
初心者のためのヨガキャンプ: 1 週間のヨガポーズ入門 (10 ~ 13 歳)

健康的なヨガの練習を始めましょう!月曜日に基本的なマウンテン ポーズから始め、金曜日までには流れるような太陽礼拝へと進み、1 週間を通して毎日の知識と理解を深めていきます。
Tara Swoboda, MA, RYT


5 ライブミーティング
4 時間 10 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Yogis will learn a warm-up sequence on day one and are encouraged to practice this warm-up series each day on their own between class meetings. Yogis are also encouraged to practice the new poses introduced each day using modifications of their choosing.


Welcome, yogis! This is a one-week introduction to yoga poses (asanas) open to yogis of all levels. Each day of camp consists of a focus pose, giving students a safe and comfortable place to return to as they explore movement and balance. Modifications will be offered for students to explore range of motion, balance, and personal preference in poses.

No Yoga Experience or Props Required
New to yoga? Welcome! This camp is designed to welcome yogis of all levels, whether you've never reached for the sky before or can already wrap your arms around your ankles and wish to return to basics for alignment.
Don't have yoga props? That's okay! We'll learn to use household items like stuffed animals, books, and coffee tins to modify poses. You do not even need a yoga mat to begin a healthy daily practice. In fact, I'll often practice and demonstrate poses without a mat to show students that you can do yoga with absolutely no props at all.

Focus on Form, Not Sweat
This is not meant to be a workout class. Rather, this is a safe space to learn and explore yoga poses and build a strong foundational practice. Our goals focus on personal understanding, acceptance, and calm.

Daily Regular Practice for One Week
Class meets at the same time Monday-Friday to encourage yogis in establishing a regular yoga/movement routine. Students will be muted during practice and are invited to use the chat feature to ask questions for the instructor, otherwise keeping the practice space quiet of background noise while the instructor verbally guides yogis through poses and modifications. I will demonstrate every pose and modification for students and will repeat any pose requested to further guide students. Regular rest and reflection are built into each day's practice, giving students ample opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences with fellow yogis.

English Instruction with Sanskrit Vocabulary
Class is taught entirely in English with occasional Sanskrit vocabulary introduced for common yoga poses. This way students will feel comfortable and prepared to take more advanced yoga courses in the future.

Scaffolded Approach
Each day of this course builds upon knowledge and skills from the previous day's class. Therefore, it is essential for students to commit to attending all five consecutive days of camp.

Day 1: Monday Mountain
Focus Pose: Mountain Pose
Overview: Mountain Pose (tadasana) is the foundation for our practice this week. Before we begin stretching, twisting, and flowing from one pose to another, we must establish a strong base. Mastering Mountain Pose improves alignment, brings awareness to posture, and prepares us for the next poses to come. Our first day of camp will also introduce students to the warm-up series we’ll use throughout the week.

Day 2: Tuesday Tree
Focus Pose: Tree Pose
Overview: We’ll build upon Mountain Pose and experiment with balance in Tree Pose today. Be ready to laugh and have fun as we explore balance-based poses. It's okay to topple -- That's part of learning your balance!

Day 3: Wednesday Warriors
Focus Poses: Warrior I, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior
Overview: Building upon the balance and stability from our first two classes, we’ll explore various Warrior poses common in Sun Salutations. We’ll also begin working towards flow between poses in preparation for our final day of camp.

Day 4: Thursday Twists
Focus Pose: Eagle Pose
Overview: Today we’ll modify our daily warm-up in a seated position and include the seated Marichi Twist, then build upon our balancing poses with the standing Rotated Wide-Legged Forward Fold. We’ll bring it all together with the fun yet balance-challenging Eagle Pose (garudasana).

Day 5: Friday Flow
Focus Poses: Sun Salutations
Overview: We’ll bring everything together in our final day of camp, starting with our routine warm-up series and learning the basic poses of Sun Salutations one at a time. As today’s class progresses, we’ll move into a flow of one pose moving smoothly into the next, giving students a chance to experiment with rhythm and breathing at their own pace. After our final Namaste together, you’ll be ready to continue with your newly established daily yoga routine!


