

Mike P


4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 40 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Before first class: choose a person that you know, face-to-face personally, that deserves their life story told and arrange a time between the first and the second class to meet with the person, virtually, or in real life, to complete the interview. Homework for class two: create five or more interview questions, and choose some of the teacher’s interview questions so that you have 12 or more questions and then complete the interview while taking notes. Homework for class three: complete writing approximately the first half of the story on a Google doc based on the interview questions. Decide which facts you will save for the final paragraph to really wow your audience. Homework for class four: complete writing the story on Google Docs except for the last paragraph.


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
Learners will create a very special piece of writing to honor the life story of somebody who has had an everlasting change or impact on the student’s life. The class will include  a resource packet, a PDF, containing all necessary information, the homework assignments between each class and some model interview questions to begin the process. We will start each class with a lesson that includes the days goals, followed by time to work in class and share. Just like any skill, writing is something that requires practice and so this class may be taken more than one time, with creativity and designing of the interview questions, to honor more than  one person.
Day One: basic instructions for the class  will begin this hour of instruction with  time to get to know one another and reminders that this is a class that welcomes everybody warmly kindly and with respect and all will be treated that way by everyone. Goals will be established and guidelines for who would be an appropriate person to honor, and then learners will be designing interview questions. **** Very important *** in between the first and the second class, learners need to set aside time with the person to complete the interview. So I recommend contacting the special person before the class even begins to set a time between the first and the second class for interview completion. We are trying not to do younger brothers and sisters, but rather people who have had much life experience.

Day two: The class will process the interview questions and discuss some of the interesting answers that they feel comfortable sharing. Students will learn the process to decide the order they want to blend the answers together into paragraphs, that show description, adjectives, voice, so the persons story comes to life .

Day three: learners will have completed approximately the first half of their life story on a Google doc following goals established in the class. Students will edit and revise that portion with the teacher during class and will be working on the second half of the life story, except for the last paragraph.

Day four: students will share based on their comfort level some special parts of their writing, sentences and word choices, that they’re very proud of, interesting facts they learned about the person, and then all learners will be writing a powerful culmination paragraph with some special facts that are saved for this paragraph. Editing and revising, will again happen with the teacher, and anyone who does not complete that, a future 30 minute will be set up free of charge to meet with the teacher one to one to complete that process.
One. Creating a final product written with incredible vocabulary.

Two. Writing with outstanding specific facts, and details that allow the learner to gain information about the person.

Three. Learning to create effective interview questions and interview skills, including note taking.

Four. Writing powerful and mature opening and closing paragraph to grab the readers attention and continuing with mature sentence structure that includes emotions figurative language similes metaphors, onomatopoeia, alliteration, personification. All resulting in a masterpiece they are very proud to share with that special person.


PDF that will be sent by the teacher upon enrollment. Computer, not sharing with another sibling, and Google doc. And finally a way to facilitate the interview between the first and second class.
参加しました July, 2020
修士号 The College of St. Roseから 教育 へ
学士号 Union Collegeから 心理学 へ
There is nothing more exciting than when you see a student think deeply, question ideas, share a new thought, or explore character’s actions/ decisions or a quote  or a purpose the author had when writing a novel and then connect the information to learner’s own story in life. Helping students reach their full potential, and beyond, in a setting that is safe, exciting, creative and funny is what teaching is all about to me. The climate has  to be one that is free from bullying, pressure, and negative interactions and, instead,  is one that students can’t wait to get to as they know the time in that class will be rewarding, creative, stimulating, and allow them to be who they really are and share what they want to share. There is nothing more exciting, as a teacher, then when that light bulb illuminates and a student feels confident to share and take an idea, quote, author’s purpose or decision from a book and see how it can affect real life or when a learner sees their full potential, in the written word they create.
We can make literature, come alive in a really fun, fast-paced active discussion filled atmosphere.

My background professionally is having taught third grade, fifth grade, and Sixth grade language arts for 33 years with a background in psychology, elementary education, school administration and an extensive background in overnight camping.My favorite teaching topics include writing poetry, creative  and nonfiction writing, and reading/sharing outstanding literature with discussions that bring critical thinking skills and life lessons to the students. I am excited to bring this teaching to an environment that is bully free with motivated students in a small group setting.I always look forward to reading my students work as I see such brilliance in people of this age.

I can be found in the upstate NY, most often being out on the lake in my  boat from  spring to fall (I love being on water!), playing guitar and singing, collecting Pez, reading , cooking and baking, volunteering in the community as often as I can to make things better for others, and spending lots of time with Derby, the wonder dog, my amazingly bright and talented  rescue dog who undoubtably will make visits into the virtual classroom. I also enjoy bike riding, yoga,  and meditation. Most importantly, I place great emphasis on finding ways, small  and big ways, that will allow my students and myself to make our mark in this world and make it a better place for others. The small ways  are most often the best ways and I believe students are brilliant people who can absolutely change the world.




4 クラス分
週に2回、 2 週間
55 分

1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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