

Star Educator


As a child I wanted to be a veterinarian! My parents bought me every dog book and encyclopedia they could find! I became VERY well versed in all things dog! I read daily. I read the same books over and over for fun! I was obsessed! As a teenager my first job was in a pet shop where I took care of all of the various dogs and used my breed knowledge! I stayed there until I was an adult! As an adult, I have had many pets! You name it, I've had it! Although I never became a veterinarian, I still carry a lot of that information and knowledge! I still have my dog books from when I was little. My children all have their own dog encyclopedias as they gained a love for dogs as well. Our idea of fun is to watch dog shows and Cesar Milan, lol! We are very well versed!

I love poetry, art,  music and different expressions of the human cultural experience!!! In my spare time I paint a lot! A lot can be learned through the music and artistic expression of people around the world.

Teaching is my passion, and for the past 22 years, I have been lucky to do what I love. I teach 3 classes totaling about 90 teenagers daily. I run a Multi-Cultural Homeschooling Group of over 200 families where I teach children ages 8-12 a variety of subjects. I am also a full-time homeschooling mom to my amazing 11-year-old daughter.
I have a passion to share what I know! In my classes I provide extraordinary experiences through unique use of humor and video during lessons making learning fun in our relaxed classroom setting.

I am always excited to learn new things! The best investment you can make is the one you make in yourself! I work consistently to improve my skills, and continuing professional training is absolutely an integral part.  Through the year I take advanced instructor training courses to stay abreast of the current teaching methods and techniques available to prepare for fantastic individual learning opportunities. I pride myself on this.
Though this class will be light hearted in nature, mention of animal extinction may be necessary for kids to understand the diversity of the dogs in the regions. I will absolutely keep it light and to a minimum.

Fast paced. High energy! Notes will have to be taken! Some of my class sizes are larger, it keeps the energy going and gives ease to shy students. Please make sure you are ok with the class size BEFORE registering! (FYI, I have ALWAYS taught larger classes and am very skilled at teaching and controlling large groups of 20- 30 students daily for the last 23 years, so this is a breeze, they are in good hands!)

Additional Info:

Discounted enrollments are not eligible for pausing or unenrolling. If you pause more than once for any reason, you can continue the class of course, but will have to go back to full price. If you Unenroll, you will have to go back to full price. **No transfers.

Please don't miss a payment. Outschool runs payments once a week (usually on Sundays) If you miss a payment you must go back to full price. With so many students and parents, it creates a ton of work creating new links every week for those who missed payments. I can no longer do it. 

Please also note that pausing does not hold a seat in Outschool's system. 

New discounts are not for existing students. New discounts are for students new to the class ONLY. (**No transfers).

One discounted seat per family, other seats must be at regular price (unless you ask me ahead of time, those I will honor)

f you have a DISCOUNTED ENROLLMENT, but your learner has missed 3 classes or more, I have to give the spot to another learner that is waitlisted to come. Spots are scarce, the class is full, and there are others who want to participate.

Student learners can use the same screen, but must be enrolled separately in the class and have their own learner profile with Outschool.

Please be mindful that I do strictly follow the refund policy outlined by Outschool as it pertains to the class. If you are beyond the window for a refund, reach out to me and, as a courtesy, I will try to see if I can assist in another way. However, there is no guarantee that another arrangement can be reached. 

Most of you know me well by now and see my heart. I am very nice. But we also have to be mindful that we are not taking advantage of one another :)
参加しました August, 2023
Star Educator
Hello, and welcome! My students (and friends) call me Ms. Erica! I am an ACE Educator on Outschool!

My classes are as unique as I am! I have big red hair, and a bigger personality that comes through in my instruction. My teaching style is quick,... 




35 分

年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 2 人-18 人

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