

Spencer Bishins
米国憲法修正第 1 条 (言論の自由、報道の自由、宗教の自由、政府が支援する宗教からの自由、平和的な集会、政府への請願) について学びます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 8 - 11
  • Learn about the rights contained in the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Understand what each right means, where there are limitations, and what activities are protected by the First Amendment.
I have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in economics/government/politics. I also have a law degree and I am a licensed attorney. I have additionally been working as a licensed attorney for 14 years.
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Nothing
We will not discuss current politics or political opinions in this class. While we will discuss the concept of religion generally, we will not discuss or even mention any one specific religion or set of religious beliefs, instead referring to these generally as “religious beliefs” (for the Free Exercise clause) or “an established religion” (for the Establishment clause). We will discuss the right to protest the government and to demand that the government change things, although no specific current events or politics will be discussed. Instead, the following hypothetical issue will be used: I will ask the learners what they would do if they felt their city or town needed a new athletics field. What could they do in order to make their voices heard? We will use this example as we discuss free speech, free press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government with this specific demand.

My own beliefs and opinions will not be discussed at all in this class. We will focus on the language of the First Amendment, and how it has been interpreted over time by the United States Supreme Court. Any questions from learners that raise political issues or discussions will be gently redirected to the hypothetical situation regarding a new athletics field that is mentioned above. Any questions from learners regarding the subject matter can be asked orally, or can be asked in the chat, but I will answer questions orally for the benefit of the entire class.
We will refer to the US Constitution and to US federal law in an age-appropriate manner. We will specifically discuss the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
参加しました November, 2022
博士号 Florida State University College of Lawから
修士号 London School of Economics and Political Scienceから 科学 へ
学士号 Florida State Universityから 科学 へ
I'm an attorney and author, passionate about teaching young people the ins-and-outs of law, civics, government, and critical thinking. I have been a licensed attorney for 14 years, and I worked in a public service setting for most of my legal... 




45 分

6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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