
フィレンツェとトスカーナへの旅: 世界で最もクールな都市への旅

Stacey Jay B.A., TESOL, TEFL
このバーチャル ツアーでは、イタリアのフィレンツェとトスカーナを旅します。有名なルネッサンスの芸術家を発見したり、ウフィツィ美術館を訪れたり、ドゥオーモ広場を巡ったり、フェラーリで市内観光をしたり、トリュフ狩りに行ったり、ピザ作りを学んだり、その他にもさまざまな体験をします。


米国の学年 3 - 6
By the end of this class, your Learner will be a mini expert on Florence and the Tuscany region and will surely be dreaming of visiting Italy in the future. 
My classes are inclusive and allow Learners to ask questions, cultivate discussions, and share experiences with each other to learn together and of course, have fun!!  My teaching style is energetic, interactive, engaging, and always supportive. 
I look forward to seeing your Learner in Camp soon!

** I hold a Degree in Communication & Culture. While obtaining my Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Culture, I studied and researched communities and their use of culture as an expression to communicate with others. I am TESOL and TEFL certified (Teaching English as a Second Language). I am a world traveler who has been privileged to have lived and traveled in many different countries across the world. I am very excited to share my knowledge with your Learner through this course!
Sources used to create this class include, but not limited to, my own first-hand personal travel experiences and photos and videos from my travels. As well as research from my Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Culture. Other sources include Loney Planet & Fodor's Travel Guides, youtube videos (credited in class). Multiple travel bloggers/vloggers (credited in class), World maps, Wikipedia, and research from multiple travel documentaries.
Thank you for visiting my profile! I am a Canadian living part-time in Canada and Costa Rica. I have been an Online Educator for children and youth for 8 years. Prior to becoming an Educator and Business Owner, I spent 15 years working in the Arts... 


55 分

19 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-13
クラス人数: 1 人-10 人

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