sydelle, Anime Comic Artist
학사 학위 미술/스튜디오 예술 UW-Whitewater에서
Jes Sudbrink
학사 학위 North Carolina State University부터
Daniel Grissom, M.A.
학사 학위 외국어 North Carolina State University에서
Daniel Grissom, M.A.
Do you want to raise happy, curious, and creative kids?

Do you want their imagination nurtured, their critical thinking sharpened, and their skills developed? We love Art, Literacy, and Big Ideas, and we inspire children to fall in love with these disciplines too.

We at Curious Together help students develop their skills and grow their creative and academic confidence so that they grow to pursue a life of curiosity, creativity, and passion. 

Our program is built on the 3 pillars of success: Developing Skills, Building Confidence, and Fostering Independence. Curious Together incorporates each of these pillars into our classes using tried and true methods that are scientifically proven to increase student engagement and promote rapid growth in students of all ability levels.

All of our teachers are highly credentialed with years of professional teaching experience and real-world experience with the subjects they love and teach, as well as a long track record of success in their discipline. 

We teach specific skills that students can master so that they know what success feels like early on. This instills confidence and lights the fire for greater curiosity. We encourage students in their current passions and introduce them to new ones. We help them pursue their own interests and talents. Our classes are a bridge between the student and a world of ideas, content, and improved skills.


⭐ DANIEL GRISSOM, Founder of Curious Together: 
With fifteen years of experience teaching in schools around the world, Daniel knows what it takes to nurture a child's imagination, talents, and unique, creative voice. In 2021, he left the brick and mortar classroom to make more room for the things he loves most--art, family, and teaching children in ways unbounded by traditional schooling. And in 2022, he founded Curious Together and his online cartooning program Kids Cartoon Academy. He has a Master’s Degree in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University (NYC) and knows what it takes to cultivate a child’s imagination and develop their skills. He has taught over 2000 students in his online classes within the last two years. He uses scientifically proven methods to create a fun and engaging classroom that invites students to deep learning and transformative results. When he's not teaching, you'll find him drawing (of course), reading, watching sports, smoking barbecue, traveling, running his online art store, or being silly with his wife and two daughters.

📓 DERRICK HEISEY, Writer and Teacher: Since 2015, Derrick has taught every grade level from Kindergarten to 12th. He is a licensed Special Education teacher with a degree in English Creative Writing from the University of New Mexico and a minor in Philosophy. He's published short stories and poetry, and produces a podcast where he reads his original fiction. According to him, mastering the written word is one of the most empowering journeys a person can pursue, and nothing brings him as much joy as sharing that passion with students. Everyone has something important to say; they just need to find the right words, and Derrick can’t wait to help his students discover their voices. When he isn’t teaching, you can find him in his garden inspecting tomatoes, scribbling in a notebook, or reading a book with his dachshund Charlie Marlow curled up on his lap.

🧙 KYLE BICE, ILLUSTRATOR AND PAINTER: Kyle Bice is an artist and educator with a decade of freelance art experience, including fantasy illustrations for Legendary Games, FortifyStr.com, and many private commissions of portraiture and fine art. His love for fantasy and sci-fi stories inspired him to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design for a BFA in Sequential Art (drawing comics and storyboards) where he discovered a love for traditional fine art, leading him to an MFA in Painting, also from SCAD. Kyle loves teaching because he gets to see students unlock their potential creativity as they learn that art is like any other skill in life- if they practice, anyone can make something great! Kyle’s teaching philosophy is centered around creating a space for students to feel respected and safe in, where they can explore their passions in a warm, accepting environment. In his off time you’ll find Kyle playing fantasy games like D&D and Magic the Gathering, letting his greyhound run at the park, and of course, painting.

📚 JOANNA GALLAGHER, Literacy Expert: Joanna Gallagher firmly believes that, with the right tools and foundational skills, essay writing doesn’t have to be scary–it can even be fun! With a bachelor’s degree in both English and History and a master’s degree in English Literary Studies, she has long been passionate about the importance of interdisciplinary study and the value of the humanities in the “real world” beyond the classroom. She has over 7 years experience providing writing support and instruction across a wide scope of ages, abilities, and environments–everything from working with college students in a Writing Center, to teaching 9th grade English in a traditional classroom, to tutoring homeschoolers in composition and grammar. She cares deeply about creating spaces and structures that encourage and empower students to grow in confidence as readers, clarity as communicators, and–most importantly–curiosity as thinkers and lifelong learners. Outside of teaching, she enjoys reading and writing for fun (yes, really),gardening, photography, traveling, and being outdoors as much as possible with her husband and two energetic toddlers.

🤔 CHRIS HURLEY, Philosopher Teacher: Chris is a teacher, daydreamer and philosopher (so are you!). He holds Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and History, as well as a Master's of Linguistics. He loves Philosophy because it nudges us to look up at the night sky or to ponder the social ramifications of AI or to view what we encounter in our lives from another’s eyes. In Chris’ classes, you are not students and teachers so much as detectives on a team hunting after clues. You will look at the ordinary and spectacular, as well as your own experiences and those of others. After twenty years of teaching, Chris still enjoys nothing more than exploring the world with my classes and he’s thrilled that you might join him on the journey. Personally, he’s a movie nut, a terrible tennis player, and will devour pizza of any kind (even anchovies!). He looks forward to meeting each of you, to hearing your thoughts and ideas, and helping you understand that by not knowing, we give ourselves the greatest gift of all, that of discovery.

💥 KEVIN CATALAN, PROFESSIONAL COMIC BOOK ARTIST: Kevin Anthony Catalan is a freelance Comic Cartoonist with two published comic books, Space Knights and Tales of Space Knights, and is featured as a cover artist and guest artist for various other comics.  Kevin was taught how to draw at a very young age by his father, an animator that worked at Disney and Warner Brothers, and was introduced to comics at age 9, instantly falling in love with the medium. Kevin graduated with a B.A. from San Francisco State University, majoring in Studio Arts with a focus on oil painting, and took various comic book classes. While in the University, Kevin tutored his fellow classmates in various subjects including Astronomy, Painting, and Comics Making. Kevin self published his epic action-packed comic book “Space Knights” a month after his college graduation in 2020, which has now been picked up by an independent Publisher. With all of this success as a comic book artist, teaching has been the most gratifying thing that has come out of his art career. Teaching is about growth on both sides. Kevin’s approach is to start a dialogue with his students, being able to ask questions and let them form their own way of tackling problems. There are no solid rules to art making, but they are lots of guides. So Kevin will help his students find their own individuality by showing them his methods but encouraging them to find their own unique interests and style. Outside of drawing comics, Kevin loves to play video games, watch movies, use his telescope to stargaze and exercise. 

🗯️ MIKE JASORKA, PROFESSIONAL CARTOONIST AND COMIC ARTIST: Mike Jasorka grew up in a small rural town in New Jersey and graduated in 2007 from Rowan University with a studio art degree in illustration before making a move to his dream city of Los Angeles. There, he spent his time juggling his joy for self-publishing and creating his own comic books, providing storyboards for the advertising/film/music industry and teaching sequential art (comics) at Venice Arts - a non-profit multi-media arts organization. At Venice Arts, Mike has taught over 500 youth how to write and draw comics by applying the methods and foundations he uses in creating his own comics as well as the opportunities he has had professionally. Mike's teaching philosophy revolves around approaching creativity with a patience to grow - as every project brings new growth through challenge and requires great patience in order to passionately complete them. Most of Mike's time today is spent creating his next comic works, hanging out with his fiancée and friends, writing songs on the guitar and playing drums when he can.


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