

この 1 回限りのコースでは、学生は糸と色の組み合わせを使用して美しいミニタペストリーを作成する方法を学びます。


1 ライブミーティング
55 分 授業時間


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner レベル向け
Weaving is an ancient craft that has transcended time and cultures, creating beautiful textiles and fostering creativity. In our beginner weaving class, we invite enthusiasts from the ages of 9 to 13 to embark on a hands-on journey into the art of weaving using a simple yet effective tool—a cardboard loom. This class aims to demystify the weaving process and empower students to create their own woven masterpieces.

Introduction to Weaving:
The class begins with a warm welcome and an introduction to the history and significance of weaving. We talk briefly about the diverse cultures that have embraced this craft and the various techniques that have evolved over the centuries. From intricate tapestries to functional textiles, weaving has been a medium for both artistic expression and practical craftsmanship.

Materials and Tools:
Before diving into the hands-on experience, I will make sure everyone has the supplies they need.

Setting Up the Loom:
Students are guided through the process of setting up their cardboard looms. They learn how to secure the warp threads vertically, creating the foundation for their weaving. I will also explain the importance of maintaining an even tension to ensure a balanced and well-crafted final product.

Basic Weaving Techniques:
Once the looms are prepared, students are introduced to fundamental weaving techniques. The class covers the basic over-and-under motion, guiding students as they interlace the weft threads horizontally through the warp threads. As they gain confidence in their weaving abilities, I'll encourage creativity, allowing the students to experiment with different patterns and textures.

Color and Design Exploration:
Weaving is not just about technique; it's also a canvas for self-expression. The class delves into the use of color and design, teaching participants how to create visually appealing patterns and gradients. With the different yarn colors, the students are encouraged to let their imagination run wild and bring their unique artistic vision to life.

Troubleshooting and Tips:
As students weave their projects, I'll provide individualized guidance, addressing common challenges and offering tips to enhance the quality of their work. From fixing tension issues to troubleshooting pattern mistakes, the class ensures that every student feels supported on their weaving journey.

Completing the Masterpiece:
As the weaving nears completion, students learn how to finish and secure their projects. The class covers techniques for tying off loose ends and removing the woven piece from the loom. students are then guided through the process of mounting or framing their creations, transforming them into finished works of art ready to be showcased.

Celebrating Achievements:
I will designate the last few minutes of class for students to share their creations. During this time, I will highlight some of the unique creations and techniques used by each student.
Students will leave with a newfound appreciation for the art of weaving and the skills to continue exploring this timeless craft on their own.


A handout will be provided that will be a step-by-step guide that will help assist in your learning style. 
Other supplies needed: 
8 1/2 X10in piece of sturdy cardboard
At least 3 different colors of yarn (some colors can be found at The Dollar Store, otherwise any 
craft store is fine.) *Make sure the yarn is 4 medium in thickness.
参加しました June, 2020
I have been teaching a variety of art techniques for 10 years, and have been specifically obsessed with weaving for the past 3 years. It is an art form that I am very passionate about, and I love to share the skill with others. 




55 分

1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 5 人-8 人

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