4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 40 分 授業時間この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
The U.S. Civil War was one of the most brutal wars fought on American soil, pitting fathers against sons and brothers against brothers. The Union and Confederate states both wanted to change the very fabric of the country. This class will explore the conflict beginning with the circumstances that led up to it and the aftermath of reconstruction. Classes will involve lectures, active discussion using the Socratic method in order to foster critical thinking. I will use slides and games, as well as providing hypothetical scenarios in order to foster and encourage discussion. Class topics will be as follows: Week 1: The US Constitution and slavery The 3/5 compromise The Land Ordinance of 1785 The North West Ordinance of 1787 Abolitionism John Brown The Underground Railroad Bleeding Kansas The Election of 1860 Secession Week 2: Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad Bleeding Kansas The Dredd Scott decision Lincoln vs Davis Election of Abraham Lincoln Week 3: The Confederates States of America Advantages of the North Advantages of the South Antietam Gettysburg and Vicksburg Emancipation Proclimation Week 4: The 20th Maine at Little Round Top Pickett's Charge Final battles The Confederate surrender at Appomattox The death of a president Reconstruction Long term effects of the Civil War
This class will deal with issues such as slavery, discrimination, and injustice. Students will be expected and required to respect different views and experiences. To this end, we will look at history from varying perspectives, with a focus on objective and provable facts. The class will focus on multiple perspectives. Since this is primarily a history class there will be references to historical documents and articles from a variety of sources to include, but not limited to, reference materials from services such as Westlaw and Lexis/Nexis and the National Archives.
2 学位
法学博士 SUNY at Buffalo School of Lawから 政治学と政府 へ
学士号 SUNY at Albanyから 政治学と政府 へ
As required by Outschool I have significant expertise in conflict resolution and mediation. I have received mediation training as part of my legal degree and receive continuing education training in both mediation and conflict resolution to retain my legal licensure. I have participated in several mediations and alternative dispute resolution proceedings. I have provided training in conflict resolution and de-escalation at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. In 2020 I co-taught a class on mediation at the Univerity of Maryland, School of Social Work.
4 クラス分週に1回、 4 週間
55 分
44 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 3 人-5 人