
Outschool Unlimited - グループチャット

Learner Community
最もクールなチャット グループに参加して、プロジェクトを共有したり、フィードバックを提供したり、夏の間ずっと限定イベントに参加したりできます。Outschool Unlimited メンバーにおすすめ。参加者には楽しいサプライズもあるかもしれません!


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Welcome to our Group! We want all of our learners to feel comfortable, connected, and safe. That's why we have 3 rules we ask you to follow: Be Kind, Be Safe, and Be Respectful.

Be Kind - Help all learners feel welcome and included.
Learners from all over the world, with different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, abilities, gender identities, religions and body types, participate in our Group. Always be nice and make others, especially new learners, know that they belong and are welcome. Teasing, name calling, or bullying anybody in our community? Nope. Not happening here

Be Safe - Keep your personal information private and never ask other learners for theirs.
Personal things are personal. We want to keep you safe on Outschool, but we also want YOU to understand how to be safe when you're meeting other learners or teachers. Keep your full name, home address, gaming or social media name, email, and school name private.

Be Respectful - Treat others how you want to be treated.
Keep language clean and information you share safe. If you wouldn't say it or share with your grandma, don't do it here. Swear words, racy videos, and violent images are not allowed. Treat Outschool like a public place, and when in doubt, keep things covered.

For a more detailed Learner Code of Conduct, please visit here: 

Check out our Learner Privacy Policy here: https://outschool.com/privacy#children

👉 Outschool Community Group Guidelines 👈

To make sure this is a welcoming space for everyone  please observe the following: 

1️⃣ Posts must be open for anyone of any age to participate in and remain on-topic to the purpose of the group, The Great Outschool Campout.

2️⃣ This is a romance-free zone. Avoid conversations about “shipping”, matchmaking, and romance (even about fictional characters). 

3️⃣ Avoid sharing things that are creepy, scary, or violent as some learners are sensitive or too young for these types of topics.  

4️⃣ When speaking of others, always keep it kind. Comments and posts that put another learner in a bad light or discuss learners not enrolled in the group will be removed.

5️⃣ Remember, this is a public space and anyone in the group can read your conversations. While it may sometimes seem like you can have a private conversation, everything can be read by anyone. Make sure whatever you are sharing is something you’re okay with everyone in the group knowing. 

6️⃣ No spam, selfies or trolling. The purpose of this group is to focus on our accomplishments - not our looks or our ability to get people angry or annoyed. Comments and posts that are primarily focused on looks (selfie-type posts), excessive posting and or conflict will be removed. 

What kind of posts do we post ❓ 

You are also welcome to make posts that share what you are learning in Outschool Unlimited!

🖼️ Artwork
🧠 Brain Teasers
📹  Video Essays
🎒 Assignment

How many posts can I make a day ❓
Please keep the number of posts you make a day to no more than three. If you have multiple pieces of content to share in one day, we recommend creating one gallery post and adding all the content as comments within it. This is good etiquette and makes it easier for other posts to be seen. Let’s share the limelight with others!

Can I make posts about topics not related to Unlimited Courses❓
As long as the post contributes to our love of learning and is within the Outschool Participation Guidelines  we should be good here. ;) 

⚠️ The mods may remove off-topic posts or ask you to revise them. Posts outside of the Outschool Participation Guidelines will always be removed. 

Where can I ask questions about posts and guidelines ❓
We’d love to help you figure out if something is safe to post in the group. Drop us a comment in the Q&A post #4.

What can learners do in this chat group?

Learner Community
Welcome to the Group! First daily challenge starts tomorrow
Outschool Unlimited - Group Chat is a community of learners that come together on Outschool to share what they’re learning, ask questions, participate in challenges, and get feedback on their projects
I'm so excited!
Sample learner reactions


いつでもオンライン コミュニティにアクセスしよう — あらゆるデバイスから同じ興味を持つ仲間と共有したり作成したりできます
認証済みの学習者のためのスペース — すべての参加者は、参加する前に Outschool によってビデオで認証されます。
講師主導の活動、イベント、ディスカッション — Outschoolの講師がコンテンツと進行を担当し、メンバーの活動をサポートします。
参加しました January, 2020
Hello learners and welcome to the Learner Community's free classes and groups. 

What is the Learner Community, you ask? The Learner Community is a welcoming space where you can make friends, explore your next passion, and find your new favorite... 





33 人のアクティブラーナー
年齢: 8-13

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