

この 8 週間のコースでは、学生は直接の指導といくつかの楽しいアクティビティを通じて、古代メソポタミアと古代エジプトについてすべて学びます。
Alexandria M McKinstry


8 ライブミーティング
7 時間 20 分 授業時間


Did you know that Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were both places where civilization began? The people living there created early systems of money, writing systems leadership and governing roles, and even social classes! Each week we will dive into learning about how Mesopotamians and Egyptians lived, learned and built successful empires.

This course is open to learners ages 10-13. If you are a homeschooler and need grades recorded for this course, please contact me privately to make those arrangements.

All readings and activities will be provided by Mrs. Alex through Google Classroom.

If you are not able to find a section that fits your schedule, this course is also offered in the Flex format. https://outschool.com/classes/wonders-of-mesopotamia-and-ancient-egypt-flex-2P7oLZPw?usid=j1T8alFK&signup=true&utm_campaign=share_activity_link 

Week 1 - Introductions to each other and class
     Along with introductions, I will make sure all learners have access to the Google Classroom. We will go over where to find materials for the class, and how the class will be structured.  
     Suggested Reading: The Fertile Crescent provided by CommonLit.org as a PDF file.

Week 2 - Mesopotamia 
     This week we will discuss and complete interactive notes on the topics of Mesopotamia, ways of life, and the major civilizations that were established there. 
     Students will also complete a map activity, with Mrs. Alex's help and guidance.
     Suggested Reading: The Code of Hammurabi provided by CommonLit.org as a PDF file.

Week 3 - Hammurabi's Code
     After a fun warm-up learners will look at and analyze different scenarios and using Hammurabi's Code, decide which law each scenario falls under.
     Students will also use a Cuneiform key to write their name and create a message of their own.
     Suggested Reading: The Rise of Sumerian City-States provided by Teachers' Curriculum Institute as a PDF file. (Before leaving class students will be assigned the introduction as well as one of the six other sections of this reading. These sections are: Mesopotamia: A Difficult Environment, Food Shortages in the Hills, Uncontrolled Water Supply in the River Valley, Difficulties in Building Maintaining a Complex Irrigation System, Attacks by Neighboring Communities, and From Small Farming Villages to Large City-States.)

Week 4 - Conquerors of Mesopotamia
     The group will discuss and complete interactive notes on the different conquering nations of Mesopotamia, including the Hittites and the Sumerians.
     Students will then share what they read about in their Rise of Sumerian City-States readings, while taking notes on the readings that other students completed.
     Suggested Reading: Developing Civilization in Ancient Egypt written by USHistory.org and provided by CommonLit.org as a PDF file. 
     Homework: Students will create a brochure about Mesopotamia, highlighting its geography and culture. (A guide will be given to help guide students through the creation of their brochure)

Week 5 - Ancient Egypt
     This week the class will switch over to discussing and completing interactive notes on Ancient Egypt! This week's notes have some 3D images, so get the full effect, 3D glasses are suggested, but not required.
     The class will then work on completing a map of Ancient Egypt and the Nile together.
     After everyone has completed the map, if there's time, students will work on the Analyzing the Nile activity to reinforce their learning.
     Suggested Reading: Egyptian Social Structure written by USHistory.org and provided by CommonLit.org as a PDF file.

Week 6 - Egyptian Deities & Culture
     To begin the class will work on a short opening activity to get students ready to dive in to Egypt's deities and more of their culture.
     After the warm up, students will work together in one of three groups to read short excerpts about and gather information on several of Ancient Egypt's deities (each group will be responsible for gathering information for 2 or 3 deities). Once they have gathered their information, students will share with the entire class what they have found, so everyone can fill their "Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses" chart. 
     The class will then begin working on the Ancient Egypt Activity together. If this activity is not completed during the class time it will be completed during the next time the class meets.
     Suggested Reading: Ancient Egyptian Dynasties by USHistory.org and provided by CommonLit.org as a PDF file.

Week 7 - The Decline of Ancient Egypt
     Using the information from the Ancient Egyptian Dynasties reading, the class will discuss the topic together, while also completing a fun interactive notebook page on the Pharaohs and the decline of Egypt. 
     Next, to assess their learning, students will complete a drag-and-drop timeline on Ancient Egypt. 
     Homework: Review Sheets - Mesopotamia, Egypt & River Valley

Week 8 - Review & Assessment
     In our very last class we will all review together using Kahoot! We will also go over each of the review sheets.
     After our review session is complete, students will use the rest of the class time to complete their Ancient Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt assessment.


While learning about Mesopotamian and Egyptian culture and traditions students will come to understand why the first civilizations were located along rivers, as well as the factors that contributed to a stable and lasting civilization.


Please note that Google Classroom will only be accessed during this live class and at no other time (eg., for a flex class.).
All materials will be provided to learners in our class's Google Classroom. The join code for the Google Classroom will be posted in the Outschool classroom before our live classes start.
  • Google Classroom
  • Kahoot
We will be using curriculum readings provided by USHistory.org, CommonLit.org, as well as Teachers' Curriculum Institute, activities, and assignments that will be posted in the Google Classroom for this course.
参加しました January, 2021
I am certified to teach Social Studies for grades 6-12 in the state of Michigan, and I am also considered highly qualified in the state. I have been teaching middle school Social Studies for five years.




8 クラス分

週に1回、 8 週間
55 分
2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-13
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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