

この 4 週間のオンライン コースでは、生徒は水彩画の基礎を学びます。基本的なテクニックを学んだ後、その知識を応用して、おいしくてカラフルな水彩画のスナックを描きます。美術の経験は必要ありません。


英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 3 - 6
Beginner レベル向け
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to Basic Watercolor Techniques
In this class, the students will learn all about simple and beginner friendly watercolor techniques. They'll have an opportunity to practice the techniques and receive feedback and any guidance they may need.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Watercolor Popsicle
In this lesson we will use some of the basic watercolor techniques from the first lesson to paint a fun and colorful popsicle! This lesson will also guide the students to paint a variety of colorful and joyful popsicles.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Watercolor Donut
In this lesson, the students will learn how to paint a watercolor donut, applying the techniques learned in previous lessons and reinforcing that knowledge.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Watercolor Macarons
In this lesson, the students will learn how to paint a stack of watercolor macarons, which is a delicious French pastry that comes in many colors.
  • Students will gain confidence in painting with watercolors and also encouragement to be creative and not jugemental towards their art.
  • They will learn the following basic watercolor techniques: wet on wet, wet on dry, lifting a highlight, adding a shadow.
  • Each watercolor snack shape will be broken down into simple shapes. Each student will be able to follow along and create their own version of the snack.
  • The students will learn how to paint a donut, a popsicle and a stack of macarons.
I'm a published author of the book Watercolor Snacks (https://www.amazon.com/Watercolor-Snacks-Inspiring-Sketching-Painting/dp/1681987155/).
I've been hosting workshops, virtually and in person, for the last 6 years, teaching students of all ages on how to tap into their inner artist and enjoy the power of self expression with watercolors.
I've also taught online courses and tutorials on Youtube, Skillshare and others.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: A Certificate of Completion will be provided to students who attend all of the lessons.
Students will need the following:
- watercolor paper, 140lbs in weight (recommended brand is Canson)
- a medium sized watercolor brush (size 6 or 8) 
- a set of watercolor paints 
- a jar with water
- a paper towel
- a pencil and eraser
参加しました May, 2024
修士号 Troy Universityから
Hi sweet friend! 
I'm Volta, and I love colors and snacks! And cats!

I've been a professional watercolor artist for over 6 years. My favorite part about my journey is sharing my love of watercolors with others. I published my first book,... 


毎週または¥35 4 クラス分
週に1回、 4 週間
35 分

年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 2 人-10 人

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