통화, 시간대 및 언어 설정 열기

1:1 학교 시작 도구: "나는 __이다!" 당신을 특별하게 만드는 것을 쓰고 그림으로 그려보세요.

이 자신감 수업은 학생들이 자신에 대해 어떻게 느끼는지, 무엇이 자신을 행복하게 하는지 파악하여 자신감을 키우도록 돕기 위해 고안되었습니다. 미술 프로젝트. 자존감을 키우세요.
Ms. Leslie - B.S. Psychology & Confidence Mentor
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:
인기 선생님

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

요청 시 수업
요청에 따른 수업 일정
45 분
교사 지원
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 2학년 - 4학년 학년
Each class begins with the student saying, "Yippee! Yippee! This class is about ME! What an awesome subject!".  This is a confidence class designed to get to know yourself "inside and out". Ms. Leslie and your student will talk about what they love "outside" of themselves (people, places, things and foods) and what they love "inside" about themselves. (Ex. I AM Brave. I AM a good friend. I AM Kind.)  At the end of class, students will be able to say proudly, "I know myself inside and out!" and share their art projects with pride. 

This class has two confidence building art/writing projects. I suggest students take two I AM classes/sessions, if possible. In the first session, Ms. Leslie and the students talk about confidence, knowing yourself, believing that you can do hard things, believing in yourself. We fill out a bubble art worksheet, naming and drawing the things, people, places and foods that make your student's heart happy! Once complete, they read their lists out loud, starting and ending by saying proudly, "I AM (name)!!", while raising their hands above their heads. So empowering! 

In the second session, students bring their "I AM ___." list/printout that they check off the night before. (I am loved. I am brave. etc.) Ms. Leslie and the student go over an I AM ___ list.  How do you know you are loved? How do you know you are brave? Give examples. Students then write their "I AM ___!" statements on a paper spinner, a giant sunbeam or holding balloons. This art project is designed to know your inner superpowers and to write down and claim what you like about your personality, along with what your student is working on (patience, organization, sharing, etc.). Positive. Positive. Positive. 

Once complete, students will see themselves (what makes them happy and how they feel about themselves) inside (I AM statements) and out (bubble art - favorites)

Students will proudly read their statements out loud to Ms. Leslie and will be asked to read the statements to their parents to gain confidence and assurance. 

Bonus: Your student can share their sheets with friends and ask their friends to make one, so they can learn more about one another. Same with siblings and family members. *

Can you imagine when you were young, if you had learned how to say (out loud) what you liked about yourself, on a regular basis? What if there was a class that encouraged that type of self awareness and held a supportive space for you to do it in? Would you have enrolled your younger self in it? I hope so. I would have. All the I AM statements from students will be met with 100% acceptance and appreciation from Ms. Leslie. Anyone and everyone is welcome in this class. 

This class encourages students to say positive things about themselves. 
This class encourages students to think about what makes them happy inside.  
This class encourages students to practice inward kindness. 
This class encourages students to get to know themselves better. With knowledge comes strength. 
Reluctant and shy learners welcome! This class is designed to feel safe while practicing speaking about oneself positively.
The goal of this class is kind self awareness.  No judgement. No expectations. Just say what you are, or what you want to be and write it down. Ms. Leslie will be there to support you.

ESL and ELL student friendly! Practice Speaking/Writing English Confidently. CEFR: B1,B2,C1,C2

I teach three different 1:1 Confidence and Kindness classes. The three classes can be taken in any order, at any time: Each 45 minute class has a lesson and a project.  Each of these classes are social-emotional oriented. After the experience of the past four years, these classes are designed to increase self esteem, confidence and kindness, to self first and then others. 
1. "I AM" class (Who are you?) 
2. "YET" class (Growth Mindset. "I can't do it." -vs- "I can't do it YET!")
3.  "Confident Friend" Create a book about Being a Good Friend (to self and others)

Please see reviews for my "I AM", "YET" and "Confident Friend" Kindness and Confidence classes to hear directly from parents about their child's experience in my Life Skill/Wellness classes and to see student pictures of the projects.
학습 목표
Two projects. Explore who you are by writing down characteristics that mean something to you. I am brave. I am smart. Create art showing what you love, who you love, where you like to go and what you love to eat! Social-Emotional Learning opportunity.
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
수업 자료
Print 3 attachments in the classroom (available upon enrollment)
-I AM bubble art
-List of I AM statements

Bring to class: 
-Above printouts 
-Black Sharpie/Marker
 등록 시 3개의 파일을 볼 수 있어요.
Outschool 외 필요 앱/웹사이트
아웃스쿨 사이트의 기능 외 별도의 앱이나 웹 사이트를 사용할 필요가 없습니다.
1082수강 후기
인기 선생님
교사 전문성 및 자격증
학사 학위 심리학 Oregon State University에서
I taught this Kindness and Confidence "I AM ___!" class as a mentor to elementary school students for 10 years, then 4 years online. Prior to that I was a Financial Advisor and Manager, motivating and managing clients, for 25 years. I am skilled at inclusion and work hard to inspire young people to know and appreciate themselves. I motivate others into action, through thoughtful, meaningful conversations and art projects. I love to teach. Please see parent reviews and project pictures on my YET, I AM and Friendship class offering pages. 

My profile: 

-14 years Kindness and Confidence coach/mentor 
-B.S. in Psychology
-25 years as a Financial Advisor/Manager/Motivator


실시간 1:1 레슨


요청 시 수업

163 명의 학생이 수업을 완료함
실시간 화상 수업
연령: 7-11

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