
Trufluency キッズ スペイン語イマージョン、レベル 1.1、7 ~ 9 歳、週 3 回

会話、話すことへの自信の育成、生徒が使える日常的な語彙の使用に重点を置いたスペイン語イマージョン クラス (生徒数 6 人以下)。
TruFluency Kids! Spanish and English School


3 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 2 時間 15 分
The goal is to reach 1.2 level after approximately 50 hours of speaking practice. This can vary depending on the child's personality. We will tell you when he/she is ready for 1.2.


Level 1.1 - Complete beginners who want to move through the first 50 hours of Spanish using relevant, useful vocabulary. Focus on asking questions and coaching students to get comfortable giving complete answers, and not just one-word responses. Please take at least 4 classes for your child to get acclimated to Spanish and immersion. They might be unsure the first class, but after 4 classes feel very confident with the method.

Enroll at any time. We use a theme each week and present the vocabulary at the beginning of every class. 

This is for complete beginners with 1-50 hours of speaking practice. Level 1.1. Every new student should take 3 classes at this level to get an assessment. If you are higher, we will let you know. 

We use The Bellieu Method (our trademarked method and curriculum) with a goal of fluency. We ask questions throughout the below activities to create conversations in class:
Vocabulary and photos (95% in Spanish, but very clear directions
Short videos (but your child will not be watching videos like you think, we pause and interact throughout, creating conversations!)
And more

What will they learn or talk about?

In every TruFluency Kids Spanish Immersion class, we have 2-3 themes that we touch on (for example traveling, animals, hobbies, what you like to eat, etc). During the discussion of these themes, we will focus on being able to express ourselves in Spanish in regards to this theme. 

While the focus is always on listening/speaking, since that is how children learn language first (and most successfully), we also incorporate writing and quick spelling exercises in classes with children 7 and up.

Every lesson in our curriculum has a set of activities which follow the structure below. Stories, songs, videos, games and crafts are always part of our lessons:
-Activity 1. Personal questions. Students practice basic and daily personal questions according to their level (quantity and difficulty vary). We are going to repeat this set of questions throughout the whole course. 
-Activity 2: Let’s get ready. Students learn and practice the keywords, expressions, questions and answers we will find later in the next chapter of the story.
-Activity 3: Story time! Students read the main story with the teacher. The stories are written for each level respectively. The difficulty, number of words and topics change.
-Activity 4: What was the story about? Students answer questions about the story to review vocabulary and expressions.
-Activity 5: Now’s your turn. Students answer questions about themselves using the topics seen in the story’s content and the characters’ dialogues. 
-Activity 6: Students read the story one more time. Kids repeat the words and act the story out.
-Activity 7: Older students learn and practice an extra topic related to the main story.
-Activity 8: Students use the main and extra vocabulary learned from the story in real life situations in which these will be useful and practical.
-Activity 9: Students review what they learned in today’s class.
-Activity 10: Intermediate students (levels 2.2 to 3.1) discuss and talk about a certain topic with open questions related to the content of the lesson.



2-week Summer Camp ☀️:  Mi vecino misterioso 🔎 (My mysterious neighbor) – July 21 to Aug 3

If your child takes 3 classes/week, these are the lessons they will have per week:

Week 1 (July 21 - July 27): Lessons 1-2 + extra activities
-Opposite words to describe people and objects: in-out, tall-short, near-far, up-down, noisy-quiet.

-Questions: Where is he/she? What is he/she like? + complete answers using the opposite words listed before.

-Different everyday objects and places we will work with during the first half of the course.
The first chapter of the story introduces Julio, a young man, and the mysterious neighbor (we won’t say who he is). Julio looks at the mysterious neighbor’s house and tells us what he is doing. But Julio doesn’t know who he is and what he is trying to do. Is it a spy? A thief?

-Expression “How mysterious!” in different situations.

-Students will answer the questions Where is Julio? Where is his neighbor? + opposite words and extra places and objects. Example: Where is Julio? Julio is near the garden.

Week 2 (July 28 - Aug 3): Lessons 3-4 + extra activities

-More opposite words to describe people and objects: clean-dirty, full-empty, young-old, in-front, of-behind, funny-boring.

-Questions: Where is he/she? What is he/she like? How is it? + complete answers using the opposite words listed before.
Different everyday objects and places we will work with during the second half of the course.

-The second chapter of the story continues with Julio and the mysterious neighbor in new scenes and situations. Julio tries to find out who his neighbor is. Will he find the truth? What is the mysterious neighbor going to do?

-Expression “I guess” to show we aren’t sure about something.

-Students will answer the questions Where is Julio? Where is his neighbor? How is the room/the garden/the kitchen? + new opposite words and extra places and objects. Example: What is the mysterious neighbor like? He is young, I guess.


2-week Summer Camp ☀️: Vi un dinosaurio 🦖 (I saw a dinosaur) – Aug 4 to Aug 17

Week 1 (Aug 4 - Aug 10): Lessons 1-2 + extra activities

-Questions and positive and negative answers.

-Action verbs in present tense: go, see, eat, play, drink, etc.

-Vocabulary related to amusement parks: roller coaster, ferris wheel, food stalls, cotton candy, soft drinks, etc.

-The first chapter of the story introduces twins Leo and Antonio. Leo is a creative boy with a wild imagination. Antonio is creative and smart, too, but he always sees things the way they are. Together they will visit an amusement park where they will show us what they do. But what is Leo looking at? He says he sees dinosaurs!

-Questions: Where are you going? What do you see? What are you eating? Where are you playing? + I am going… I see… I am eating… I am playing at… + places and food we find at amusement parks.

-Students will learn vocabulary about means of transportation, specifically the subway. Students will learn how to describe subway lines using colors and say where to go following different routes. Activity includes common places in cities and towns.

Week 2 (Aug 11 - Aug 17): Lessons 3-4 + extra activities

-Questions and positive and negative answers.

-Action verbs in present tense: go, see, eat, play, drink, etc.

-Vocabulary related to amusement parks: roller coaster, ferris wheel, food stalls, cotton candy, soft drinks, etc.

-The first chapter of the story introduces twins Leo and Antonio. Leo is a creative boy with a wild imagination. Antonio is creative and smart, too, but he always sees things the way they are. Together they will visit an amusement park where they will show us what they do. But what is Leo looking at? He says he sees dinosaurs!

-Questions: Where are you going? What do you see? What are you eating? Where are you playing? + I am going… I see… I am eating… I am playing at… + places and food we find at amusement parks.

-Students will learn vocabulary about means of transportation, specifically the subway. Students will learn how to describe subway lines using colors and say where to go following different routes. Activity includes common places in cities and towns.
To move through 50 hours of Spanish speaking practice, and move on to level 1.2.


参加しました August, 2020
Bachelor's in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language or similar certificate/background/experience. Monthly trainings and vetted teachers. 




毎週 ( ¥100クラスごとに )
45 分

113 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-9
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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