Students will learn these foundational poses:
- Mountain pose
- Tree pose
- Various warrior poses
- Eagle pose
Students will learn the key elements of basic Sun Salutations.
Students will gain confidence, balance, and calm through daily yoga practice.
Students will complete camp with the foundational tools necessary to continue a regular yoga practice.


This yoga workshop requires physical activity. Yoga students should plan to participate in a location that provides open space free from sharp objects, loud noises, and visual distractions. Students should have enough open space to stretch their bodies without hitting walls or objects around them. Any floor surface is fine; if practicing on a slick or potentially slippery floor, please wear athletic socks with grip, or go barefoot (our feet are great natural grippers!). Please wear comfortable clothing that is loose enough to move in, but fitted enough so that sleeves and necklines don't accidentally slip off of shoulders. Sweatpants and a t-shirt are great options! Students are welcome to have a water bottle nearby and water breaks will be available regularly throughout the practice. Please also consult with your child's physician regarding any previous injuries or medical concerns before enrolling in a yoga course. This yoga class is intended for beginners and will focus on gentle stretches. There will be no inversions (upside-down poses) or "challenge" poses, as our purpose is to gently introduce students to moving their bodies safely and comfortably. Students will not be asked to disclose any health issues or previous injuries publicly, but parents are welcome to reach out to notify the instructor of any health concerns or restrictions ahead of time and accommodations can be made.
Yogis should come to class each day dressed in comfortable attire. Be prepared to move -- don't wear clothing that is too tight or restrictive. Also be prepared to stretch -- don't wear clothing that is so loose that it falls over your face or body when moving or bending.
Yoga mat and props are not required, but yogis are welcome to use a mat or towel if they choose. For modifications in poses, the instructor will provide suggestions for household items that can be used such as books, pillows, and scarves. If you don't have any workout equipment at all, that's perfectly fine!
Occasional free yoga resources may be shared to encourage students in exploring yoga further on their own.
参加しました September, 2019
Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor
Licensed to teach children's online yoga in the US and internationally
RYT200 (Yoga Teacher Certification)
RYT500 (Advanced Teacher Certification) in progress
Teaching highlight: Hike+Yoga instructor at Big Bear Yoga Festival

Bachelor of Arts - UC Berkeley
Master of Arts - Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Home Education Diploma - Awarded with Distinction
Outschool ACE Educator

Hi there! I'm a former university literature instructor, a certified yoga teacher, and a mom of two young learners. I started teaching literature classes on Outschool in 2019, then began offering yoga classes when I completed my yoga teacher certification. I teach mostly yoga classes today, but be on the lookout for the occasional throw-back literature class! Whether you're a reader or a yogi, I'm excited to welcome you to my classroom.

I offer beginner-level yoga for kids ages seven years and up. My youth yoga classes are always beginner-level to encourage safety and confidence. Every class focuses on positivity and individual strengths, regardless of how long a student has practiced or what other activities they may do. We each have our own strengths, and every yogi expresses their strengths differently in their poses. I provide a watch-and-copy teaching method in which I demonstrate every pose, then walk students through how to copy what I'm doing themselves. Classes are kept intentionally small to allow for individualized attention and pose modifications. 

I've been practicing yoga for twenty years and enjoy yoga outdoors. My kids enjoy practicing yoga, too! By age four, my son was flipping through illustrated yoga textbooks and practicing every pose from cover to cover. My daughter wasn't very interested in yoga until she started taking karate lessons -- Suddenly, then, yoga was a helpful tool for her to perfect her forms and build strength and confidence. No matter where you are in your yoga journey, you're welcome to practice with me!

Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor: 200-hour certification specializing in teaching beginner-level yoga. I'm also working towards my advanced 500-hour certification!
Iyengar Yoga Certification: Specialization in yoga style emphasizing proper alignment and celebrating small points of perfection.
Vegan Nutritionist Diploma: Certified nutritional consultant and meal planner specializing in athletic and family wellness.




5 クラス分

週に5回、 1 週間
50 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-13
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人

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