
物事の仕組みを理解する: 機械のガイド付き学習! (8~10 歳)

レベル、レーザー、風車、Wi-Fi など。これは、動きの仕組み、要素の利用、波の扱い、電気と自動化、デジタル領域など、機械の仕組みを学ぶために集まるガイド付きの勉強会です。
Teacher Tom Bickmore
Star Educator


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1


Join us anytime to begin your comprehensive & guided study on how most things work! 

As a group, we will study together using David Macaulay's book, "The Way Things Work Now," as our to the the topics we will learn, and we will gain a foundational understanding of how most important things work including:

The Mechanics of Movement- (Including Inclined Planes, Levers, Wheels & Axles, Gears & Belts, Cams & Cranks, Pulleys, Screws, Rotating Wheels, Springs, Friction & more!)

Harnessing the Elements- (Including Floating, Flying, Pressure Power, Exploiting Heat, Nuclear Power)

Working with Waves- (Light & Images, Photography, Printing, Sound & Music, Telecommunications & more!)

Electricity & Automation- (Electricity, Magnetism, Sensors & Detectors, & more!)

The Digital Domain- (Making Bits, Storing Bits, Processing Bits, Sending Bits, Using Bits)

This class will require learners to participate frequently in discussions on the topic of the week. Learners will also be encouraged to look for applications of their weekly topic in the world around them.

While this will be a guided study group, rather than a traditional class, the teacher will provide the learners with further examples to reiterate what they are learning in their studies.  No outside accounts will be needed. Those who will be the right fit for this class are independent learners with good attention spans, enthusiastic participation, and curious minds who want a meeting place to get all of their questions answered.

Schedule of classes:
Week of Oct 13: Making Bits - Finger Inputs
Week of Oct 20: Making Bits - Signal Inputs
Week of Oct 27: Making Bits - Digitizing & Game Controllers
Week of Nov 3: Storing Bits - Bits & Bytes - Computer Memory
Week of Nov 10: Storing Bits - Types of Storage
Week of Nov 17: Storing Bits - Tracking and ID
Week of Nov 24: Processing Bits - Logic Gates & Microchips
Week of Dec 1: Processing Bits - Motherboards & Software
Week of Dec 8: Sending Bits - Networks & Internet
Week of Dec 15: Sending Bits - World Wide Web & Satellite Navigation
Week of Dec 22: Using Bits - Direct & Signal Outputs
Week of Dec 29: Using Bits - Virtual Reality & Simulators
Week of Jan 5: Using Bits - Robots
Week of Jan 12: Using Bits - Computers & Supermarkets

Future Week Topics Include:
Week TBD: The Inclined Plane
Week TBD: Levers
Week TBD: The Wheel & Axle
Week TBD: Gears & Belts
Week TBD: Cams & Cranks
Week TBD: Pulleys
Week TBD: Screws
Week TBD: Rotating Wheels
Week TBD: Springs
Week TBD: Friction
Week TBD: Floating
Week TBD: Flying
Week TBD: Pressure Power
Week TBD: Exploiting Heat
Week TBD: Nuclear Power
Week TBD: Working With Waves
Week TBD: Light & Images
Week TBD: Light & Images
Week TBD: Photography
Week TBD: Printing
Week TBD: Sound & Music
Week TBD: Sound & Music
Week TBD: Telecommunications
Week TBD: More Telecommunications
Week TBD: Electricity
Week TBD: More Electricity
Week TBD: Magnetism
Week TBD: More Magnetism
Week TBD: Sensors & Detectors
Week TBD: More Sensors & Detectors

(Class topics will cycle & repeat around once per year)

If you love STEM & History classes, check out Teacher Tom's other ongoing and one-time classes such as:
-Current Events in Space Technology & Rocket Launches
-Minecraft Engineering with the Create Mod
-Kerbal Space Program (Spaceflight Simulator Challenges To Better Understand Rocket Science)
-Astroneer (Colonize Moons and Planets and Engineering Astronauts)
-Analog Astronauts & Missions
-Women in Space (Historic & Modern Contributions)
-Ham Radio 101
-The Science of Fireworks
-Historic Antarctic Expeditions & Leadership
...& more!


Learners who take this class will have a better understanding of how most important things work including: the mechanics of movement, harnessing the elements, working with waves, electricity & automation, & the digital domain.


Learners should have a copy of David Macaulay's book "The Way Things Work Now", in either hardcopy or digital. Learners are encouraged to have a second screen during class if they will be using a digital copy of the book so that they can reference the book & view their online class at the same time. Digital copies can be obtained instantly before class, while obtaining a hardcopy may take some time to arrive if ordered online. Make sure to plan in advance!

The book is available on:
Chapters / Indigo
& more...
We will be using David Macaulay's book, "The Way Things Work Now," as the guide to the order of the topics we will learn, though many other educational sources will be used in class along side this great book. Learners will want a copy of this book to participate in this class. Please have a copy of the book before attending your first class. (Available in hard copy, digital, etc)
参加しました November, 2020
Star Educator
Your teacher, Tom, grew up studying all versions of this book and it's most recent updates and credits it for providing him a foundational understanding of the way most things work in his youth which he was able to build on and encourages you to give your learner this same advantage.

Tom is a professional Rocket Science, STEM, & History Teacher, Finish Carpenter who has built real-life Escape Rooms & houses, & Licensed Ham Radio Operator in 2 countries,  who has a phenomenal understanding of the way things work and a special ability to help his students both understand and be excited about what they are learning. 

Tom has previously been featured as one of Outschool's EPIC (Empowering, Passion-Driven, Intentional, & Connected) teacher's for his "Passion-Driven" teaching. 

Outschool states that Passion-driven Educators: 
-Possess a deep understanding and interest in the topics they teach 
-Develop unique content 
-Ensure they offer multiple and global perspectives 
-Are honest when they do not know an answer 
-Use age-appropriate materials that connect topics to other areas of learner interest Incorporate games
-Ask what students are excited to learn

Come join a class and have your learner experience Tom's Passion-Driven teaching for themselves.





60 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-10
クラス人数: 4 人-8 人

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