40 録画レッスン
16 週間
週あたり 2-4 時間. Learners will be given homework in the form of a small quiz or worksheet, as well as their writing progress.進捗レポート
A progress report can be given during the lessons as well as once the class is done. A certificate of completion is also available upon request to accompany their finished book.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
Having a story inside of you is one of the most amazing and haunting feelings ever! Having characters trapped in your mind with no way to get out other than by writing them out in, sometimes, overly expansive detail is a skill that needs to be practiced. Yet, more often than not, we can feel lost or unsure of how to grab that story from our mind and do it justice on paper. Don't worry, you're not the only one. As someone who has written hundreds of short stories, and 4 full length novels over the past 2 decades, I know all the troubles one can encounter. In this Novel Writing class you are welcome to work on a full length work, a series of short stories or a Novella. If you don't know the differences, don't worry, we'll go through that too. Each lesson will feature a video instructional lesson, homework assignment, and a breakdown worksheet of the lesson. These can be assembled into a 'How To' workbook, so learners don't always have to turn back to our video lessons. In this self-paced class, you will be met with a ton of encouragement and creative freedom. Writing is incredibly private, so I will never ask you to share items you aren't comfortable with, all that's required is our assignments. However, sharing your work can be the greatest triumph! If you so choose to share your writing, I would be happy to read up to 10 double-spaced pages a week to given constructive feedback and encourage you every step of the way. Learners are encouraged to write at least 30 minutes a day, keeping track of their word counts along the way. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I can't wait to see you in class!
Learners will grow their confidence in writing as well as their skills.
Learners will walk away with knowledge of how to get their writings published and seen.
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠4 ユニット
40 レッスン
16 週間以上ユニット 1: Just Gotta Write
レッスン 1:
Expectations and Breakdown of Class
A full introduction to the course, where we will lay out expectations and timelines to help ensure your goal of writing is met.
レッスン 2:
Learners will write a self introduction with a twist. They'll write out their day as if they were a character, including their hobbies, interests and fun details about themselves.
レッスン 3:
What type of writer are you?
Let's take a small in class quiz to find out what type of writer you are, then we will learn all about it and how to harness your strengths as well as combat any slumps, ruts or hardships in the writing process.
レッスン 4:
Write it out
Now that you know what type of writer you are, it's time to give yourself the time to write. Today's activity is creating a system to help you write.
This class is designed to help learners with anxiety, Dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and ASD achieve their goals.
学士号 Southern New Hampshire Universityから 英語 へ
I graduated in 2019 with a degree in English with a specialty in Creative Writing. As a young writer, beginning my first full length story at the age of 7, I have learned and gained knowledge of everything pertaining to the writing and publishing process from grammar rules to query letters. After years of fine-tuning, my first novel is set to publish in 2025.