10 ライブミーティング
12 時間 30 分 授業時間プロジェクト
週1時間. 含まれる文章の成績
英語レベル - B1
米国の学年 8 - 11
Why is Shakespeare still so important 401 years after his death? What other artist has so thoroughly invaded every corner of pop culture? Shakespeare has been translated into at least 100 languages. According to britishcouncil.org, Romeo and Juliet was performed in 24 countries between 2006 and 2016. There have been countless adaptations and interpretations in the form of movies, ballets, puppet shows, TV shows, cartoons, and of course, theatrical performances. In this 10 week course, among other topics, we will explore these questions: Why has Shakespeare been translated into over 100 languages? Why does this play continue to be performed and adapted around the world? How did Shakespeare contribute to the English language? What the heck is iambic pentameter anyway? What does a play about love, lies, obsession, revenge, friendship, family loyalty, bad decisions, and the high cost of "us vs. them" have to teach us in the 21st century? What can we learn about making better choices from Romeo and Juliet? Were they really in love, or was it just infatuation? Did Taylor Swift ever even read the play before she wrote the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xg3vE8Ie_E (I will argue that she may have started but probably didn't finish.) And why doesn't any production ever use the REAL ENDING Shakespeare wrote? Class time will be spent in reading and discussing the entire play, as well as supplementary work. Homework will include watching clips online and writing responses (not summaries) to the work done in class. The final project will be chosen by each individual student (in consultation with teacher) and might include writing, performance, artwork, parody, music, etc. No background in Shakespeare is required. photo credit: A_Peach Embrace the rain via http://photopin.com
While this is not an acting class, students will be encouraged to convey character as they become more comfortable with the language.
Students will gain confidence in reading aloud.
10 レッスン
10 週間以上レッスン 1:
Intro to Romeo and Juliet
Discuss: Spoilers, puns, and a little bit about Shakespeare's world. We will also learn a few tricks for sorting out the language.
Read: Act 1, Scene 1 Henceforward, this shall be noted as:
Read: 1.1 Today we will meet Romeo, his cousin and best friend Benvolio, as well as Romeo's parents, the Montagues, plus a bunch of brawlers looking for trouble.
Watch: Time permitting, watch 1.1 from these directors: Romeo & Juliet by Franco Zeffirelli and Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann.
75 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Lesson 2
Discuss: Marriage traditions among the gentility in Renaissance England. Monologue vs Soliloquy vs Aside.
Read: Act 1.2-1.3 Meet Juliet, her parents, their servants, and the very nice young man who would like to marry Juliet.
Watch: Time permitting, watch scenes.
75 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Lesson 3
Discuss: What is a Masque? So many things! It's an event, it's a show, it's a thing you can put on your face to go to a fancy party--especially if you don't want to be recognized.
Read: 1.4-1.5 Benvolio and Romeo hear about a party at their enemy's house and of course they're going to go. And of course they're going to take Mercutio, everybody's favorite friend for about 15 minutes until he starts a fight.
Watch: Time permitting, watch scenes.
75 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Lesson 4
Discuss: What is Original Pronunciation, and what are the three ways we might identify how words were pronounced in Shakespeare's day?
Read: 2.1-2.3 The first famous balcony scene; we meet the friar.
Watch: The Crystals explain Original Pronunciation.
Listen: Juliet's monologue in original pronunciation
Watch: Time permitting, watch scenes.
75 分のオンラインライブレッスン
Mature themes, including suicide and manslaughter.
No prior knowledge of Shakespeare is needed.
We will be using the Folger Shakespeare Library text. There are many formats available for free download, but please be sure to select a version, like the PDF, that has line numbers. Download here: http://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/download/index.html?filter=Romeo%20and%20Juliet If you would like a solid book with great footnotes, you can buy the Folger paperback edition here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/romeo-and-juliet-shakespeare-william/1117229411 https://www.target.com/p/romeo-and-juliet-folger-shakespeare-library-by-william-shakespeare-paperback/-/A-13551455 Students should also have a notebook dedicated to this class. Done well, this notebook can be a resource for future Shakespeare courses.
ネブラスカ 教員免許 英語/国語で
修士号 University of Nebraskaから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
I've been teaching this play to young learners since 2003. Though we will be having a lot of fun, this class will include some serious discussions about issues about violence and suicide, as well as decision-making and responsibility.
毎週週に1回、 10 週間
75 分
36 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 2 人-9 人