
フェイルボートへようこそ! (ストレス管理: 気分を良くして、失敗を良くする)

失敗のストレスに悩むのは普通のことですが、それが大きな成果の達成を妨げることもあります。この 2 週間のコースでは、学生はネガティブな気持ちを減らし、健全な考え方と現実的な期待を持ってストレスを管理する方法を学びます。
Charlie Metheany


8 ライブミーティング
7 時間 20 分 授業時間
週1時間. Current goals list (like a bullet-point outline, nothing too intensely time-consuming I hope!) as well as journaling (done in-class or as homework).
The only "grading" I do is whether the student has learned or benefited from my class, but at the end of the course, I'm happy to hand out promotions! Everyone gets to be the captain of their own ship. As it should be. ^_^b


Success doesn't always mean winning! Failure feels bad... so let's work on that! In this crew, we celebrate failure as a valuable learning experience, and learn to manage stress so that we can fail better. Welcome to the Failboat, sailors!

I'm Miss Charlie, the captain of this struggle ship, and I'm here to help break down the stigma surrounding failure and mistakes. My number-one goal is to provide support and training for young sailors so that they can feel confident as they strike out across the scary seas of life. 

Metaphor aside, the reason I created this class is because I've noticed a worrying trend in both students and adults. There is so much pressure to succeed that people avoid the possibility of failure, ultimately denying themselves the opportunity to grow. 

Trying new things, taking risks, and pursuing dreams are all scary because of the fear of failure. If we can learn to view failure as a learning tool rather than a value judgment, the result will be a happier, healthier, and even more successful future for everyone!

My teaching style is very laid-back, with a focus on making sure every student has their needs met. Not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace, so I approach topics from multiple angles and encourage engagement based on individual comfort. Philosophy, psychology, real-life examples, and science-based facts are what I reach for when feelings and emotions seem overwhelming. 

My classroom is a safe space for all students, regardless of background, so LGBTQ+ are more than welcome and I expect respect for any and all preferred pronouns. (For questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.)
Re-think what failure actually means. Is it really the opposite of success... or is it secretly the key to it?
Learn to handle stress, calm emotions, and self-soothe so that you can get back to failing... So that you can get back to succeeding!


2 ユニット
8 レッスン
2 週間以上
ユニット 1: Our Little Boat Is Beautiful
レッスン 1:
Welcome to the Failboat!
 Why are we here (in this class, specifically)? How does failure make us feel?What do we think about failure vs success?  Is there a positive reason to embrace failure? Why is failure such a problem in today's world? Journaling: Why do we criticize failure and applaud success? (Examples from pop culture, history, etc.) 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
What Is Failure?
 Name some famous people generally considered to be successful. Deep dive on that and explore what the label of "success" means, using examples from real life. If only the end result is valuable, why do we judge the journey so harshly? Journaling on personal definition of failure, and goals for the future. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Fear of Failure...
 What does fear of failure look like? Can we identify it in ourselves and others? Why is fear so powerful, and how can we manage it when it happens? (Biological, psychological, and philosophical definitions.) Suggestions on how to handle stress, self-soothe, and calm emotions. 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
YOU get an F! And YOU get an F!
 Why do we use "F" to mean "failure" in schools? How does the use of this language reflect the structure of the education system? Is there a better way to frame these ideas, and if so, what would that look like? Why do teachers give grades at all? Does failure feel like punishment---and is it SUPPOSED to? 
55 分のオンラインライブレッスン


This class isn't specifically for neuro-divergent students, but all are welcome! (Instructor has ADHD, and recognizes that this topic is extra-relevant for people with learning needs!)
It would be good to have a notebook or something to write on (and with), but students can also use virtual documents to write down their ideas. Just a suggestion, nothing is actually handed in or graded.
参加しました August, 2020
Who's this lady? It's Miss Charlie (she/her)! An experienced private tutor who's here to provide stress-free education. Areas of knowledge include: 

Arts! Crafts! 
Music! Maths! 
Words! Writing! 
Video games! 
Film! D&D! Cats! 
Social studies! Critical thinking! 
Sciences! Philosophy! 
World Religions! 
Brazil! Canada! 
...and many more!

On a serious note, my philosophy of teaching is based on the personal belief that any subject can be exciting, given a good teacher. I strive to encourage curiousity and love of learning in all my students, and I hope that by guiding young minds to achieve greatness, the next generation will be kinder, wiser, and happier. 

Also, I am an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and a member of the aforementioned community, so if that bothers you, I would respectfully suggest choosing a different teacher. ^_^b  

I have twelve years of ESL tutoring experience (adults and children), as well as one-on-one tutoring with young people and kids with special needs (core curriculum). I have a B.A. in English and many years as an editor for university-level publications.

I'm an educator by nature, and my main goal is to make learning fun (while making sure the facts are accurately presented). My main resource is flexibility; everyone learns differently, and sometimes all it takes is a little extra time and effort for things to click. One-on-one tutoring is my favourite form of teaching, so please let me know if there's anything I can do for you!

P.S. Although I currently have turned off auto-scheduling, if you have any requests for a class, please don't hesitate to reach out! I will try to accommodate every request. Thanks! :)




毎週または$53 8 クラス分
週に4回、 2 週間
55 分

年齢: 13-16
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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