18 録画レッスン
6 週間
週1時間. I provide feedback on student work and offer support, but no letter grade.評価
I provide feedback on student work and offer support, but no letter grade.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
I love animals, have had many pets, and have traveled to 19 countries. My favorite thing while traveling is to get out into natural spaces and learn about animals and plants. I also planned on becoming a zookeeper before I knew that I wanted to be a Teacher, and have had some amazing experiences interning and working in three different zoos. These videos will walk students through drawing and painting skills as well as a plethora of information about the biomes that the animal lives in, as well as the animals behavioral and physical adaptations. Weekly lessons: I will plan three weekly projects and post a video lesson on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by 10 am MST. Students will have three video lessons to go with our animal theme, and these will be of me talking about animals as I draw sharing facts about their behaviors and adaptations. This is a flexible class, so students may work on projects when it works for their schedule. See the schedule for each topic. I will use watercolors, watercolor pencils, a micron pen, graphite pencils, and a blender stump for shading. Three video lessons a week. Each video lesson will be 15-40 minutes long each week, depending on the animal. Week 1: Giraffes, Foxes, & Lions - Pencil shading and drawing animals by shape. - Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of giraffes, lions, and foxes. Week 2: Owls, Sloth, Deer - Working on eye shape and ears. - Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of owls, sloths, and deer. Week 3: Iguanas, Geckos, and Bearded Dragons - Working on legs and limbs to make them realistic. - Adaptations of cold-blooded animals and specialty adaptations of iguanas, geckos, and bearded dragons. Week 4: Polar bears, Penguins, and Caribou - Working on fun, fins, and antlers. - Adapting in cold habitats and special adaptations of polar bears, penguins, and caribou. Week 5: Hammerhead sharks, Alligators, & Whale sharks - Working on fins and teeth! - Adaptations of water predators and sharks as well as specialty adaptations of sharks, alligators, and whale sharks. Week 6: Praying mantis, Butterflies, and Beetles - Working on insect legs and wings to make them realistic. - Adaptations of insects and special adaptations of the praying mantis, butterflies, and beetles. Students will have access to a class Padlet where they can see images of and like the work of others. All posts need to be approved by me, so only appropriate posts will go up. The Padlet works like a giant bulletin board where students can see their peer's work and get more ideas about what to try on their own. I will also use Google slides to show reference images to look at while drawing or painting in the videos. I am skilled at differentiating content for many ages and learning needs in a kind and supportive style.
This course is designed for students who like to learn about animals and drawing and painting.
Some skills that I will be teaching:
- Watercolor techniques, like wet on wet, wet on dry, dry on wet, and dry on dry.
- Shading and blending.
- Using shapes to help create certain body parts.
- Animal adaptations by biome
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠18 レッスン
6 週間以上レッスン 1:
- Pencil shading and drawing animals by shape.
- Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of giraffes.
レッスン 2:
- Pencil shading and drawing animals by shape.
- Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of foxes.
レッスン 3:
- Pencil shading and drawing animals by shape.
- Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of lions.
レッスン 4:
- Working on eye shape and ears.
- Adaptations of Predators and prey, as well as specialty adaptations of owls.
This class is designed to give ideas of how a student could modify a class to add their own creativity and showcase their own interest and direction.
Students will have access to a class Padlet where they can see images of and like the work of others. The Padlet works like a giant bulletin board where students can see their peer's work and post photos of what they draw or paint. When parents enroll in the class, they will get a QR code and a video on how to post on Padlet. Padlet is free to join.
I will also use Google slides to show reference images to look at in my videos.
My videos are posted on a YouTube video link to compress the size for uploading. The link takes the student directly to the video. Video lessons will be 25-40 minutes long each week.
Watercolor pencils Micron pen Pencils and a sharpener Graphite pencils A blender stump for shading. Mixed media or watercolor paper Any other drawing tools you enjoy already.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
毎週18 録画済みレッスン
6 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14