
読書の喜び - 小説の勉強(7~10歳)

Mrs. Durant, BA-Elem. Ed, Star Educator
Rising Star


2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1 時間 30 分
週1時間. Students will read and journal outside of class.


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 2 - 4
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
This class is born from my love of reading and teaching. Throughout my 20 years of teaching, my read-alouds and novel studies have never become old. I look forward to it every day and am excited to bring this passion to my Outschool platform.
The most important skill a child can learn is to love reading.

In this ongoing book club we'll read popular novels that I've successfully taught in my classroom for several years. We will go beyond the surface to deeply explore the stories and characters. Through engaging discussions, we will practice reading and comprehension strategies while studying characters, settings, the five elements of plot, foreshadowing, flashbacks, and more. I will pose thought-provoking questions designed to help students understand and enjoy the stories fully. This club is perfect for those eager to dive deep into literature and enhance their reading skills. I also connect reading to writing so as we discuss writing styles and techniques I will reference how they can include those in their own writing. 
Students will be required to have a copy of the book and do some reading between classes.

In my reading book clubs we will do most of the reading during class. I like to read along with the students so I can ask very specific questions and help them notice details that they might not on their own. They will need to read some on their own but not much, therefore it will take us a little longer to get through a book. They can read ahead some if they would like, but not to much because we don't want them to accidently give out spoilers in class. Each book will take us 4-8 weeks to read, students can come and go but they might need to catch up with the reading outside of class. We will have a lot of discussion in class, students can share ideas and read aloud if they would like but I would never make them. 

Students will play a roll in the book we read next. We will start with the novel Because of Winn Dixie, then as a class we will pick our next read from the list below. The books have different reading levels, some more challenging and some not. Students can learn and enjoy all the novels. As I discover other books I will add them to the list. 

In each class I will explain the "target skill" we will be focusing on during class. After reading we will apply what we learned to the text. It is a very relaxed and enjoyable class. No pressure, just enjoying reading and learning skills to help. THIS CLASS WILL COVER MOST OF THE LITERATURE READING STANDARDS FOR 2ND-4TH GRADE.  

We will journal as we read also. At the end of each class, I will ask a question or give a discussion topic based off of the days reading. They will respond in their journal then share if they would like to. 

**This is a safe place to ask question, discuss the book, discuss topics the books bring up and get to know each other. The goal if for the students to have fun and learn to enjoy a good book!

Class Time Breakdown (Approx.)
5-10 minutes - Review icebreaker
10 minutes - Target Skill
20 minutes - Read and discuss
5 minutes - Journal writing

Week of August 26 - Because of Winn Dixie- Author, genre 
Week of Sept. 2 - Setting/tone/mood
Week of Sept. 9 - Activating prior knowledge
Week  of Sept. 16- Character traits
Week  of Sept. 23 - Different types of characters
Week  of Sept. 30-  Imagery/description/visualizing
Week of Oct. 7 - Point of View
Week of Oct. 14- Writing techniques (repetition, foreshadowing, flashbacks, etc)
Week  of Oct. 21 - Questioning/rereading/monitoring comprehension
Week of Oct. 28 - Types of conflict
Week of Nov. 4  - 5 Elements of Plot
Week of Nov. 11 - Reflecting

Tues. and Wed. Class
Week of Sept 9 - Because of Winn Dixie- Author, genre 
Week of Sept. 16 - Setting/tone/mood
Week of Sept. 23- Activating prior knowledge
Week  of Sept. 30- Character traits
Week  of Oct. 7 - Different types of characters
Week  of Oct. 14-  Imagery/description/visualizing
Week of Oct. 21- Point of View
Week of Oct. 28- Writing techniques (repetition, foreshadowing, flashbacks, etc)
Week  of Nov. 4 - Questioning/rereading/monitoring comprehension
Week of Nov. 11 - Types of conflict
Week of Nov. 18 - 5 Elements of Plot

*Book List*
We will start with Because of Winn Dixie.
The Tale of Despereaux 
The BFG 
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Boxcar Children series 
Stuart Little 
The Magic Tree House Series
The Ramona series 
Sarah, Plain and Tall 
Pay it Forward
Charlottes Web
Bridge to Terabithia
Treasure Island
The Book Thief
Black Beauty
The Secret Garden
Little House on the Prairie series
The True Confessions of Charlette Doyle

*Sibling discount available
1. Enhance reading comprehension through in-depth discussions and analysis.
2. Develop critical thinking skills by examining characters, settings, and plot elements.
3. Expand vocabulary and improve language skills through exposure to diverse texts.
4. Identify and understand literary devices such as foreshadowing and flashbacks.
5. Practice and refine reading strategies to improve overall reading fluency and enjoyment.


With over 20 years of experience in accommodating unique learning styles, I've crafted an inclusive environment where every learner can thrive.
Our book club will read a variety of engaging and impactful books. These books are chosen for their rich narratives and valuable life lessons. While each book is age-appropriate, they do contain themes that may prompt meaningful discussions about friendship, adversity, resilience, and empathy. We encourage parents to be aware of these themes and to join in the conversations at home to support their child's reading journey and comprehension. If you have any concerns about specific content, please feel free to reach out to discuss further.
Students will need a copy of the book we are reading and a notebook of any kind to journal in. The first book required will be Because of Winn Dixie.
参加しました June, 2023
Rising Star
ネバダ州 教員免許 初等教育で
With two decades of dedicated experience, I am a highly qualified K-12 teacher passionate about fostering academic growth and a love for learning. My extensive career demonstrates a deep understanding of diverse teaching methods, curriculum development, and classroom management. I tailor my instructional approaches to meet the unique needs of students across all grade levels, consistently creating engaging and inclusive learning environments that promote student success and a positive educational community.




毎週 ( $15クラスごとに )
45 分

5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-10
クラス人数: 2 人-8 人

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