
サムおばさんと学ぶホームスクールのためのアメリカ史:パート2 ユーコンのゴールドラッシュから月面歩行まで

Aunt Sam Homeschooler Storyteller BA
Star Educator


10 ライブミーティング
8 時間 20 分 授業時間
週1時間. Simple weekly assignments and worksheets will be provided in the classroom. Opportunities to work on these worksheets and assignments will be given in class.
Discuss and share what is learned with family. Share Worksheets and Map Work Optional presentations will be given in class. Kahoot quiz


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 3 - 6
🌟NEW TO OUTSCHOOL? Use the code AUNTSAM2020 for $20 credit.  
               That means $20 off the class!

Let’s join Aunt Sam for a Look at US History through stories of Individuals. This class follows my History Class:  US Revolution to Civil War.   Who are these historical people and events? What are facts? What is fiction? In this multi-day class, we’ll take a look at the many contributions to history these individuals and events have made.  In this class, we will discuss the role that certain sources have played in the stories of these individuals and events. We will use documents/resources from multi-based perspectives to evaluate the stories.  My goal for this class is for students to gain an honest view of historical events and figures. This is an upper elementary course.  In class, we will map individuals' homes, their journeys, create a timeline and discuss how their lives have affected our lives for good and bad. (Students who are not comfortable sharing/participating are always welcome to simply participate at the level they are most comfortable).  Every lesson will include: 
•	Worksheets (which students can fill out during class)
•	Slide presentations
•	Discussion questions
•	Challenges (to enable the learner to apply what was learned from class, these Challenges may also be used in break-out 
        rooms, if time allows) 
My goal is to inspire curiosity, interest, and application of what we learn from the events and lives of these historical figures. 
In the last class:
•	Kahoot quiz
•	Presentations, where those interested students present a Historical figure of their choice (optional)

Class Schedule and basic topics covered:

Week One: Adventure! What is the Yukon Gold Rush?
•	Where is the Yukon? Why was the Yukon Gold Rush an Adventure?
•	How did the Yukon Gold Rush affect the Pacific Northwest?
•	Who was Sam McGee?
Week Two: All Aboard! 
•	What is the Transcontinental Railroad? Why is Work important?
•	Who worked on the Railroad? Who was John Henry?
•	Where is Promontory Point? 
Week Three: Who were the Wright Brothers? 
•	What did they invent? How did they show Perseverance? 
•	What challenges did they face? 
•	How do planes affect the World?
Week Four: Who was Helen Keller? 
•	What challenges did she face? How did have Vision?
•	How did she overcome her challenges? How did Alexander Graham Bell help?
•	How did she affect the World?
Week Five: What was the Christmas Truce?
•	Where and Why did it happen? How did they show Kindness, Trust and Faith?
•	What role did the United States play in WWI?
Week Six: What was the Dust Bowl? Hope & Tenacity
•	How did this happen? How did they have Tenacity?
•	Who is Woody Guthrie?
Week Seven: Who was Anne Frank? 
•	When and where did Anne live? How was she Optimistic?
•	What role did the United States play in WWII?
Week Eight: Who was Rosa Parks?
•	What are Civil Rights? How did Rosa demonstrate Courage?
•	How did her decisions affect Civil Rights movement in the United States?
Week Nine: Who was Neil Armstrong?
•	Where did he travel? How did Space Travel change the World?
•	Debates (will be explained in class)
Week Ten: Presentations, Diplomas and Kahoot quiz
Students will gain a basic understanding of: 
•	History and Geography
•	Timeline of Basic events from United States History
•	How the past has affected our lives
•	What can we learn from these lives and events and then better our own lives and community
Students will improve and practice listening, attention and focus skills
They will have opportunities to:
•	Retell some story facts and events
•	Discuss different events 
•	Answer basic comprehension questions 
•	Present ideas from the topics discussed


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
10 レッスン
10 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Week One: Adventure! What is the Yukon Gold Rush?
 Discuss Adventure and the events surrounding the Yukon Gold Rush

•	Where is the Yukon? Why was the Yukon Gold Rush an Adventure?
•	How did the Yukon Gold Rush affect the Pacific Northwest?
•	Who was Sam McGee? 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Work! All Aboard!
 Discuss WORK and the events surrounding US Railroad
•	What is the Transcontinental Railroad? Why is Work important?
•	Who worked on the Railroad? Who was John Henry?
•	Where is Promontory Point? 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Perseverance! The Wright Brothers
 Discuss PERSEVERANCE and the events surrounding the Wright Brothers' First Flight
•	What did they invent? How did they show Perseverance? 
•	What challenges did they face? 
•	How do planes affect the World? 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Vision! Helen Keller
 Discuss VISION and the life of Helen Keller
•	What challenges did she face? How did have Vision?
•	How did she overcome her challenges? How did Alexander Graham Bell help?
•	How did she affect the World? 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン


A Kahoot quiz will be used during the last class as a review. I encourage the students to either use a different device with Kahoot.it downloaded on it or I encourage the students to split their screens with Kahoot.it in the new window. The questions will be displayed in the classroom via screen sharing and then the students answer on the other device/window.
  • Kahoot
All resources referenced to are available from the Local Library or online, if pre-reading is desirable, BUT not necessary. Resources: These sites are used throughout the course to gain overviews and actual documents for individuals’ lives: •     The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History https://www.gilderlehrman.org/about/about •     National Endowment for the Humanities https://www.neh.gov/ •     Learning for Justice https://www.learningforjustice.org/ •     National Geographic https://www.nationalgeographic.org/society/education-resources/ •     Kids Discover https://online.kidsdiscover.com/home Used on the weeks that we cover these topics:     •     The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, Used as reference: •     American Battlefields Trust https://www.battlefields.org/ Used as reference Week 8: •     National Women's History Museum https://www.womenshistory.org/ The final class includes a KAHOOT quiz.
参加しました April, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 Brigham Young Universityから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
History is fascinating to me! I love researching how people lived and how their lives have affected our lives. I have traveled across the US and around the world, enabling me to interact with many people and cultures firsthand. I have learned about how they live and, in many cases, lived with them. I have studied and lived in different parts of the US, Israel, Egypt, England and Paraguay. I have a broad firsthand experience of different cultures and their effect on the world.
I have taught these historical topics to my own children in our homeschool and in a variety of formats including public school, homeschool co-ops and community classes.  
Specific Teacher expertise:
•	Homeschooled my 9 children for 25 years
•	Substitute Teaching in Central Valley School District for the past 5 years teaching mostly Elementary School with occasional Middle School experiences;
Subjects taught: 
•	History classes 
•	Math classes 
•	ELA classes 
•	Science classes 
•	Music classes  
•	Taught classes at Spokane Valley Learning Academy, a K-8 Partnership Program in Central Valley School District in Spokane for over 15 years 
Subjects taught:
•	History/Civics Classes (dealing with US History and Government) 
•	Spanish Classes (beginning level)
•	Science Classes (dealing with the weather) 
•	Theater Classes (Introduction and theatrical presentations)
 I have a bachelor's degree in Theater. I love adding role-plays, and a little "drama" to each lesson.  The projects/worksheets are fun, interesting, and informative! Welcome to the class!




毎週または¥160 10 クラス分
週に1回、 10 週間
50 分

6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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