
神話を解き明かす: ギリシャ神話の旅 | フルセメスター | 継続中 |

神々と怪物が衝突するギリシャ神話に飛び込みましょう! ゼウスの雷、アテナの知恵、アルテミスとハデスの壮大な物語を発見してください。古代ギリシャの伝説を解き明かし、神々のドラマと英雄的な探求の世界を探検しましょう!
Sydney Phelps


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 25 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 4
Beginner レベル向け
Hello, and thank you for considering my class! I am Teacher Sydney, and I hope to meet you soon!

Make sure to apply the coupon code PHELPSREADING5 for $5 off your first week! 

- Class style -
This is a story time/lecture style class. 
Each myth is told in a very dramatic way and is easy to engage and follow with. I will be drawing mostly from D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths, and occasionally from Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology to tell each myth in a full and clear way that is accessible to young learners! However, please make sure to review the "parental guidance" to make sure this class is right for your learner.

This is a learner-centered class. 
Students are free to ask questions throughout class and I will pause to point out key names, places (using maps), and vocabulary words that may be unfamiliar. We will stop and review the main points of each story as we go. I hope to make the sometimes complicated plot lines (with the hard-to-remember Greek names) understandable and fun! Students will learn a bit of Greek mythology, geography, vocabulary, and reading comprehension all-in-one engaging and eclectic class! 

This is an ongoing class!
Learners are welcome to join and leave (and re-join!) at any point. Prior classes are not needed to enjoy the current week's class! 

- Who is this class for? -
This class is great for those who:
- are completely new Greek mythology
- have heard some myths and want to get a better grasp of each god and hear some stories that are less widely known
- who have read something like Percy Jackson and want to hear what inspired the books! 

Class line-up:
>>>This week >>>> Creation, Uranus, Cronus, Zeus
Zeus defeating all his uncles, aunts, and cousins in an epic battle

Hera and her all consuming jealousy, this time directed at Io
Hephaestus thrown from Olympus, Aphrodite and Eros, Ares
Dionysus, Athena
Athena and Arachne, Athena’s claim to Athens, Poseidon's amazing powers, Nereus, the first merman

Leto sparks Hera's jealousy, Apollo conquers a giant dragon, Artemis' birth  
Artemis & the very unlucky Actaeon, and the two giants who came close to overthrowing Zeus (Otus and Ephialtes)
Orion, Hermes' birth, and Apollo's cows
The Underworld, Hades and Persephone 

Hermes and Hera, creation of man, Prometheus' sins, and creation of Pandora
The fall of man, flood and the aftermath, Winds 
Eos, The Sun, The Moon
Pan, Nymphs
The Centaurs, Asclepius, the Nine Muses 

Creation, Cronus, Zeus

I am so, so happy to hear thoughts, comments, feedback, and/or questions from you and help in any way that I can. Please don't hesitate to reach out! And I hope to see you in class soon. :)

Here is the flexible schedule version of this class in case the current class times don't work for you: 


Almost synonymous with "Greek mythology" are dark elements such as revenge, killing, suicide, death, imprisonment, eating one's offspring(!), love, and adultery. D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths is a highly recommended book (check it out on Amazon!) written specifically for children, so these elements are not over emphasized. However, they are not completely edited out, nor are they explicitly interpreted. I will not interpret these things in class so that you can share with your learner if you would like. :) **I can send you a sample story from the book if you are curious or concerned with how these themes are handled!**
参加しました June, 2020
学士号 Faulkner Universityから
**1) Classes Taught:**

I specialize in teaching courses that focus on introducing literature, critical thinking, and history to young learners. My repertoire includes classes on reading, mythology, literature, and logic, offering students a diverse array of subjects to explore and engage with.

**2) Professional Background:**

With a background in humanities (literature, history, and Great Books), I bring a multidisciplinary perspective to my teaching practice. I strongly believe in continuing my education post-graduation, so I have continued to push myself to explore philosophy, ancient mythologies, literary traditions, and cultural beliefs from around the world.

**3) Teaching Philosophy:**

At the heart of my teaching philosophy lies a deep belief in the transformative power of education. I see teaching not merely as a transmission of facts, but as a way to life. My goal is to create dynamic learning environments where students feel empowered to question, critique, and engage critically with course material, fostering intellectual curiosity and a lifelong love of learning. I employ questions, movement, visuals, songs, and physical at-home items to make lessons engaging and memorable!

I believe in the importance of cultivating critical thinking in the classroom, encouraging students to approach texts and topics with an open mind and a spirit of inquiry. Through thoughtful analysis, much dialogue, and collaborative inquiry, we can navigate the complexities of human experience and broaden our understanding of the world around us.

**4) Fun and Personal:**

When I'm not in the classroom, you can often find me spending time with my family. My husband, two sons, and I love to explore the great outdoors (we are located in the Sonoran desert!), cook, read, and talk together! I have a passion for community, and love taking trips to visit my parents and friends. 

Making learners feel heard and welcome is one of my top priorities! My classes are very learner-centered. I differentiate every lesson to make it as suitable as possible to your learner’s particular needs, learning styles, and interests. 


That's a glimpse into who I am as a teacher, scholar, and individual. I look forward to embarking on this educational journey with you and exploring the wonders of literature, culture, and history together!

***Please feel free to inquire about private tutoring, new class requests, or schedule requests!




25 分

134 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-10
クラス人数: 1 人-8 人

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