
多元宇宙の運命のダイス - 無限に広がる世界を創造する

DND ダイス + 即興 & 演技ゲーム = 10 の異なる世界の壮大なサーガ! 1 週間にわたって、皆さんが夢見た世界の中で、シーンやキャラクターを即興で演じ、そのすべてを、どんでん返しとドラマに満ちた 1 つの巨大な冒険物語につなげていきます...
Gordon Woolvett, ACTRA / UBCP / WGC


5 ライブミーティング
4 時間 35 分 授業時間


Happy September! I'm feeling excited to start another school year which means you get a limited time offer to try one free class; but this month only! Just use code WOOLVBKTOSCHOOL25 when you enrol in any of my classes (except 1-Day) during September.

Create 10 worlds, roll the "World Dice" and see where we end up!   

We will create imaginative settings with improvisation world-building exercises and then explore  those worlds on a 5 day adventure, acting and roleplay. 

We'll create characters and plots, improvise whole scenes within those worlds and have a heck of a lot of fun doing it. Improv is a great way to spark your imagination and go anywhere you want go and be anyone you want to be... While actually learning communication, teamwork and performance skills through a fun and crazy confidence-building saga.

Wherever we end up we will cover collaboration, acceptance, association, listening, respecting your fellow performers as well as acting, characterization, mime, being physical, playing with emotions, focus, concentration and, of course, confidence. The number one thing I hear from parents is how much my acting classes help with confidence.

I have one main rule in all my improv classes: There are no bad ideas! Your learner will quickly discover confidence and enthusiasm in their own ideas and suggestions and they will come away feeling inspired.

I teach in very fast and fun way, getting the learners active and immediately. We learn by doing. For example, if a skill requires 5 steps: I do not explain all the steps in advance. Instead we start with step one and then we all jump in immediately and try it. I am also a soccer coach and I structure my classes like my practices so they feel more active and keep your learner busy. 

Generally every class:

1) Starts with a quick warm-up group game
2) Then we roll the world dice to see where we'll end up
3) Another group improv game to create the world
4) Then we start creating characters and scenes and explore fun and silly stories made up on the spot!

The week acting camp schedule:

Warmup, basics of improv, review genres 
Introduction game (The Empty Room)
Create our ten worlds a special world building game (scene settings)
Roll the World Dice and begin exploring our first world!

Improv warmups
Intro game (The Aquarium) 
Before beginning, do they want to replace any worlds on the list?
Roll the World Dice and explore our next 3 worlds. 
Story building begins through justification and association.

Improv warmups
Intro game (Inspiration from Photos) 
Before beginning, do they want to change any worlds on the list?
Roll the World Dice and explore our next 3 worlds.
The story grows as they must justify where the dice takes them.

Improv warmups
Intro game (The Specialized Where) 
Before beginning, do they want to change any remaing worlds on the list?
Roll the World Dice and explore our next 3 new worlds, revisiting as many as it takes to get there!
The story builds to an antagonist or conflict they must solve.

Day #5: 
Improv warmups
Intro game (Three Things - Locations & Objects) 
Before beginning, do they want to change any  of the ast 3 worlds on the list?
Roll the World Dice and explore our last 3 worlds with a lot of world-hopping to finally get there!
The conflict is resolved! Yay!

Some examples of worlds and genres they might explore:

Outer Space
Alien planets
Musical Comedy worlds
Magical settings
Animal Inspired (ie. Between the Hairs of a Cat; or World of the Porcupine People etc.)
Cartoon crossovers
Microscopic worlds
Twisted Dimensions
Reverse Gravity World
Super Goats
Alien creatures
The Unicorn Turtle dimension
The Upside Down
Elon Musk Clone World
In a Giant teacup
On the surface of a Covid Molecule 

You need absolutely no experience whatsoever for this fun  acting camp. Just imagination and curiosity.


参加しました April, 2020
I have been a professional actor in film and television for many years. I've travelled to exotic shoot locations, won awards, was a lead on five different television series. But none of that is what makes me a good drama teacher.  What do I think makes a good drama teacher? Marvel. I never cease to marvel how much the techniques I learned in theatre school as a kid still help me to this day. I never cease to marvel when a child "gets it" and comes up with a new idea and is overcome with joy and pride simultaneously. This is the "magic" you hear actors and filmmakers talk about all the time. And I am ever humbled by it.  As our children spend more time in front of the computer, I strive to give them a chance to experience that magic and spark their imagination.




毎週または$98 5 クラス分
週に1回、 5 週間
55 分

18 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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