
RJ パラシオ著『ワンダー』: 読解力とストーリーの要素

RJ パラシオの『ワンダー』は、周囲に合わせるのではなく目立つこと、困難なときでも優しくあることを学ぶ物語です。この心温まる物語を読みながら、視点、雰囲気やトーン、対立、テーマといった物語の重要な要素についても学びます。
Amber Couch, M. Library Science


7 ライブミーティング
5 時間 50 分 授業時間


As we read this amazing novel, students will learn each week about the different story elements of point of view, mood and tone, conflict, and theme. We will also discuss the novel in depth, comparing the different experiences each of the characters have. This book is unique in that it is divided into parts, with different characters telling their side of the story as it progresses through the timeline. 

Week One: Will start with a pre-reading activity about whether it’s better to fit in or stand out, and the importance of “being kind”. For homework, students will read Part 1 & Part 2 of the novel. 

Week Two: Story Element- Point of View, compare and contrast August and Via. For homework, students will read Part 3, then compare and contrast Summer.

Week Three: Story Element- Mood and Tone, go over compare and contrast homework and discuss the novel. For homework, students will read Part 4 then compare and contrast Jack.

Week Four: Story Element- Conflict, go over compare and contrast homework and discuss the novel. For homework, students will read Part 5 then compare and contrast Justin. 

Week Five: Story Element- Theme, go over compare and contrast homework and discuss the novel. For homework, students will read Part 6 & Part 7 then compare and contrast Miranda.

Week 6: We’ll take a look at Natalie Merchant’s song “Wonder”, analyzing the lyrics, and see why it was an inspiration for the author to write the book. For homework: students will finish reading the novel with Part 8.

Week 7: We’ll finish discussing the book and tie all the story elements together. Then we’ll play a fun game related to the book.
Students will be able to cite evidence from the text to support analysis as well as make inferences.
Students will be able to determine a theme of a text and how it is conveyed through details.
Students will be able to compare and contrast to show the relationship among ideas, themes, or topics.
Students will be able to analyze an author’s word choices and draw conclusions about how they impact meaning and tone.
Students will be able to explain how an author’s development of point of view of the narrator impacts content, meaning, and style.
Students will be able to analyze and critique how an author’s choices contribute to the development of theme.


This book is about a child with a facial deformity. He has been homeschooled his whole life and is attending public school for the first time. He has to deal with bullying, and learn to be confident and deal with a range of emotions and reactions from others. It is an incredibly uplifting story with a strong message of empathy and compassion, teaching students how to show kindness.
Wonder by RJ Palacio

All other materials will be provided by the teacher.
参加しました December, 2020
My name is Amber Couch. I have been working in education for almost two decades as a homeschool English teacher, a middle and high school librarian, and an elementary teacher. I am a graduate of Nevada State College with a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education and a Masters of Science in Library Science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 
The best part of my job is helping students find their next favorite book. It brings me great joy to talk about books with kids, teachers, or parents. I can talk magic schools, dragons, space odysseys, love triangles, and tragic teenage angst all day. All my English lessons start with a novel, and are supported with articles, websites, virtual field trips, and cross-curricular units that delve into history, science, anthropology, and even astronomy.




7 クラス分
週に1回、 7 週間
50 分

1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-12
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人

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