
世界は間違った方向へ向かう ディストピア ライティング クラス

この 5 週間のクラスでは、生徒は独自のディストピア フラッシュ フィクション ストーリーを作成し、ダイナミックな設定、登場人物、プロットに対する理解を深めます。
Bethany Mitros


5 ライブミーティング
4 時間 10 分 授業時間


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 7 - 10
What is special and unique about the world around you? And how would life look different if it all went wrong - just like in your favorite dystopian novels? In this five-week class, we'll explore these questions and more as students build toward creating their own worlds filled with dark threats.

Each discussion-based class will build on the previous weeks' lessons as students develop skills and knowledge to compose their own dystopian flash fiction pieces with well-developed settings and characters.

While students may have some time to work on stories during class, they should plan to do the bulk of their writing between sessions. Class time will be spent in discussion and working through any stumbling blocks. 

IMPORTANT: My classes are safe spaces for creative students. I start every session with a reminder that writing can only thrive when students can be vulnerable. That means any comments about another student's ideas or writing must be supportive. Mean-spirited, critical comments will not be tolerated. Please remind your students to be kind to others before class starts. Thank you!

Interested, but need a different day or time? Let me know by clicking the "Request Another Time" button!


All sessions will require paper and pencil or access to a word-processing program during class.
Week 2: "Autumtime" by Anthony Lentini: https://www.commonlit.org/en/texts/autumntime
参加しました October, 2019
学士号 American Public University Systemから 英語言語と文学 へ
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, a writer or Indiana Jones. I haven't left terra firma (yet!) or found the lost ark (yet!), but I did get my degree in English and become a writer. Unsurprisingly, I teach writing-related classes for kids who love to write. My classes give young writers the opportunity to share their stories and interests with other like-minded students and receive positive, encouraging feedback on how they can improve their own writing. Sometimes I branch out into other English-related topics like epics, fairy and folk tales and mysteries. 

My plan was to become a bestselling children's book author, but I accidentally became a journalist instead. I have a bachelor’s degree in English, and I have been teaching in one capacity or another for well over ten years. 

I believe that confidence breeds competence. My goal as a teacher is to provide feedback in such a way that students feel proud of what they have created so far and excited to implement any changes suggested without feeling discouraged. When students feel confident, they are more likely to take chances that will expand their skills. One of the thing I love best about being a teacher is that I get to be a cheerleader. I love being able to share my students' enthusiasm for whatever they love best. 

In my spare time, I am a crazy cat lady. I have more cats than I do daughters (five vs. three), and they are all spoiled rotten. I'm also a nerd-of-all-trades. Talk to me about hobbits, Star Wars, superheroes, wizards, crochet, Hamilton or cats (obviously), and I am one happy camper.




毎週または¥75 5 クラス分
週に1回、 5 週間
50 分

10 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 2 人-9 人

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